European Commission Thinks Again on Copyright White Paper

« …The pause in the publication of the White Paper is good news for LIBER and LERU because it is an indication that our views on the need for an EU-wide Exception are being heeded by decision makers in the Commission. It seems likely that the issue of the White Paper will now be the responsibility of the new Commission. LIBER and LERU will be continuing their joint lobbying activities with the Commission, MEPs in the new European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. All three EU parties would have to agree before any new copyright laws or exceptions could be brought into force.

For LIBER, this work will be co-ordinated by the LIBER Copyright Working Group, a Working Group of the Advocacy & Communications Steering Committee. The coming months will be a crucial time for LIBER and LERU to work with EU parties to secure an outcome which balances the rights of rightsholders with the needs of European researchers and users of content. »

source >, Paul Ayris, 23 juillet 2014
