Danish Roadmap for Research Infrastructure 2020

« The Danish Roadmap for Research Infrastructure presents 16 concrete proposals for new national research infrastructures and contains strategic objectives for the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s work with research infrastructure.
This Danish roadmap for research infra-structure is the third Danish roadmap for research infrastructure. It replaces the preceding roadmap from 2015, which previously replaced the roadmap from 2011.The preparation of national roadmaps for research infrastructure has over time become a well-established practice in Denmark. This practice takes place in the majority of other European countries as well as under the auspices of the joint European cooperation forum, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures(ESFRI), of which Denmark is also a member.
Among other things, the roadmap can be viewed as an instrument for the strategic prioritization of financing decisions for the research infrastructure area and as a basis for international collaboration on research infrastructures. (…) »

source > ufm.dk, The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science, 4 février 2021, 978-87-93708-07-5
