Mot-clé : evaluation-de-la-recherche
The EUA Open Science Agenda 2025
« The EUA Open Science Agenda 2025 defines the Association’s priorities in this field and describes the current context, challenges and…01.02.2022
Appel de Paris sur l’évaluation de la recherche | Paris Call on Research Assessment
« (…) Dans les conclusions de sa réunion du 1er décembre 2020 sur le « nouvel espace européen de la recherche…24.01.2022
Signature de Dora par le Consortium Érudit
« Le Consortium Érudit est fier de se joindre aux 2 300 organisations et 18 000 individus ayant signé la Déclaration…20.01.2022
Process towards an agreement on reforming research assessment
« The Commission has called for organisations to express their interest in being part of a coalition on reforming research assessment.23.12.2021
NOR-CAM – A toolbox for recognition and rewards in academic careers
« A working group appointed by Universities Norway (UHR) was mandated to recommend guiding principles for the assessment and evaluation of…21.12.2021
Le Hcéres signe Dora, la Déclaration de San Francisco sur l’évaluation de la recherche
« Le Hcéres a déjà exprimé son soutien aux analyses de Dora et du Manifeste de Leiden publié en 2015. Bien…08.12.2021
Multilingualism is integral to accessibility and should be part of European research assessment reform
« A new report published this week, resulting from the European Commission consultation with international and national stakeholders, paves the way…30.11.2021
Towards a reform of the research assessment system
« Reforming research assessment is increasingly considered a priority to ensure the quality, performance and impact of research. Reform, however, requires…23.11.2021
Recognition & Rewards in the Netherlands [podcast]
« In this episode, Kim Huijpen from the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) tells about the programme following the…05.11.2021
CNRS Info : L’évaluation des scientifiques en question
« Le 15 novembre, le CNRS organise une journée d‘échanges interne consacrée aux pratiques d’évaluation de la recherche dans le contexte…05.11.2021
Comment la science ouverte peut faire évoluer les méthodes d’évaluation de la recherche
« Des pandémies au changement climatique, en passant par l’automatisation et le big data, les défis du siècle sont immenses et impliquent,…14.10.2021
JSO 2021 | Troisième édition de la Journée science ouverte du CNRS
« La Direction des données ouvertes de la recherche (DDOR) du CNRS organise la troisième…26.07.2021
Comment sauver l’ouverture de la science ? l’évaluation
« Il s’agit d’un document préparatoire pour le groupe de travail science ouverte de l’Académie des Sciences en vue de recommandations…23.07.2021
As part of global shift, Utrecht University is changing how it evaluates its researchers
« Many scientists are transitioning to a new way of working, known as open science, which will require new ways of…23.07.2021
Responsible research assessment faces the acid test
« The University of Liverpool is planning to make lay-offs on the basis of controversial measures. How should the global movement…23.07.2021
ALLEA and the Global Young Academy (GYA) Event Report on Research Assessment Published
« ALLEA and the Global Yong Academy (GYA) have published a report covering the key takeaways of…20.07.2021
scite: a smart citation index that displays the context of citations and classifies their intent using deep learning
« Citation indices are tools used by the academic community for research and research evaluation which aggregate scientific literature output and…19.07.2021
ERC plans for 2022 announced
« The European Research Council’s work programme adopted today includes over EUR 2.4 billion to fund grants for some 1,100 excellent…13.07.2021
DORA receives $1.2M grant from Arcadia to accelerate research assessment reform
« Research assessment reform is part of the open research movement in academia that asks the question: Who and what is…02.07.2021
Le partage des données vu par les chercheurs : une approche par la valeur
« Le propos de cet article porte sur la compréhension des logiques qui interviennent dans la définition de la valeur des…01.07.2021
SPACE to evolve academic assessment: A rubric for analyzing institutional conditions and progress indicators
« A rubric and supporting information for analyzing institutional conditions and progress indicators for academic assessment reform. (…) »28.06.2021
Impact factor abandoned by Dutch university in hiring and promotion decisions
« A Dutch university says it is formally abandoning the impact factor — a standard measure of scientific success — in…23.06.2021
Évolution de l’évaluation : le Hcéres engage une concertation inédite avec les parties prenantes
« Dans le cadre de sa campagne d’évaluation 2022-2023 (vague C), le Hcéres transforme sa méthodologie. Le 15 juin, l’institution a…08.06.2021
ERAC ‘Triangle Task Force’ Guideline Paper on ‘Research evaluation in a context of Open Science and gender equality’ (.pdf)
« This report provides stakeholders involved in research evaluation reforms with a set of guidelines that aim at fostering both Open…03.06.2021
Science ouverte et évaluation de la recherche : Adhésion de l’Université de Lorraine à la Déclaration de San Francisco (DORA)
« L’Université de Lorraine a adhéré à la Déclaration de San Francisco (DORA). Initiative mondiale couvrant toutes les disciplines universitaires, l’UL…27.05.2021
Responsible Research Assessment – Global Research Council (GRC) Conference Report 2021 (.pdf)
« A conference on Responsible Research Assessment was held with the support of the Global Research Council from 23 to 27…27.05.2021
Letter: A call for a radical change in research evaluation in Spain
« This letter is a call to the Spanish scientific authorities to abandon current research evaluation policies, which are based on…11.05.2021
Openness Profile : une proposition de modèle pour évaluer et valoriser la production des chercheurs liée à la science ouverte
« Le blog Ouvrir la science a publié la traduction d’une synthèse très intéressante du rapport de…30.04.2021
Making FAIReR assessments possible. Final report of EOSC Co-Creation projects: “European overview of career merit systems’’ and “Vision for research data in research careers”
« This report is a deliverable of EOSC Co-Creation projects (i) “European overview of career merit systems » and (ii) “Vision for…27.04.2021
Novelty, Disruption, and the Evolution of Scientific Impact
« Since the 1950s, citation impact has been the dominant metric by which science is quantitatively evaluated. But research contributions play…27.04.2021
Évaluation et science ouverte : un rapport de Knowledge Exchange fait une proposition
« Basé sur une étude de 18 mois comprenant des entretiens, des ateliers et des groupes de discussion (80 participants, 48…31.03.2021
Openness Profile: Modelling research evaluation for open scholarship (.pdf)
The Openness Profile (OP) will be a digital resource in which a research contributor’s outputs and activities that support openness…17.02.2021
Research evaluation in context 1: Introducing research evaluation in the Netherlands
(…) As a member of the working group for the monitoring and further development of the…23.12.2020
2020 in review: DORA’s list of new developments in research assessment
« At the end of each year, the DORA steering committee and advisory board reflect on progress to improve research and…17.12.2020
Advancing responsible research assessment
« Elsevier signs Declaration on Research Assessment; implementation steps will include making reference lists of all articles openly available via Crossref.16.12.2020
Reimagining academic assessment: stories of innovation and change
« Case studies of universities and national consortia highlight key elements of institutional change to improve academic career assessment. (…) »10.12.2020
Reimagining Academic Career Assessment: Building a repository for stories of innovation and change
« DORA is pleased to announce a new digital repository of case studies, “Reimagining academic career assessment:…25.11.2020
Academy of Finland to adopt reforms to open access publishing and responsible researcher evaluation from beginning of 2021
« Starting with calls to be opened after 1 January 2021, the Academy of Finland will introduce a number of reforms…19.11.2020
Two Decades of Experience in Research Assessment in Italy
« The paper reviews the Italian experience in the evaluation of research in the 2000–2020 period. (…) The paper offers detailed…20.10.2020
Towards a Transformation of Research Assessment in Latin America and the Caribbean (virtual event)
« The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), an academic network created in 1967 and today gathering…30.09.2020
DORA: Rethinking Research Assessment: Unintended Cognitive and System Biases (.pdf)
« Unintended Cognitive and Systems Biases identifies seven personal biases that can influence hiring, promotion, and tenure decisions. It also reveals…19.08.2020
