ASAPbio July 2017 Meeting: The Evolving Preprint Ecosystem

« This meeting was held at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Cambridge, MA on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 from 10:30am – 5:30pm EDT. It was live-streamed.

The preprint ecosystem is growing rapidly. The CZI/bioRxiv partnership will fuel the expansion of the leading preprint server in the life sciences. Many other servers and platforms exist or are planned, with varying degrees of disciplinary overlap (arXiv, PeerJ Preprints,, OSF Preprints, ChemRxiv, SSRN, SciELO, PsyArxiv, EngArXiv, SocArXiv, Authorea, F1000Research, etc). Funding agencies are enacting policies supporting preprints, such as those developed by the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council, while agencies like the NIH have gone a step further and developed guidelines for selecting a preprint server. (…) »

source >, juillet 2017
