Mot-clé : open-science
Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures: 2019 update
« The 2019 Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures serves as a strategic planning instrument towards the advancement of research in multiple…15.10.2019
Join OpenAIRE for a series of webinars (and more) during Open Access Week 2019!
« The 2019 International Open Access Week will be held October 21-27, 2019. This year’s theme, “Open for Whom? Equity in…14.10.2019
Knowledge Exchange: Open Scholarship and the need for collective action
« The Knowledge Exchange book ‘Open Scholarship and the Need for Collective Action’ aims to build a common understanding of the…14.10.2019
Echoes des publications scientifiques en SHS sur les réseaux sociaux. Le cas des contenus d’Open Édition sur Twitter
« Les réseaux sociaux en se diffusant sur l’intégralité de la société sont également entrés dans le monde de la recherche.10.10.2019
Roadblocks to Better Open Access Models
« The Scholarly Kitchen will be making an appearance at this year’s Frankfurt Bookfair. On Wednesday, October…08.10.2019
Achieving Open Science in the European Open Science Cloud: Setting out OpenAIRE’s vision and contribution to EOSC
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is Europe’s undertaking to address the rising field of datadriven research in a more…08.10.2019
COAR and cOAlition S Supporting Repositories to Adhere to Plan S
« COAR and cOAlition S share a common aim to accelerate the transition to full and immediate…07.10.2019
Lettre de la science ouverte | numéro 7
« Editorial #JNSO2019 « De la stratégie à l’action » Lundi 18 et mardi 19 novembre prochain, se tiendra à…07.10.2019
Déclaration électorale commune du CAUL-AOASG
(…) Dans leur déclaration, CAUL et l’AOASG appellent à une stratégie nationale de science ouverte, affirmant que la dynamique internationale…02.10.2019
Open Access in Finland: How an Open Repository becomes a Full Service Open Publishing Platform
« Universities across Europe are tackling the same open science challenges with constantly diminishing resources. The need for improved open publishing…zbw-mediatalk.eu, Tiina Tolonen, Minna Marjamaa, 1er octobre 2019
Discover how European funders are approaching Open policy and practices in new report
« A report that reveals the Open Access and Open Science policies, incentives and practices of European funders is being released…26.09.2019
Sarven Capadisli. « Linked Research on the Decentralised Web » [thesis]
« This thesis is about research communication in the context of the Web. I analyse literature which reveals how researchers are…25.09.2019
Center for Open Science and Internet Archive Announce Collaboration to Preserve Open Data
« The Center for Open Science is pleased to announce a collaboration with Internet Archive (IA) to…25.09.2019
Plan S version 2: the right approach to full open access?
« Back in May 2019, cOAlition S released revised guidance on Plan S…23.09.2019
Lessons from a tool of FAIR literacy based on key assessment criteria [poster]
« The RDA-SHARC (SHAring Reward & Credit) interest group is an interdisciplinary group endorsed by Research Data Alliance. It intends to…18.09.2019
OPERAS’s Answers to the Expert Group for Open Science of the European Commission
« The OSPP (Open Science Policy Platform) asked their stakeholders some questions on the future of Scholarly Publishing and Scholarly Communication.17.09.2019
EUA: 2019 Research Assessment in the Transition to Open Science [diaporama]
« The European University Association (EUA) is committed to raising awareness and supporting universities in the improvement of research assessment practices…16.09.2019
Lessons from a tool of FAIR literacy based on key assessment criteria
« The RDA-SHARC (SHAring Reward & Credit) interest group is an interdisciplinary group endorsed by Research Data Alliance. It intends to…16.09.2019
Report and Toolkit to Support Learned Society Publishers Transition to Immediate Open Access
« cOAlition S aims to work with publishers, societies, consortia, and other stakeholders to accelerate the transition to Open Access. One…13.09.2019
Webinar Video: Innovating The Ways Metrics Are Applied, Responsible Metrics & Measuring Openness
« How can we measure the state of openness of research? Why are responsible research indicators important? What role do institutional…06.09.2019
Pubfair: A Framework for Sustainable, Distributed, OpenScience Publishing Services
« (…) Pubfair is a conceptual model for a modular open source publishing framework which builds upon a distributed network of…06.09.2019
DANS at Research Data Science Summer School 2019
« (…) The Summer School is intended for researchers at the start of their career. Because Data Stewardship is high on…05.09.2019
Lettre de la science ouverte | numéro 6
« Editorial Mise en œuvre du Fonds national pour la science ouverte Le comité de pilotage pour la science ouverte a…02.09.2019
Serio Ludere : et si vous jouiez avec vos doctorants ?
