Software Heritage: Getting up to speed, clear sky ahead

« One year has passed after we posted our first activity report, and it is now a good time to look at what was accomplished in 2017, and give some perspective on the future.

Our mission and our principles

Here at Software Heritage, we are taking over the mission of collecting, preserving, and sharing the source code of all the software available.

We do this for multiple reasons. To preserve the scientific and technological knowledge embedded in software source code, that is a precious part of our heritage. To allow better software development and reuse for society and industry, by building the largest and open software knowledge database, enabling the development of a broad range of value added applications. To foster better science, by assembling the largest curated archive for software research, and building the infrastructure for preserving and sharing research software. (…) »

source >, Roberto Di Cosmo, 8 janvier 2018
