Mot-clé : online-computer-library-center-oclc
New OCLC research report: Building RDM capacity through strategic library collaboration
« OCLC Research has published the new report Building Research Data Management Capacity: Case Studies in Strategic Library Collaboration, which provides…17.02.2023
“Libraries model sustainability”: The results of an OCLC survey on library contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals
« A survey of more than 1700 library staff worldwide identifies how libraries contribute to five of the United Nations Sustainable…24.01.2023
OCLC: “Redefining the library experience” global survey is live
« OCLC Research and Global Council invite library staff to share their thoughts on how their library is redefining its library…16.11.2022
OCLC Annual Report 2021-2022
« OCLC’s Annual Report celebrates how we work with libraries to deliver breakthrough research, services, and product enhancements. (…) »07.11.2022
OCLC lance un WorldCat.org repensé
« OCLC a repensé WorldCat.org pour créer une meilleure expérience utilisateur, augmenter l’impact des bibliothèques sur le Web…25.08.2022
WorldCat.org puts the world’s libraries at people’s fingertips
« WorldCat.org, the only website that connects online searchers to the world’s libraries, has been redesigned and reimagined…17.08.2022
OCLC: Library Collaboration as a Strategic Choice: Evaluating Options for Acquiring Capacity
« The OCLC Research report Library Collaboration as a Strategic Choice: Evaluating Options for Acquiring Capacity explores library collaboration as a…04.08.2022
Insights from a recent RLP discussion on Bibliometrics and Research Impact (BRI) services
« The OCLC Research Library Partnership recently hosted a discussion on the topic of…14.04.2022
OCLC and Google now connect web searchers directly to library collections
« OCLC and Google are working together to link directly from books discovered through Google Search to print book records in…15.11.2021
OCLC: Research Information Management at US Institutions
« Research information management (RIM) is a rapidly growing area of investment in US research universities, capable of advancing research, supporting…29.10.2021
Millions of open cultural heritage resources from Europeana now easily accessible through WorldCat
« A partnership between OCLC and Europeana has now made millions of open cultural heritage resources easily accessible through WorldCat, the…04.05.2021
Next-generation metadata and the semantic continuum
« On 13 April 2021, the Closing Plenary webinar took place to synthesize the OCLC Research Discussion Series on…26.03.2021
French round table on next generation metadata: the challenge lies in managing multiple, co-existing ‘right scales’
« As part of the OCLC Research Discussion Series on Next Generation Metadata, this blog post reports back…10.03.2021
Research Information Management Practices in the United States: A New OCLC Research Project
« Research Information Management (RIM) is an area of rapid growth and change in the United States. (…) In the absence…22.01.2021
Transforming Metadata into Linked Data to Improve Digital Collection Discoverability: A CONTENTdm Pilot Projec
« This report shares the CONTENTdm Linked Data Pilot project findings. In this pilot project, OCLC and five partner institutions investigated…13.11.2020
OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion on Citizen Science
« How is Citizen Science—the active contribution of the general public in scientific research activities—developing, and what should research library involvement…06.11.2020
OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion on Research Integrity
« What does research integrity mean in an ideal open science ecosystem and how can libraries contribute to heighten professional ethics…27.10.2020
OCLC supports libraries, researchers, educators and students with open access content through WorldCat
« OCLC is supporting libraries, researchers, educators and students with high-quality open access content that is discoverable and freely accessible through…23.10.2020
OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion on Metrics and Rewards
« What is the role of metrics and rewards in an ideal open science ecosystem? What are the challenges in getting…08.10.2020
OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion on Scholarly Publishing
« Recently OCLC Research and LIBER (the Association of European Research Libraries)…30.09.2020
OCLC and LIBER announce joint discussion series on Open Science
« OCLC and LIBER announced today the launch of a discussion series on…30.09.2020
Transitioning to the Next Generation of Metadata
« This report synthesizes six years (2015-2020) of OCLC Research Library Partners Metadata Managers Focus Group discussions to trace how metadata…23.09.2020
Wikidata, Wikibase and the library linked data ecosystem: an OCLC Research Library Partnership discussion
« In late July the OCLC Research Library Partnership convened a discussion that reflected on the current state of linked data.28.07.2020
OCLC’s WorldShare Management Services achieves FedRAMP authorization from U.S. Government
« OCLC’s WorldShare Management Services, a leading library services platform, has achieved United States Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP)…10.07.2020
Open Content Activities in Libraries: Same Direction, Different Trajectories — Findings from the 2018 OCLC Global Council Survey
« This report is the culmination of efforts from across the OCLC membership to answer the question raised at a Global…22.04.2020
Améliorer la traçabilité des données d’utilisation des ressources électroniques – Mise à l’essai de l’outil EZproxy Analytics au sein de la bibliothèque de l’Université de Manchester
« OCLC vient de lancer EZproxy Analytics, un outil qui permet d’analyser les données d’utilisation des bibliothèques…15.01.2020
OCLC’s new EZproxy Analytics service offers libraries greater insights into use of e-resources
« Today, OCLC is introducing EZproxy Analytics, a turnkey analytics service that enables…11.12.2019
Responsible Operations: Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI in Libraries
« Responsible Operations is intended to help chart library community engagement with data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) and…oclc.org,Thomas Padilla, 2019, Dublin, OH: OCLC Research. https://doi.org/10.25333/xk7z-9g97.
