Mot-clé : research-data-alliance-rda
Recommendations on Open Science Rewards and Initiatives – Guidance for Multiple Stakeholders in Research
« Open Science contributes to the collective building of scientific knowledge and societal progress. However, academic research currently fails to recognise…29.10.2024
Barcelona Declaration and the role of Open Science Infrastructures (video)
« On 26 September 2024, LIBER and SCOSS hosted a webinar that focused on the Barcelona Declaration (what it is, who…04.10.2024
Atelier DMP OPIDoR et Cat OPIDoR aux 7èmes journées RDA France le 9/10/24
« A l’occasion de la 7ème réunion annuelle de RDA France (du 4 au 11/10/24), un atelier en ligne « OPIDoR…10.07.2024
RDA 22nd Plenary Meeting “Local Action – Global Connection”, 14-23 May 2024 [slides & recordings]
« The Research Data Alliance’s 22nd Plenary meeting (VP22) took place as a fully virtual event. Organised by the RDA Secretariat,…21.06.2024
Research Data Alliance et Software Heritage soutenus par SCOSS dans le cadre du 5e cycle de financement
« Le ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche a été ravi d’apprendre que la Research Data Alliance (RDA) et…03.04.2024
RDA 22nd Plenary Meeting – Fully Virtual “Local Action – Global Connection” 14-23 May 2024
« The Research Data Alliance’s 22nd Plenary meeting (VP22) will take place as a fully virtual event. Organised by the RDA…16.02.2024
Groupe de travail CoSO-RDA France – Atelier Certification pour debutants du 11 mars 2024
« Le Groupe de Travail sur la certification des entrepôts de données organise le 11 mars 2024 à 14h un atelier…23.11.2023
Les nouveaux Groupes de la RDA – n’hésitez pas à en devenir membre !
« Ce message donne la liste des Groupes de Travail et des Groupes d’Intérêt endossés ces derniers mois par le Conseil…22.11.2023
SCOSS | Fifth Funding Cycle
« At present, SCOSS is actively promoting the following infrastructures: – Research Data Alliance (RDA) –…24.10.2023
RDA France 2023 [Présentations]
« Les Journées RDA France 2023 ont eu lieu du 9 au 13 octobre. Au programme de ces Journées…13.10.2023
RDA National PID Strategies Guide and Checklist: Final Outputs and supporting materials available
« The National PID Strategies Working Group was endorsed to explore how Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) form part of national policy and…02.10.2023
Journées RDA France 2023
« Les Journées RDA France 2023 ont lieu du 9 au 13 octobre. Au programme de ces Journées :…05.09.2023
Research Data Alliance (RDA) roundtable during the Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly, 15 September 2023
« Local challenges, Global solutions: achieving Open Science goals through international collaboration and cooperation. Many countries and nations across the…09.03.2023
Podcast: Making Open Science and Open Data the new normal with the RDA’s Hilary Hanahoe
« How is Open Data and Open Science being encouraged and nurtured across the global research community? What are the biggest…23.02.2023
The RDA and Oracle for Research: Collaboration to accelerate data-driven discovery
« The Research Data Alliance (RDA) and Oracle for Research are delighted to announce a…27.01.2023
Atelier pilote au sein de la communauté Research Data Alliance sur la planification de la gestion des données de recherche
« A l’occasion de son 10e anniversaire, la Research Data Alliance va proposer une série d’ateliers virtuels sur des thèmes liés…25.01.2023
Atelier Comment participer à la RDA, 31 janvier et 2 fevrier 2023
« RDA France organise un atelier sous la forme d’un webinaire pour présenter aux personnes intéressées les différentes manières de participer…13.01.2023
maDMP : des exemples d’intégration de services associés à la gestion des données
« Vous êtes intéressés par le DMP machine actionable (maDMP) et vous voulez comprendre quels sont les bénéfices de la structuration…13.01.2023
RDA 20th Plenary Meeting – Registration Is Open! Gothenburg (Hybrid) Sweden, March 21-23, 2023
« The Research Data Alliance will celebrate its 10th Anniversary Plenary Meeting on 21-23 March 2023 in Sweden, going back to…12.01.2023
RDA/EOSC FUTURE Open Call | Optimising (RDA) Open Science Frameworks and Guidelines in the context of EOSC – Round 2
« This call invites applications from research groups, including the RDA groups, to demonstrate how RDA-developed data sharing…23.11.2022
#RDAwebinar | Integrating Research Data Management Services using maDMPs – 22 November 2022 [slides]
« This webinar, presented by the RDA DMP Common Standards WG, will familiarize participants with the RDA recommendation on machine-actionable DMPs.04.11.2022
RDA DMP Common Standards WG Webinar | Integrating Research Data Management Services using maDMPs, 22 November 2022
« This webinar, presented by the RDA DMP Common Standards WG, will familiarize participants with the RDA recommendation on machine-actionable DMPs.01.09.2022
RDA’s 19th Plenary Meeting, 20-23 juin 2022, Seoul [vidéos]
« The founding organisations, the International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA) and World Data…08.08.2022
RDA’s 20th Plenary: Call for Sessions is now Open!
« The Research Data Alliance will celebrate their 10th anniversary plenary meeting on 21-23 March 2023 in Sweden. Following on from…04.07.2022
WorldFAIR: Global cooperation on FAIR data policy and practice – Kick-Off Meeting introduces major new initiative to advance implementation of the FAIR data principles
« The WorldFAIR project, coordinated by the ISC’s Committee on Data (CODATA), held a successful kick-off meeting online on 9 June…19.04.2022
RDA Open Call for RDA cross-disciplinary adoption in support of EOSC
« This call specifically targets smaller community projects to show cross-disciplinary implementation and take up of RDA Recommendation and Outputs within…09.02.2022
RDA Open Call for RDA Communities of Practice #1
« RDA is running a series of Open Calls, in the context of the EOSC Future project, to further enable integration…04.01.2022
RDA’s 18th Virtual Plenary Meeting, 3-11 November 2021: Final report
« RDA Plenary meetings are the twice-annual meetings where the members of the RDA meet to discuss possible new topics through…03.12.2021
Cookbook pour dictionnaire de données pour l’interopération des données et logiciels de recherche à l’échelle globale
« (…) Ce poster présente une méthodologie commune, un “livre de cuisine” de dictionnaire de données, qui propose une feuille de…17.11.2021
Interconnecting Systems Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans – Hackathon Report
« The common standard for machine-actionable Data Management Plans (DMPs) allows for automatic exchange, integration, and validation of information provided in…29.10.2021
Application Profile for Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans
« This paper presents the application profile for machine-actionable data management plans that allows information from traditional data management plans to…14.10.2021
RDA France – 12 octobre 2021 « L’entrepôt national fédéré des données de la recherche – Ateliers de la donnée » (.pdf) [diaporama]
« Recherche Data Gouv, plateforme nationale fédérée des données de la recherche, proposera, dès mars 2022, une offre souveraine de dépôt…27.09.2021
4e réunion annuelle RDA France 2021, 11-15 octobre
« (…) La RDA La Research Data Alliance est une organisation internationale de plus de 12.000 membres,…18.08.2021
First RDA Open Call: Optimising (RDA) Open Science Frameworks and Guidelines in the context of EOSC
« This call is seeking applications from individuals or organisations around the concept of improving existing technical data frameworks while at…11.06.2021
RDA France – Atelier : « FAIR pour les logiciels scientifiques », 28 juin 2021 [formulaire d’inscription]
« RDA France organise le 28 juin à partir de 14 heures un webinaire animé par Morane Gruenpeter (Software Heritage) pour…11.06.2021
FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles)
« Research software is a fundamental and vital part of research worldwide, yet there remain significant challenges to software productivity, quality,…23.04.2021
Plateforme nationale fédérée des données de la recherche – webinaire – 11 mai 2021
« RDA France organise un webinaire sur la plateforme nationale fédérée des données de la recherche recherche.data.gouv.fr avec une présentation d’Isabelle…30.03.2021
Data Together: Fostering Cooperation Among Open Science Platforms
Collectively referred to as Data Together, the four collaborating international data organisations – CODATA, GO FAIR, RDA, WDS – have…19.03.2021
RDA 17th Plenary Meeting – Edinburgh – 20-23 April 2021 (Virtual)
« (…) RDA’s plenary meetings provide an opportunity for this diverse collaboration to make rapid progress in all areas of its…16.07.2020
STM and RDA sign up formally to deeper collaboration
« As part of STM’s continued commitment to boost the effective sharing of research data, it was announced today that it…24.06.2020
RDA Hackathon on maDMPs – the beginning of a new series?
