ODDPub – a Text-Mining Algorithm to Detect Data Sharing in Biomedical Publications

« Open research data are increasingly recognized as a quality indicator and an important resource to increase transparency, robustness and collaboration in science. However, no standardized way of reporting Open Data in publications exists, making it difficult to find shared datasets and assess the prevalence of Open Data in an automated fashion.
We developed ODDPub (Open Data Detection in Publications), a text-mining algorithm that screens biomedical publications and detects cases of Open Data. Using English-language original research publications from a single biomedical research institution (n = 8689) and randomly selected from PubMed (n = 1500) we iteratively developed a set of derived keyword categories. ODDPub can detect data sharing through field-specific repositories, general-purpose repositories or the supplement. Additionally, it can detect shared analysis code (Open Code). (…) »

source > datascience.codata.org, Riedel, N., Kip, M. and Bobrov, E., 2020. ODDPub – a Text-Mining Algorithm to Detect Data Sharing in Biomedical Publications. Data Science Journal, 19(1), p.42. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2020-042
