Diffusion des savoirs scientifiques, Enseignement supérieur et recherche, Ressources scientifiques et techniques
arXiv@25: Key Findings of the User Survey
« As part of its 25th anniversary vision-setting process, the arXiv team at Cornell University Library conducted a user survey in April 2016 to seek input from the global user community about the current services and future directions. We were heartened to receive 36,000 responses, representing arXiv’s diverse community (See Appendix A). The prevailing message is that users are happy with the service as it currently stands. 95% of survey respondents said that they are very satisfied or satisfied with arXiv. Furthermore, 72% of respondents indicated that arXiv should focus on its main purpose, which is to quickly make available scientific papers, and this will be enough to sustain the value of arXiv in the future. (…) »
source > confluence.cornell.edu/display, Oya Yildirim Rieger, 14 juin 2016