A panorama of self-deposit practices in European and North American archives

« This paper analyses self-deposit operations in European and North American archives. By examining the obstacles to the introduction of self-deposit services stricto sensu (with minimum involvement of the data stewards), which are still rare, this research looks closely at how data stewards support the curation and documentation effort that must be handled, at least partially, by the depositors themselves. Our analysis shows that self-deposit practices are a trend that is particularly marked in emerging archives. (…) »

source > zenodo.org, Colin, P., Danciu, A., & Garcia, G. (2024, juin 20). A panorama of self-deposit practices in European and North American archives. IASSIST & CARTO 2024, Halifax, Noca Scotia, Canada. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12188862
