Mot-clé : tdm-text-and-data-mining
A brief analysis of Opscidia’s survey on scientific publishing
« (…) A quite diverse panel of respondents We were very happy to have 362 responders from all around the…04.12.2019
Text and Data Quality Mining in CRIS
« (…) This present paper deploys TDM in CRIS to analyze, quantify, and correct the unstructured data and its quality issues.mdpi.com, Otmane Azeroual, Information 2019, 10(12), 374; https://doi.org/10.3390/info10120374
LIBER and Communia Launch Joint Guidelines on Text and Data Mining
« The LIBER-Communia guidelines come in addition to detailed library guidelines on the Digital Single Market Directive,…28.11.2019
Les ateliers de Visa TM Day
« Les ateliers prospectifs autour de “quelle infrastructure de service de fouille de textes pour demain” ont permis de faire émerger…20.11.2019
Rapports publics du projet Visa TM
(…) Les principaux résultats de Visa TM portent sur : l’étude de la création d’une e-infrastructure de fouille de textes…07.11.2019
OPEN SCIENCE : 3 questions à Sylvain Massip PDG et fondateur d’Opscidia
« (…) « Opscidia est une toute jeune société qui promeut l’open access pour les publications scientifiques.07.11.2019
Why Every Python Developer Will Love Ray
« There are many reasons why Python has emerged as the number one language for data science. It’s easy to get…01.10.2019
Copyright as an Obstacle or an Enabler? A European Perspective on Text and Data Mining and Its Role in the Development of AI Creativity
« (…) This contribution discusses the interplay between TDM and AI creativity by focusing, first, on the potential and technicalities of…25.09.2019
#VisaTMDay le 15 novembre : vers une infrastructure de services avancés en text-mining
« Dans le cadre du projet Visa TM du Comité pour la Science Ouverte, un « Visa TM Day » sera organisé…25.09.2019
Galaxy server for complex TDM analysis : Part 2
« For several years Galaxy project has been constantly growing and evolving. Having an active community, the new projects are running…16.09.2019
Galaxy server for complex TDM analysis – Part 1
« Galaxy is an open source, web-based platform for data-intensive analysis. Founded for biomedical research, today galaxy can also be applied…02.09.2019
Using Transkribus for automated text recognition of historical Bengali Books
« Are you working with digitised printed collections that you want to ‘unlock’ for keyword search and text mining? Maybe you…22.08.2019
The Right to Read is the Right To Mine: But Not When Blocked by Technical Protection Measures
(…) Our Copyright & Legal Matters Working Group is working with LACA…08.08.2019
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, August 4 – 8, 2019 – Anchorage, Alaska – USA
« The annual ACM SIGKDD Conference is the premier international forum for data mining researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and…08.07.2019
Gerrish, Charlotte. « European Copyright Law and the Text and Data Mining Exceptions and Limitations » [thesis]
« We are in a digital age with Big Data at the heart of our global online environment. Exploiting Big Data…14.06.2019
Proceedings of the International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM) Demo Track, Aachen, Germany, June 24-26, 2019
« This proceedings volume collects the papers presented at the ICPM DemoTrack 2019, which was part of the 1st International Conference…28.05.2019
Istex: A Database of Twenty Million Scientific Papers with a Mining Tool Which Uses Named Entities
« Istex is a database of twenty million full text scientific papers bought by the French Government for the use of…13.05.2019
Atelier ISTEX à Nancy le mardi 18 juin
« Ces ateliers vous permettront de prendre en main les services et les…15.04.2019
BIR 2019 / 8th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval* – Cologne, Germany, April 14th, 2019 [book of proceedings]
*co-located with the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019) « The Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval workshop series (BIR) at…12.04.2019
Blog #VisaTM : Recensement d’outils de fouille de textes
« Dans le cadre du volet Étude du projet VisaTM, nous avons réalisé un recensement d’outils de fouille de textes. Le…10.04.2019
A Hybrid Information Extraction Approach Exploiting Structured Data Within a Text Mining Process
« Many data sets encompass structured data fields with embedded free text fields. The text fields allow customers and workers to…08.04.2019
TOTh 2019 Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications, 6 -7 June 2019, Campus Scientifique – Le Bourget du Lac – France
« The 13th TOTh International Conference will be held on Thursday 6th and Friday 7th of June 2019 at the Scientific…01.04.2019
Europe’s ability to lead in AI will be helped by the new TDM exception
« EARE welcomes the decision from EU institutions to enable all Europeans – public researchers and commercial entities – to benefit…26.03.2019
Le Parlement approuve de nouvelles règles sur le droit d’auteur sur internet
« (…) Les députés ont adopté la directive en plénière par 348 voix pour, 274 contre et 36 abstentions. Cela marque…15.02.2019
LIBER welcomes final compromise text for the European Union’s Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market
« LIBER welcomes news that negotiators from the European Parliament and the Council have agreed a final compromise…07.02.2019
Visa pour le Text Mining
« La création d’une offre de service en fouille de textes et de données ‐ TDM (text and data mining) à…06.02.2019
2014 copyright changes: post-implementation reviews Call for Evidence
« Following the implementation of policy, the Government aims to complete a post-implementation review (PIR). These reviews evaluate whether the regulation…25.01.2019
EGC 2019 – 19ème conférence francophone sur l’Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances – 21 au 25 janvier 2019 – Metz [actes de conférence]
« (…) La conférence Extraction et Gestion de Connaissances (EGC) est le rendez-vous annuel de chercheurs et praticiens travaillant dans les…editions-rnti.fr, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information vol.RNTI-E-35, 2019
Mémoire de Portage au Comité INDU sur l’exploration de textes et de données
« Portage se réjouit de l’occasion qui lui est donnée d’apporter une contribution à l’examen de la Loi sur le droit…18.01.2019
Questionnaire : la fouille de textes aujourd’hui…et demain ?
« Ce questionnaire vise à qualifier les pratiques autour de la fouille de texte et à identifier les verrous et les…17.12.2018
Text data mining and data quality management for research information systems in the context of open data and open science
» (…) Using text data mining, the quality of the metadata is analyzed and this identifies the entities and general…23.11.2018
Voyant Tools. Analyse automatique de texte et text mining
« Voyant Tools est un puissant outil d’analyse automatique de texte. Un analyseur de textes open source qui va vous surprendre…22.11.2018
A Text Mining Pipeline Using Active and Deep Learning Aimed at Curating Information in Computational Neuroscience
« The curation of neuroscience entities is crucial to ongoing efforts in neuroinformatics and computational neuroscience, such as those being deployed…14.11.2018
LIBER has signed an open letter calling for a broad and mandatory Text and Data Mining exception, in order to guarantee that European research and innovation can thrive
« LIBER has signed an open letter calling for a broad and mandatory Text and Data Mining exception, in order to…13.11.2018
Japan amends its copyright legislation to meet future demands in AI and Big Data
« In May this year, Japan’s National Diet approved a legislation for updating its “Copyright Act”[1],…08.11.2018
Text Mining with the HathiTrust & Empowering Librarians to Support Digital Scholarships [video]
« Arm librarians with instructional content and tools in digital scholarships and digital humanities. Enable librarians to build foundations for digital…10.10.2018
Directive sur le droit d’auteur : vers un accord d’ici la fin décembre 2018 ?
« (…) Selon l’eurodéputée Julia Reda, très impliquée sur ce dossier, le prochain trilogue doit avoir lieu le…05.10.2018
Projet de directive européenne sur le droit d’auteur : garantir le libre accès aux résultats de la recherche
« En tant que présidents d’organismes de recherche et d’établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche français nous souhaitons rappeler que la…03.10.2018
National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM): Keynote talk at Journées pour la science ouverte
« Prof. Sophia Ananiadou, director of NaCTeM, has been invited to give a keynote talk at the Journées pour la science…21.09.2018
HathiTrust Research Center Extends Non-Consumptive Research Tools to Copyrighted Materials: Expanding Research through Fair Use
« HathiTrust has reached a tremendous milestone in the history of HathiTrust and the HathiTrust Research Center’s services. Since 2011, HTRC…17.09.2018
Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, précurseur du data mining ?
« En affirmant dès la fin des années 1960 que « les historiens seront programmeurs ou ne seront plus »…13.09.2018
STM statement on European Parliament Vote: Digital Single Market (DSM) – Text and Data Mining – Platform Liability – Upcoming Trialogue (.pdf)
« STM Statement on DSM Vote in European Parliament STM has issued a…12.09.2018
European Parliament Vote on Copyright Fails to Provide Legal Clarity for Research (.pdf)
« Science Europe is disappointed that the European Parliament did not sufficiently improve the far too restrictive proposal by the European…12.09.2018
Jisc gateway to text and data-mining – status update
« Over the past few months, we have been investigating the opportunities for a possible Jisc-delivered text and data mining (TDM)…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Sarah Fahmy, 11 septembre 2018
The Copyright reform must also be fair to European researchers and entrepreneurs
« Research and innovation organisations call on the European Parliament to revise Article 3 on Text and Data Mining (TDM) ahead…22.08.2018
14th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, August 20, 2018 – London, United Kingdom
« There is a great deal of interest in analyzing data that is best represented as a graph. Examples include the…31.07.2018
Projet VisaTM : l’interconnexion OpenMinTeD – AgroPortal – ISTEX, un exemple de service de Text et Data Mining pour les scientifiques français
« Présentation du projet VisaTM La création d’une offre de service en fouille de texte et de données – TDM…31.07.2018
Copyright Exceptions and Data Mining
« On July 5th, 2018, we had the opportunity to interview two esteemed individuals within the field of copyright—Dr. Jane Secker…12.07.2018
OpenMinTed Paving the Way for Text and Data Mining in Science
« (…) What OpenMinTeD is about: Researchers, Open Access publishers, librarians, repository managers and SMEs can now easily harness the power…06.07.2018
EARE’s position on the Plenary vote on the Copyright Directive
« Download our statement here: EARE_Statement_EP Plenary Vote_Copyright Directive The European Alliance for Research Excellence (EARE) warmly welcomes the…29.06.2018
New Online Course: Introduction to Text and Data Mining
« Does your work involve supporting researchers who are interested in Text and Data Mining (TDM)? Do you have an interest…13.06.2018
Parlons TDM au 20ème congrès Fiesole Collection Development Retreat
« Le 25 avril 2018, Julien Roche, vice-président de l’ADBU, représentait l’association à Barcelone en intervenant au 20ème congrès Fiesole Collection…11.05.2018
Welcome to VOSviewer
« VOSviewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks. These networks may for instance include journals, researchers, or…03.05.2018
TDM story: scientists as TDM-costumers
« Stephane Schneider is IT project manager at the Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (INIST-CNRS). INIST has one of the…19.04.2018
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC’2018 [actes de conférence]
« La sélection d’articles publiés dans le présent recueil constitue les actes de la 18e édition de la conférence (EGC 2018)…editions-rnti.fr, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information vol.RNTI-E-34, 2018
OpenMinTeD invites you to an all around TDM experience
« This event marks the official launch of the OpenMinTeD platform (www.openminted.eu, services.openminted.eu) and we would like to invite you to join…09.04.2018
Une nouvelle plateforme pour élargir la connaissance
« Les 15 et 16 mars étaient l’occasion pour la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche de s’informer sur l’Initiative…27.03.2018
28 organisations signed the open letter asking the European Parliament to improve the Text and Data Mining (TDM) exception to benefit European research and innovation (.pdf)
« We, members of 28 organisations representing universities, large and small technology companies, telecommunications and Internet services providers, startups and scaleups,…23.03.2018
Releasing 1.8 million open access publications from publisher systems for text and data mining
« Text and data mining offers an opportunity to improve the way we access and analyse the outputs of academic research.blogs.lse.ac.uk, Petr Knoth, Nancy Pontika, Lucas Anastasiou, 22 mars 2018
HathiTrust Research Center User Requirements Study White Paper
« This paper presents findings from an investigation into trends and practices in humanities and social sciences research that incorporates text…15.03.2018
Text Data Mining from the Author’s Perspective: Whose Text, Whose Mining, and to Whose Benefit?
« Given the many technical, social, and policy shifts in access to scholarly content since the early days of text data…arxiv.org, Christine L. Borgman, 12 mars 2018, arXiv:1803.04552