What Are the Larger Implications of Ex Libris Buying Innovative?
« Earlier today, news began leaking out that Ex Libris will purchase Innovative Interfaces, one of its…22.10.2019
OCLC and Europeana partner to share access to open cultural heritage resources through WorldCat
« OCLC and Europeana, the digital platform for European cultural heritage, are working together to add records…07.08.2019
Creating Library Linked Data with Wikibase: Lessons Learned from Project Passage
« The OCLC Research linked data Wikibase prototype (“Project Passage”) provided a sandbox in which librarians from…21.03.2019
Reprints Desk Joins Forces With Library Cooperatice OCLC
« Partnership Integrates Reprints Desk’s Article Galaxy Platform with OCLC’s Tipasa Workflow Solution for Simplified Access to Academic Literature. (…) »20.03.2019
Les bibliothèques françaises dans Worldcat : l’Abes souhaite une concertation avec la Bnf et OCLC
« Les efforts de la communauté peuvent « changer la donne », thème de la dernière conférence annuelle de la…15.02.2019
L’OCLC s’associe à Couperin.org pour ajouter des fonctions d’analyse au logiciel d’authentification EZproxy
« Le partenariat permettra d’étendre l’utilisation du logiciel ezPAARSE de Couperin hors de France L’OCLC s’associe au…05.02.2019
OCLC webinar on the joint euroCRIS/OCLC RIM survey findings available online
« The Jan 30th OCLC webinar « Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey »…21.11.2018
Index-Based Discovery Services: Current Players and Products
« Breeding looks at the current vendors offering index-based discovery services, which include EBSCO Information Services, which has developed EBSCO Discovery…24.10.2018
University Futures, Library Futures: Aligning library strategies with institutional directions
« University Futures, Library Futures: Aligning library strategies with institutional directions establishes a new framework for understanding the fit between emerging…20.09.2018
How information about library collections represents a treasure trove for research in the humanities and social sciences
« WorldCat, an aggregate database of library catalogues worldwide, was primarily set up to aid libraries in carrying out their work…11.09.2018
OCLC Research Library Partnership Launches Webinars, Interest Group on Research Data Management
« A major focus of the OCLC Research Library Partnership is engaging partner intuitions around issues facing libraries.17.08.2018
2019 OCLC EMEA Regional Council Conference 26–27 February 2019 • Marseille, France
« Libraries as drivers of transformation Libraries are continuously evolving to meet changing community needs. Ongoing demands and opportunities—driven by technology…13.07.2018
Resource Sharing, Wikidata, Web Archiving Metadata, RDM featured in Recent RLP Webinars
« Five webinar recordings from the OCLC Research Library Partnership (RLP) are now available to watch on demand. (…) »27.06.2018
OCLC awarded Mellon Foundation grant to register library retention commitments for print serials in WorldCat
« OCLC, working closely with the Center for Research Libraries (CRL), has been awarded an…03.05.2018
OCLC: The Realities of Research Data Management – Part Four: Sourcing and Scaling University RDM Services
« The Realities of Research Data Management is a four-part series that explores how research universities are addressing the challenge of…oclc.org/research, Rebecca Bryant, Brian Lavoie, Constance Malpas, 2018, doi:10.25333/C3QW7M.
OCLC introduces ‘Syndeo,’ a suite of services designed to facilitate national and regional library collaboration
« OCLC introduces Syndeo™, a flexible suite of services specifically designed to facilitate national and regional library collaboration. (…) Syndeo brings…23.02.2018
OCLC extends WorldShare Management Services mobile capabilities worldwide
« Following a successful launch in the United States, OCLC is extending its Digby mobile app to libraries worldwide, offering…09.02.2018
OCLC Research: Descriptive Metadata for Web Archiving
« OCLC Research established the Web Archiving Metadata Working Group (WAM) to develop recommendations for descriptive metadata. Their approach is tailored…16.01.2018
OCLC: The Realities of Research Data Management – Part three: Incentives for Building University RDM Services
« The Realities of Research Data Management is a four-part series that explores how research universities are addressing the challenge of…oclc.org, Bryant, Rebecca, Brian Lavoie, Constance Malpas, 2018, doi:10.25333/C3S62F.
OCLC, EuroCRIS: 2017 Survey on Research Information Management Practices
« Introduction & goals This study surveys research universities and institutions worldwide on their practices related to research information management.20.10.2017
OCLC Research and euroCRIS announce strategic partnership
« OCLC Research and euroCRIS, the international organization for research information, announce a strategic partnership…03.10.2017
OCLC Research Develops ACRL Report ‘Academic Library Impact: Improving Practice and Essential Areas to Research’
« ACRL and OCLC announce the release of Academic Library Impact: Improving Practice and Essential Areas to Research. Developed…03.10.2017
OCLC: The Realities of Research Data Management – Part Two: Scoping the University RDM Service Bundle
« The Realities of Research Data Management is a four-part series that explores how research universities are addressing the challenge of…oclc.org, Rebecca Bryant, Brian Lavoie, Constance Malpas, septembre 2017
The Transformation of Academic Library Collecting: A Synthesis of the Harvard Library’s Hazen Memorial Symposium
» (…) Drawing from presentations and audience discussions at The Transformation of Academic Library Collecting: A Symposium Inspired by Dan…25.07.2017
OCLC: Draft Research and Learning Agenda for Archives, Special, and Distinctive Collections in Research Libraries
« OCLC Research is pleased to invite comments to our draft Research and Learning Agenda for Archives, Special, and Distinctive Collections…26.06.2017
OCLC celebrates 50 years of innovation and collaboration with libraries worldwide
« OCLC, the library technology and research organization that changed the way libraries work, is celebrating 50 years…14.06.2017
LIBER and OCLC Research Launch Collaborative Information Management Study
« LIBER, the Association of European Research Libraries, and OCLC Research are launching a collaborative…12.05.2017
OCLC and Wikipedia Library link citations to millions of library materials, expanding access to quality sources
« OCLC and the Wikimedia Foundation’s Wikipedia Library are working together to make it easy for editors…05.04.2017
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada se dote d’un nouveau système de gestion de bibliothèque
« Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (BAC) a conclu une entente avec la coopérative sans but lucratif OCLC afin de rendre le…04.04.2017
OCLC: The realities of Research Data Management
« The Realities of Research Data Management is a four-part series that explores how research universities are addressing the challenge of…oclc.org, Bryant, Rebecca, Brian Lavoie, Constance Malpas. 2017
New UK-wide service will transform library collaboration: The National Bibliographic Knowledgebase
« As part of delivering on the vision of a UK national digital library, Jisc and OCLC announce a partnership to…18.01.2017
OCLC agrees to acquire Relais International to provide library consortia more options for resource sharing
« OCLC has agreed to acquire Relais International, a leading interlibrary loan solution provider based in Ottawa, Canada, to significantly increase…18.01.2017
OCLC introduces ‘Tipasa’ interlibrary loan management system
« OCLC introduces Tipasa™, the first cloud-based interlibrary loan management system that automates routine borrowing and lending functions for individual libraries.04.11.2016