National Lists of Scholarly Publication Channels: An Overview and Recommendations for Their Construction and Maintenance

« This paper provides an overview of scholarly publication channel lists and contributes with a set of recommendations for the construction and maintenance of national lists of scholarly journals and publishers in order to safeguard a balanced representation. (…)
This study is structured as follows: first, we present an overview of various publication channel lists on the international, national, and local level. Next, we discuss the ongoing debate on journal evaluation at the national level, using experiences from the Nordic countries as an example. We conclude with a set of recommendations and suggestions for the construction, maintenance, and future development of national lists of scholarly journals and publishers. (…) »

source >, Pölönen, J., Guns, R., Kulczycki, E., Sivertsen, G., & Engels, T. E. (2020). National Lists of Scholarly Publication Channels: An Overview and Recommendations for Their Construction and Maintenance, Journal of Data and Information Science (published online ahead of print 2020), 000010247820210004. doi:
