ARK is in the Air: ARKs Trending in the French-speaking Area and the BnF’s Role in the ARK Story

« In recent years we have seen a growing adoption of Archival Resource Key (ARK) identiiers in France and in French-speaking countries, a growing reliance on National Library of France (BnF) ARKs for data dissemination, and a growing demand for data permanence from the BnF community-the French libraries. e BnF has acknowledged these changes through renewed eeorts in education , communication, and development of good practices. is progress report describes the recent upsurge of interest in ARKs, the main diiculties posed by identiier management for the BnF and its community, and nally the « ARK Summit 2018″, a major event in the construction of a francophone community of interest around ARK identifiers. (…) »

source >, Bertrand Caron, Sébastien Peyrard, Jordan de La Houssaye, Stéphane Reecht, Thomas Ledoux, etal.., PRES - 15th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Sep 2018, Boston, MA, UnitedStates. ￿10.17605/OSF.IO/R6ZJY￿. ￿hal-02143045￿