« RDA Hackathon on machine-actionable Data Management Plans (maDMPs) took place between 27th and 29th May 2020,…22.06.2020
Les principes « TRUST » des entrepôts de données
« Dans un communiqué, Research Data Alliance (RDA) annonce la publication d’un article dans lequel sont décrits…27.04.2020
RDA Hackathon on maDMPs (machine-actionable Data Management Plans)
« (…) The hackathon is open for everyone. As well as software developers weare looking for anyone with an interest in…14.04.2020
FAIR Data Maturity Model: specification and guidelines
« Impact: This document describes a maturity model for FAIR assessment with assessment indicators, priorities and evaluation methods. This is useful for…25.03.2020
RDA COVID-19 Working Group – Urgent Call for Expert Contributions
« (…) The objective of this Working Group is to clearly define detailed guidelines on data sharing and re-use under the…24.02.2020
Developing a Research Data Policy Framework for All Journals and Publishers
« More journals and publishers – and funding agencies and institutions – are introducing research data policies. But as the prevalence…21.01.2020
Principles and best practices in data versioning for all data sets big and small
« The demand for better reproducibility of research results is growing. More and more data is becoming available online. In some…15.01.2020
Recommendations for Services in a FAIR data ecosystem
« This report highlights common challenges and priorities, and proposes a set of initial recommendations on how existing data infrastructures can…24.12.2019
EOSC. ESFRI Cluster Projects. RDA: Connecting commonalities and collaborative solutions for community research data services
« On 21 October, during the Research Data Alliance Plenary Meeting in Helsinki, SSHOC invited representatives from EOSC, the European Strategy…24.12.2019
What is RDA and Why Should I Attend the 15th Plenary in Melbourne?
« The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is an international organization working to develop infrastructure and best practices to drive data sharing…17.12.2019
Report on the Second RDA-France Annual meeting (Paris, 11-13 September 2019)
« The Second RDA France Annual meeting was held on 13 September 2019 at CNRS Headquarters in Paris. The…12.12.2019
The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation partners with the Research Data Alliance
« The Research Data Alliance is pleased to announce a landmark partnership agreement with the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research…04.12.2019
RDA DMP Common Standard for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans
« (…) Data Management Plans are free-form text documents describing the data that is used and produced during the course of…12.11.2019
Proper Attribution for Curation and Maintenance of Research Collections: Metadata Recommendations of the RDA/TDWG Working Group
« Research collections are an important tool for understanding the Earth, its systems, and human interaction. Despite the importance of collections,…08.11.2019
Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook
« (…) Engaging Researchers with Data Management is an invaluable collection of 24 case studies, drawn from institutions across the globe,…30.09.2019
Deuxième réunion annuelle du Noeud National RDA France – Paris – 11, 12 septembre 2019 – ateliers [diaporamas]
« Atelier CERTIFICATION DES ENTREPOTS DE DONNEES (…) Atelier DATAVERSE pour les entrepôts de données (…) Atelier LES DONNEES DE SANTE…23.09.2019
FAIRsFAIR Top RDA Working and Interest Groups
« Support to Data Repositories, Semantics and Data Policies: FAIRsFAIR partners recently analysed the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Interest and Working…16.09.2019
Deuxième réunion annuelle du Noeud National RDA France – Paris – 13 septembre 2019 [vidéos]
« La Research Data Alliance est une organisation internationale de plus de 8000 membres, qui travaille à faciliter le partage des…16.09.2019
Lessons from a tool of FAIR literacy based on key assessment criteria
« The RDA-SHARC (SHAring Reward & Credit) interest group is an interdisciplinary group endorsed by Research Data Alliance. It intends to…20.08.2019
RDA Austria – Removing Barriers In Data Sharing
« Research Data Alliance Austria (RDA-AT) is a national RDA node dedicated to representing emerging research and data management communities throughout…25.07.2019
RDA and COAR Collaborate to Progress Research Data Management Internationally
« The Research Data Alliance (RDA) and the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) are pleased to announce an agreement to…23.07.2019