LIBER and SciStarter Webinar – Citizen Science at your Academic Library: Ideas and Inspirations

« The LIBER Citizen Science Working Group and SciStarter are organising a three-part joint webinar series that will introduce attendees to Citizen Science, provide tips and best practices for getting started and sustaining activities on campus (and virtually), and showcase resources that can be integrated into Citizen Science efforts. The second webinar of the series will take place (online) on the 27th April, at 17.00PM (CET)
Academic libraries can bring Citizen Science to the campus and to local communities, either through developing new skills to support Citizen Science projects, promoting Citizen Science projects’ publications, training researchers and students on Citizen Science issues or bridging the gaps between researchers, students, and community members. Citizen Science Month is the perfect opportunity to put the spotlight on Citizen Science activities developed by academic libraries. (…) »

source >, 2023
