Automating Research Data Management Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans

« Many research funders mandate researchers to create and maintain data management plans (DMPs) for research projects that describe how research data is managed to ensure its reusability. A DMP, being a static textual document, is difficult to act upon and can quickly become obsolete and impractical to maintain. A new generation of machine-actionable DMPs (maDMPs) was therefore proposed by the Research Data Alliance to enable automated integration of information and updates. maDMPs open up a variety of use cases enabling interoperability of research systems and automation of data management tasks. (…) »

source > , Tomasz Miksa, Simon Oblasser, and Andreas Rauber. 2021. Automating Research Data Management Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans. ACM Trans. Manage. Inf. Syst. 13, 2, Article 18 (June 2022), 22 pages. DOI:
