Mot-clé :
Do Authors Deposit on Time? Tracking Open Access Policy Compliance
« Recent years have seen fast growth in the number of policies mandating Open Access (OA) to research outputs. We conduct…16.04.2019
Open Access Publishing: New Evidence on Faculty Attitudes and Behaviors
« On Friday, Ithaka S+R released the latest cycle of our long-standing US Faculty Survey. This survey…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Roger C. Schonfeld, 15 avril 2019
Cambridge University Press and the University of California Agree to Open Access Publishing Deal
« Agreement is UC’s first with a major publisher and Cambridge’s first in the Americas The University of California and Cambridge…12.04.2019
Cambridge University Press reaches major Open Access agreement with Max Planck Society
« Cambridge University Press has reached a major Open Access agreement with Germany’s Max Planck Society (MPG). This builds on the…09.04.2019
J-STAGE customer satisfaction surveys
« We release the results of the J-STAGE customer satisfaction surveys. (…) »08.04.2019
Full DOAJ data dump now available
« (…) Introducing, full data dumps of ALL the metadata in DOAJ, both journals and article (…) »04.04.2019
Enquête Couperin 2019 sur les archives ouvertes
« (…) La synthèse des réponses fournira un état à jour des projets et réalisations d’archives ouvertes en France, permettant d’évaluer…01.04.2019
SCOSS publishes Pilot Progress report (.pdf)
« The report is the result of an assessment that involved the SCOSS Board as well as representatives from DOAJ and…01.04.2019
To gather insights into Open rewards and incentives, survey targets 200 European funders
« (…)“Considering the crucial role funders play in advancing Open Access and Open Science, this survey has the potential to encourage…01.04.2019
UUK open access monographs group: open access and monographs
« This report is a synthesis of two events: the first was an event for arts and humanities learned societies and…27.03.2019
Japan Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resources (JUSTICE): Transformation from subscription model toward OA publishing model (.pdf)
~JUSTICE OA2020 Roadmap~ « Japan Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resources JUSTICE)is a consortium created to promote many activities…26.03.2019
Eurodoc Open Science Ambassador Training #2 – 21 March 2019: Open Access (Bernard Rentier) [webinar]
« Webinar #2 of the Eurodoc Open Science Ambassador Training with Bernard Rentier (University of Liège) and Gareth O’Neill (Eurodoc) on…26.03.2019
Open Science Talk #015 No Deal with Norway [podcast]
« Norway does not have a deal with the publisher Elsevier anymore and follows in Sweden and Germany’s footsteps. But why…soundcloud.com/opensciencetalk, Mona Magnussen, Erik Lieungh, 16 mars 2019
Dr Xenia van Edig, Business Development, answers our questions. « (…) What is Copernicus doing to support that development? Do you…21.03.2019
Open access journal publishing in the Nordic countries
« (…) This study had three major research objectives: first, to comprehensively identify existing active OA journals in the Nordic countries,…onlinelibrary.wiley.com, Bo‐Christer Björk, 19 mars 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/leap.1231
MIT: Open access task force releases draft recommendations
« The MIT community is invited to comment on ways to increase sharing of research, data, software, and more. (…) »19.03.2019
Meaning and Opportunities of the DEAL-Wiley Contract for the Open-Access Transformation
« With the signing of the Wiley contract on 15 January 2019, the alliance project DEAL has…19.03.2019
Remixer et concevoir un jeu de plateau sur l’open access
« Je m’intéresse au jeu en bibliothèque depuis…15.03.2019
The impact of the open-access status on journal indices: a review of medical journals
« Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in the number of open access (OA) journals in almost…15.03.2019
Open access : les bibliothèques d’Aix-Marseille Université emploient les grands moyens
« Un vent de changement souffle sur Aix-Marseille Université (AMU). Ce “jeune” établissement labellisé Idex, né de la fusion des trois…11.03.2019
Opening Up Open Access Institutional Repositories to Demonstrate Value: Two Universities’ Pilots on Including Metadata-Only Records
« Institutional repository managers are continuously looking for new ways to demonstrate the value of their repositories. One way to do…01.03.2019
Open Access Escape Room: the key to OA engagement?
« At the University of Essex, we took a bold, brave and curious approach to increasing engagement during Open Access Week…27.02.2019
The Swiss National Strategy on Open Access and its Action Plan
« A year ago, the action plan for the Swiss National Strategy on Open Access has been approved by the plenary…27.02.2019
Science ouverte à Aix-Marseille Université : 28 000 dépôts en texte intégral dans HAL AMU
« En seulement trois ans, la communauté universitaire d’Aix-Marseille s’est saisie de l’archive ouverte HAL AMU pour…25.02.2019
UC San Diego Makes a Commitment to Open Access by Signing the OA2020 Expression of Interest
« The University of California San Diego has signed an Expression of Interest (EoI) to adopt the principles of…22.02.2019
Open data des décisions de justice : la distinction entre open data et open access réaffirmée
« Alors que le projet de loi de programmation 2018-2022 et de réforme de la justice vient tout juste d’être adopté…21.02.2019
Call for Tenders: Study on Scholarly Read & Publish Agreements
« As part of the Association’s efforts to foster a more transparent and cost-effective scholarly publishing system, EUA would like to…20.02.2019
Le portail et l’open access : futur du manuel enrichi ? Un nouveau média au service de l’innovation pédagogique
« En juin 2018, un projet d’e-manuel porté par Couperin, l’UVSQ Paris-Saclay et…dlis.hypotheses.org, Sébastien Respingue-Perrin, 14 février 2019
Merits and Limits: Applying open data to monitor open access publications in bibliometric databases
« Identifying and monitoring Open Access (OA) publications might seem a trivial task while practical efforts prove otherwise. Contradictory information arise…arxiv.org, Aliakbar Akbaritabar, Stephan Stahlschmidt, 13 février 2019, arXiv:1902.03937
PLOS Provides Feedback on the Implementation of Plan S
« We welcome Plan S as a ‘decisive step towards the realisation of full open access’, in particular the push it…11.02.2019
Quelle place pour les revues en SHS dans le plan S ?
« Jan Erik Frantsvåg et Tormod Strømme, des bibliothécaires norvégiens, ont fait une brève étude de la compatibilité du plan S…08.02.2019
EUA issues detailed response to Plan S amid milestones in Open Access
« EUA has presented a comprehensive response to the “Plan S” consultation launched by Science Europe. Plan S…07.02.2019
Collaboration key for advancing open research: repository progress for Jisc and the British Library
« Jisc and the British Library share an interest in the persistence and open access of the UK research record, and…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Neil Jacobs, 5 février 2019
The relationship between usage and citations in an open access mega journal
« How does usage of an article relate to the number of citations it accrues? Does the timeframe in which an…arxiv.org, Barbara McGillivray, Mathias Astell, 4 février 2019, arXiv:1902.01333
Snijder, R. « The deliverance of open access books : examining usage and dissemination » [Doctoral Thesis]
« In many scholarly disciplines, books – not articles – are the norm. As print runs become smaller, the question arises…05.02.2019
Open Access Working Group: Statement on Plan S guidelines
« The recently published guidance for the implementation of Plan S offers welcome new details on how full…05.02.2019
Is open access affordable? Why current models do not work and why we need internet‐era transformation of scholarly communications
« Progress to open access (OA) has stalled, with perhaps 20% of new papers ‘born‐free’, and half of all versions of…01.02.2019
Models of Research and the Dissemination of Research Results: the Influences of E-Science, Open Access and Social Networking
« In contrast with practice in recent times past, computational and data intensive processes are increasingly driving collaborative research in science…aetic.theiaer.org, Rae A. Earnshaw, Mohan de Silva, Peter S. Excell, AETiC, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019
Open access mythbusting: Testing two prevailing assumptions about the effects of open access adoption
« This article looks at whether there is evidence to support two prevailing assumptions about open access (OA). These assumptions are:…23.01.2019
Les finances de PLOS vont moins bien : modèle APC pose-t-il problème ? Compétition avec Scientific Reports, etc…
« Le rapport financier de 2017 du groupe PLOS a été rendu public en décembre 2018 (rapport des…23.01.2019
Celebrating 30,000 Open Access Articles … PARs, RAPs, and Exploring Implications
« Last week Wiley and Projekt DEAL announced a transformative Publish-and-Read agreement…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, 22 janvier 2019
Successful journal flipping: TIB supports new journal Quantitative Science Studies
« The new year begins with good news: The International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI) and its…21.01.2019
Caraco, Alain. « Open Access et bibliothèques » [Études de l’Enssib]
« Premier titre d’une nouvelle collection de textes numériques, Les Études de l’Enssib, autour de questions vives du monde professionnel, Open…enssib.fr, Caraco Alain, Collection : Études de l'Enssib, 19 décembre 2018
Scholarly Communication Practices in Humanities and Social Sciences: A Study of Researchers’ Attitudes and Awareness of Open Access
« This paper examines issues relating to the perceptions and adoption of open access (OA) and institutional repositories. Using a survey…17.01.2019
Change ahead: How do smaller publishers perceive open access?
« (…) While libraries and funding bodies in German-speaking countries have been negotiating Open Access Agreements with large publishers for years…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Christian Kaier, Karin Lackner, 15 janvier 2019
China backs the Plan S open access initiative
« The close of 2018 brought promising news for supporters of Plan S, a European…08.01.2019
Open Access et bibliothèques
» Premier titre d’une nouvelle collection de textes numériques, Les Études de l’Enssib, autour de questions vives du monde professionnel,…20.12.2018
December open access update – and season’s greetings!
« The recent development from cOAlition S, giving information on issues of implementation, shows that the release of…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Helen Blanchett, 19 décembre 2018
Scholarly journals in building and civil engineering – the big picture and current impact of open access
« The publishing of scholarly peer reviewed journals has in the past 20 years moved from print to primarily digital publishing,…18.12.2018
Discipline-specific open access publishing practices and barriers to change: an evidence-based review
« (…) Many of the discussions surrounding Open Access (OA) revolve around how it affects publishing practices across different academic disciplines.12.12.2018
Access to academic libraries: an indicator of openness?
« Open access to digital research output is increasing, but academic library policies can place restrictions on public access to libraries.hcommons.org, Chun-Kai (Karl) Huang, Lucy Montgomery, Cameron Neylon, Katie Wilson, 2018
Géopolitique de l’open access
« Cette communication commence par rappeler des repères de contextualisation du développement de l’open access. Elle insiste sur le brouillage qui…10.12.2018
China backs bold plan to tear down journal paywalls
« Officials pledge support for European-led ‘Plan S’ to make research papers immediately free to read — but it’s unclear whether…07.12.2018
Nine routes towards Plan S compliance
« On October 22 we posted Eight routes towards Plan S compliance. Meanwhile, cOAlition-S, the group of funders responsible…101innovations.wordpress.com, Jeroen Bosman, Bianca Kramer, 30 novembre 2018
Are Funder Open Access Platforms a Good Idea?
« As open access (OA) to publications continues to gather momentum, we should continuously question whether it is moving in the…30.11.2018
La fin des abonnements
« Voilà quatre ans que nous pistons tant bien que mal la dépense annuelle de Clermont en frais de traitement d’article…29.11.2018
From Open Access to Open Science: innovation in scholarly communication
« Open Science is often presented as the overarching “umbrella” of Open Access and Open Data, amongst others. In this article,…26.11.2018
10 ans d’Open Access à l’Université de Liège [video]
« Il y a 10 ans naissait ORBi (Open Repository and Bibliography), un répertoire institutionnel qui vise à collecter, préserver et…26.11.2018
From Open Access to Open Data: collaborative work in the university libraries of Catalonia
« The traditional mechanisms for communicating research results have recently undergone profound changes as a result of the open access movement…19.11.2018
Conférence nationale Open Access de swissuniversities 26 octobre 2018, Lausanne [video]
« La conférence nationale Open Access a eu lieu vendredi 26 octobre 2018 à l’Université de Lausanne. Cet événement qui…15.11.2018
Journée d’étude Open Access « Être vu pour être lu : l’open access pour renforcer votre identité numérique de chercheur » 14 novembre 2018 [video]
» Journée d’étude organisée par le groupe Open Access Languedoc Roussillon (OALR), en partenariat avec la CIST Agropolis et la…15.11.2018