Mining Open Government Data Used in Scientific Research

« In the following paper, we describe results from mining citations, mentions, and links to open government data (OGD) in peer-reviewed literature. We inductively develop a method for categorizing how OGD are used by different research communities, and provide descriptive statistics about the publication years, publication outlets, and OGD sources. Our results demonstrate that, 1. The use of OGD in research is steadily increasing from 2009 to 2016; 2. Researchers use OGD from 96 different open government data portals, with and being the most frequent sources; and, 3.Contrary to previous findings, we provide evidence suggesting that OGD from developing nations, notably India and Kenya, are being frequently used to fuel scientific discoveries. (…) »

source >, An Yan, Nicholas Weber, [v2] Fri, 2 Mar 2018, arXiv:1802.03074v2