« En mai dernier, un petit groupe de chercheurs et doctorants du Crenau s’initiait aux bonnes pratiques…02.09.2019
An Analysis of Open Science Policies in Europe v4
« This document presents an updated review of Open Data and Open Science policies in Europe as of July 2019. It…30.08.2019
World Health Organization and TDR Join cOAlition S to Support Free and Immediate Access to Health Research
« Today the World Health Organization (WHO) announces it is the first of the United Nations agencies to join the growing…30.08.2019
cOAlition S Appoints Johan Rooryck as Open Access Champion
« cOAlition S is pleased to announce that Johan Rooryck, Professor of French Linguistics at Leiden University, has been appointed as…28.08.2019
Financing open-access publication after 2024
« Several publishers are concerned about the timeline for implementing Plan S, the European initiative that will make all research papers…26.08.2019
Co-building Open Science: Portrait of the University Library as a Publisher
« Located in Lyon, France, the Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University is home to 30 000 students in law, management and…23.08.2019
Fitting the mould – What the European Commission’s second tender for an Open Research Publishing Platform tells us about the future of scholarly communication
« The European Commission recently announced a second tender for its Open Research Publishing Platform, a venture designed to meet the…21.08.2019
LIBER Webinar – Innovating The Ways Metrics Are Applied, Responsible Metrics & Measuring Openness – Tuesday, September 10, 2019
« How can we measure the state of openness of research? Why are responsible research indicators important? What role do institutional…20.08.2019
ORCID In The Open Science Scenario: Opportunities For Academic Libraries
« The persistent identification of authors and contributors plays a decisive role within the Open Science landscape. The increasing number of…19.08.2019
Introducing the Open Publishing Awards
« We are very proud to announce that we will be hosting the inaugural Open Publishing Awards:…16.08.2019
Open Science, Open Doctrine, How to Share Knowledge?
« The evolution of Open Science in France is almost completely the result of constant friction with the business models that…13.08.2019
« LIBSENSE is building communities of practice and strengthening local and national services to support open science and research in Africa.spaces.wacren.net, Omo Oaiya, dernière modification le août 07, 2019
Journée open science – 18 Octobre 2019, Forum Rolex – EPFL
« A l’occasion du 50e anniversaire de l’EPFL, j’ai voulu donner à la science ouverte et reproductible la place importante qui…12.08.2019
What’s Next for OpenCon: Putting Equity at the Core
« Today, we’re announcing a shift in how SPARC supports OpenCon to reflect the OpenCon community’s evolution. Instead of hosting a…05.08.2019
2nd Open Science FAIR Conference, Porto, 16-18 September 2019
(…) OSFair2019 is organized as an emblematic initiative of OpenAIRE, co-organized by 3 other EU projects in the area of…30.07.2019
Open Science in Switzerland: Opportunities and Challenges
« Ce Factsheet contient des recommandations sur la mise en oeuvre de l’Open Access et de l’Open Data afin de promouvoir…30.07.2019
Implementing a data policy: a how-to guide for publishers
« OASPA is pleased to publish this guest post on the subject of open data and data sharing, co-authored by Fiona…24.07.2019
Repositories at Bibliodiversity Stakes: Community Approaches
« Green Road is deeply anchored in the scholarly communication system. Based on the analysis of a panel of 6 repositories,…18.07.2019
Open Research Europe — The European Commission Open Research Publishing Platform [Call for tender]
« The present call for tender concerns the setting up of a publishing platform for scientific articles as a service for…18.07.2019
Funded Partnership Brings Dryad and Zenodo Closer
« Dryad is a leader in data curation and data publishing. For the last ten years, Dryad…16.07.2019
