Characterization and classification of semantic image-text relations

« The beneficial, complementary nature of visual and textual information to convey information is widely known, for example, in entertainment, news, advertisements, science, or education. While the complex interplay of image and text to form semantic meaning has been thoroughly studied in linguistics and communication sciences for several decades, computer vision and multimedia research remained on the surface of the problem more or less. An exception is previous work that introduced the two metrics Cross-Modal Mutual Information and Semantic Correlation in order to model complex image-text relations. In this paper, we motivate the necessity of an additional metric called Status in order to cover complex image-text relations more completely. (…) »

source >, Otto, C., Springstein, M., Anand, A. et al., Int J Multimed Info Retr 9, 31–45 (2020)., janvier 2020