Research Culture: Changing how we evaluate research is difficult, but not impossible
« The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) was published in 2013 and described how funding agencies, institutions, publishers, organizations…11.08.2020
Les Principes de Hong Kong : promouvoir l’intégrité de la recherche dans l’évaluation des chercheurs
« (…) Les Principes de Hong Kong (HKP) mettent l’accent sur la nécessité d’améliorer la recherche en…28.07.2020
DORA Funder Discussion: Updates from Research England and the Open Research Funders Group
« Communication is an important mechanism to increase the uptake of responsible research assessment practices at universities and funding agencies. To…15.07.2020
Elsevier endorses Leiden Manifesto to guide its development of improved research evaluation
« Elsevier, a global leader in research publishing and information analytics, today announced that it is endorsing…09.07.2020
Science Europe: Position Statement and Recommandations on Research Assessment Processes
« With limited funding and research positions available, there is increasing pressure on research organisations to put processes in place that…16.06.2020
For China’s ambitious research reforms to be successful, they will need to be supported by new research assessment infrastructures
« (…) A radical reform of research evaluation and funding in China was recently launched in two prescriptive policy documents published…20.05.2020
DORA: Rethinking Research Assessment: Ideas for Action
« We are pleased to announce a new briefing document from DORA and colleagues, “Rethinking Research Assessment:…19.05.2020
Introduction to Academic Career Assessment in Europe (EUA webinar)
« EUA and Science Europe present a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of academic career assessment in Europe based on recent surveys…12.05.2020
Bande-dessinée pédagogique sur la bibliométrie et l’évaluation de la recherche
« Depuis 2015, le Service commun de la Documentation (SCD) de l’Université de Guyane a entamé un travail de refonte de…11.05.2020
Chinese Publishers React to New Policies on Research Evaluation
« In February, the Chinese government released two documents that set forth important changes in policies governing…31.03.2020
DORA Community Call: Roles for libraries in research assessment reform
« We are pleased to announce our first webinar for the library community on Tuesday, April 7 at 11:00 AM Eastern.07.01.2020
2019 in review: DORA’s list of the top 10 advances in research assessment
« As 2019 winds down, the DORA steering committee and advisory board wanted to highlight the ways research assessment reform has…24.12.2019
Tracking self-citations in academic publishing
« Citation metrics have value because they aim to make scientific assessment a level playing field, but urgent transparency-based adjustments are…11.12.2019
Lettre de la science ouverte | numéro 9
« Editorial L’évaluation de la recherche L’évaluation est un élément fondamental de la recherche. Elle est un axe du…04.12.2019
Comité pour la science ouverte – Types de documents, productions et activités valorisées par la science ouverte et éligibles à une évaluation [version 1, novembre 2019]
« La mise en œuvre de la science ouverte nécessite la prise en compte de l’ensemble des processus et activités de…21.11.2019
Dutch universities and research funders move away from the impact factor
« One year ago, the Dutch universities, university medical centers and research institutes, together with funding agencies NWO and ZonMW put…13.11.2019
Knowledge sector takes major step forward in new approach to recognising and rewarding academics
« Today, the VSNU, NFU, KNAW, NWO and ZonMw are publishing the position paper ‘Room for everyone’s…22.10.2019
Research Assessment in the Transition to Open Science: 2019 EUA Open Science and Access Survey Results
« This report provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the current state of research assessment at European universities, and shows…07.10.2019
Quelles sont les publications déposées dans HAL qui apparaitront dans votre fiche CRAC cette année ? Faites-le test
« Le compte-rendu annuel d’activité (CRAC) est bien connu du chercheur CNRS : c’est un résumé des points forts de ses…07.10.2019
The changing research landscape and reflections on national research assessment in the future
« RAND Europe conducted a study to explore current and future changes in the research landscape and how this may affect…23.09.2019