Horizon Europe Programme Guide (.pdf)

« This Programme Guide contains detailed guidance on the structure, budget and political priorities of Horizon Europe. It also includes details on how to prepare proposals.
The purpose of this document is to help users understand the programme and its calls and  prepare  their proposals, by  avoiding  technical  vocabulary,  legal  references  and jargon,  and  seeking  to  help  readers  find  answers  to  any  practical questions they  may have about particular parts of the proposal.
The  guide  will  be  periodically  updated  with  new  guidance  and  explanations,  based  on practical experience and on-going developments. (…)
Open science in Horizon Europe
Open science is an approach based on open cooperative work and systematic sharing of knowledge and tools as early and widely as possible in the process. It has the potential to  increase  the  quality  and  efficiency  of  research  and  accelerate  the  advancement of knowledge  and  innovation  by  sharing  results,  making  them  more  reusable  and improving  their  reproducibility.  It  entails  the  involvement  of  all  relevant  knowledge actors.
Horizon Europe moves beyond open access to open science for which it features a comprehensive policy implemented from the proposal stage to project reporting. The Horizon  Europe  Regulation  sets  the  legal  basis  for  the  open  science  obligations  and incentives that apply to Horizon Europe beneficiaries. The Annotated Grant Agreement provides guidance on how  to comply with the open  science obligations required in the Model Grant Agreement. The   present   guide   complements   the   information provided  in the  Annotated Model Grant  Agreement,  with  a  particular  focus on the preparation of proposals.
In Horizon Europe, open science practices are considered in the evaluation of proposals, under ‘excellence’ and under the ‘quality and efficiency of implementation’. (…) »

source > ec.europa.eu , Version 1.0, 17 June 2021
