Enseignement supérieur et recherche, Lire/Regarder/Ecouter, Ressources scientifiques et techniques
« Become part of the research process” – observations from RLUK2017
« When is a librarian not a librarian? Rather than a bad joke, this was one of the underlying interesting discussions arising from the 2017 RLUK conference held earlier in March. The conference Twitter hashtag was #rluk17 and the videos are now available.
The answer, it appears is when we start talking about partnerships with, rather than support of, our research community.
As always with my write-ups of conferences, these are simply the parts that have resonated with me, and the impression I walked away with. This write up will be very different from anyone else’s from the conference, such as this blog from Lesley Pitman, and the RLUK conference report.
I have also written a sister blog describing the workshop I co-presented on the topic of Text and Data Mining. (…) »
source > unlockingresearch.blog.lib.cam.ac.uk, Danny Kingsley, 30 mars 2017