The Definition of Reuse
« The ability to reuse research data is now considered a key benefit for the wider research community. Researchers of all…10.07.2019
Plan S in Latin America: A precautionary note
« Latin America has historically led a firm and rising Open Access movement and represents the worldwide region with larger adoption…05.07.2019
Lettre de la science ouverte | numéro 5
« Editorial Le comité pour la science ouverte (CoSO) assure la mise en œuvre d’une politique de soutien à l’ouverture…26.06.2019
Matilda: Building a bibliographic/metric tool for open citations and open science
« Although bibliometrics and library science are older, bibliometric tools were really born about 50 years ago and were only made…25.06.2019
Transpose – a new database of almost 3000 journal policies for peer review and preprints
« Publishers’ policies on pre-prints, citation, licensing and versioning can be at best hard to find and at times confusing. This…25.06.2019
L’édition scientifique : vers un accès ouvert ?
« La maison d’édition Springer Nature vient de réaliser une étude auprès de plus de 2 500 auteurs de livres scientifiques…20.06.2019
ROSI (Reference Implementation for Open Scientometric Indicators) [diaporama]
« Presentation about ROSI (Reference Implementation for Open Scientometric Indicators) project at Workshop on Open Scientometric Data Infrastructures, Centre for Science…18.06.2019
Sharing and re-using open data: A case study of motivations in astrophysics
« This study sought to provide in-depth insight about the complex interaction of factors influencing motivations for sharing and re-using open…17.06.2019
Strengthening bibliodiversity: The current situation in France at national and institutional levels
« Almost one year after the announcement of the French National Plan for Open Science, the intervention aims at presenting a…17.06.2019
Supports de la journée thématique sur les autorités des données – Ado2019 – 8 avril 2019 – Toulouse
« Cette journée d’échanges était axée sur les autorités des données afin d’appréhender : leurs rôles pour organiser l’éco-système des ressources…11.06.2019
cOAlition S appoints Jisc expert to accelerate open access
« Neil Jacobs, head of open science and research lifecycle at Jisc, has been appointed as interim programme manager for the…07.06.2019
Science Ouverte : et les prépublications dans tout ça ?
« Depuis 2018, l’association internationale Knowledge Exchange étudie l’écosystème passionnant de la science ouverte (appelée Open Scholarship…06.06.2019
Lettre de la science ouverte | numéro 4
« Editorial Critères d’exemplarité Le Plan national pour la science ouverte pose le principe de la création d’un Fonds…06.06.2019
How will the emerging generation of scholars transform scholarly communication?
« Presenting evidence from the Harbingers Study, a three-year longitudinal study of Early Career Researchers (ECRs), David Nicholas assesses the extent…03.06.2019
Three camps, one destination: the intersections of research data management, FAIR and Open
« Open data, FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) and research data management (RDM) are three overlapping but distinct concepts, each…03.06.2019
cOAlition S Releases Revised Implementation Guidance on Plan S Following Public Feedback Exercise
« Today cOAlition S releases revised guidance on Plan S implementation which has been approved by all…03.06.2019
The Economic Impacts of Open Science: A Rapid Evidence Assessment
« (…) This study systematically reviewed the evidence on what kinds of economic impacts (positive and negative) open science can have,…preprints.org, Fell, M.J., 2019, 2019050302 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201905.0302.v1)
Help shape the new copyright law in your country; the ship has already set sail: don’t be left behind
« As reported in March 2019, a new copyright directive for the digital single market has been…21.05.2019