Q&A with CCC – Infotrieve, Visibility, and the 2015 Roadmap (.pdf)

« … If you go back a few years ago, our customers started asking for more services. At CCC, we give people the right to share content, but where do they get the content? A couple of years ago, customers started saying to us, “Listen, you give me the rights and that’s great, but you don’t give me the content. I just want to go to one place.” You don’t want to go to three different websites to get three different things, and then have to pull it all together yourself. We bought a company a couple years ago called Pubget which allowed us to put rights at the point of content, and content at the point of rights. When users are looking for content, they can also get the rights to share with colleagues in the same workflow, or however they want to use it. That was our first foray beyond securing rights into delivering content. Now our acquisition of Infotrieve just makes us stronger in that area. Pulling it all together, we’re doing just what our customers wanted us to do: giving them the discovery, the content delivery, and the rights all in one place (…) »

source > copyright, Robin Neidorf, janvier 2015
