Mot-clé : monographie
Developing a Governance Model for the Experimental Publishing Compendium
« The Open Book Futures (OBF) project, funded by Arcadia and the Research England Development (RED) Fund, was launched in May…26.02.2024
Copim and SCONUL webinar, 25 January 2024
« Exploring practical problems and potential strategies to fund equitable OA book publishing This SCONUL and Copim-hosted…22.09.2023
Open Access and Sales Revenue Can Co-Exist
« The transition towards open access (OA) varies across publication type, research field, and geography. For example, in STEM publishing, Individual…20.09.2023
Ithaka S+R: Print Revenue and Open Access Monographs
« Monographs are central to university press publishing, and to the scholarly ecosystem. As Alison Muddit, recent director of University of…15.05.2023
‘Good, Better, Best’: Practices in Archiving & Preserving Open Access Monographs
« Good, Better, Best: Practices in Archiving & Preserving Open Access Monographs brings together the project’s growing knowledge and understanding around…21.02.2023
Characteristics of European Universities that Participate in Library Crowdfunding Initiatives for Open Access Monographs
« The aim of the study was to identify the traits of 100 European universities across 26 countries that did or…02.08.2022
Opening the Future: How to Implement an Equitable Revenue Model for Open Access Monographs
« (…) That report describes a variation on the journal ‘Subscribe to Open’ model whereby members ‘subscribe to a backlist, with…11.08.2021
Bring your OA game « Libraries, publishers, and innovation for OA books: a European perspective »
« The end of June 2021 marked the finishing line for the OPERAS-P project, a European Union funded giant,…01.07.2021
OAPEN 2020 Stakeholder report
« In 2020, the OAPEN Foundation celebrated its 10 year anniversary as an open infrastructure service for open access (OA) books,…07.06.2021
Tips for making open access books
« (…) In this blog post the Open Access Team from the Centre for Digital Scholarship, Leiden University Libraries, interviewed some…18.05.2021
DARIAH launches an annual Open Access Monograph Bursary for Early Career Researchers in Digital Humanities
« DARIAH-EU is launching an annual Open Access Book Bursary for the publication of one’s first monograph within the domain of…05.05.2021
The promise of collaboration: collective funding models and the integration of Open Access books into libraries
« This report tackles a simple question: how can open access books be more successfully integrated into scholarly libraries? While there…05.05.2021
Ouvrages en accès libre et ouvert : retour sur des expériences de collaboration entre bibliothèques universitaires, chercheurs et presses académiques
« Quels formats, modèles politiques, techniques de diffusion pour des monographies en Open Access aujourd’hui ? Chercheurs, enseignants, institutions, consortia, presses…08.04.2021
Quel modèle économique et quels modèles de revenus pour l’édition de monographies en Open Access aux Editions de L’Université de Lorraine ?
« Cyril Czernielewski, élève conservateur des bibliothèques de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques, s’est penché sur…22.03.2021
Les monographies en libre accès
« À mesure que le mouvement international de libre accès prend de l’ampleur, la question de savoir comment passer à libre…09.03.2021
For a Change: Let’s Make a Change! OPERAS Survey on Collaborative Models for Open Access Books
« (…) We are launching a survey of publishing organisations throughout Europe to identify and better understand existing and potential business…04.03.2021
A Plan S for books: Voices from the Community
« What should a Plan S for books look like? This is a question we’ve been thinking about at…openaccessbooksnetwork.hcommons.org, Lucy Barnes, 25 février 2021
Academic Libraries and Open Access Books in Europe. A Landscape Study
« The last fifteen years have witnessed the emergence of a new role for academic libraries. Besides fulfilling their fundamental task…16.02.2021
Exploring the Public Evidence on Open Access Monographs
« In this blog post we look at the open data available on monograph publication, and use it to explore patterns…28.10.2020
Charleston Library Conference at Frankfurt: Open Access in Focus
« In a Charleston Library Conference session at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the discussion centered on the changes brought by open…21.10.2020
Reassembling Scholarly Communications: Histories, Infrastructures, and Global Politics of Open Access
« A critical inquiry into the politics, practices, and infrastructures of open access and the reconfiguration of scholarly communication in digital…11.08.2020
Library Support for OA Books Workshop: the German perspective
« This summer, as part of the WP2, we started a series of European-based workshops, aiming at…20.07.2020
Using PubPub for scholarly output: Import, Collaboration, Citations, and Zotero
« Here at COPIM, we are more and more getting into the groove of using PubPub for all sorts of purposes,…09.06.2020
Open Access to academic books: Working towards the “tipping point”
« Open access for academic books is deemed to be a relatively underdeveloped area. To help evaluate to which point this…26.05.2020
Books for the 2020s: The Role of Book Content in the STM Researcher Ecosystem
« Today’s post is by Simon Holt. Simon is Publisher, Micro/Nanotechnologies and Reference Content Volume Strategy at Elsevier. (…) »17.02.2020
Report from the first national best practice workshop of the German open access monograph funds
« On 3 December 2019, the project team of the open access fund for monographs launched by the Leibniz Association invited…oa2020-de.org, Thomas Jung, Monika Pohlschmidt, Christoph Schindler, Olaf Siegert, 7 février 2020
Vers une feuille de route pour les monographies en accès ouvert [traduction de l’anglais « Towards a Roadmap for Open Access Monographs »]
« Ce rapport présente les principales conclusions et recommandations issues de l’atelier de consensus entre acteurs organisé par Knowledge Exchange sur…05.12.2019
OpenMonographs.org Launches to Flip Funding Model for University Publishing
« TOME (Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem) creates website to build a community of scholars, publishers, librarians, university administrators that increases…06.11.2019
Göttingen State, University Library and De Gruyter Launch an Open Access Book Transformation Project for the Humanities
« De Gruyter and a consortium led by the Göttingen State and University…04.11.2019
Cambridge University Libraries’ Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC): Open Access monographs: from policy to reality – October 2, 2019 [vidéos]
« One-day symposium for Cambridge researchers and support staff organized by Cambridge University Libraries’ Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC), incorporating talks,…08.10.2019
UUK open access monographs group:: Open access and monographs evidence review
« This report presents new evidence on academic book publishing in the UK, and puts forward a set of stakeholder…02.10.2019
Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press find that the monograph continues to play a crucial role for researchers
« The world’s two biggest university presses have announced the results of a joint, global survey into…11.09.2019
A Plan S for Academic Books: Report on EASSH – OPERAS Roundtable
« To take part in the discussion on Plan S for academic books, OPERAS and…22.07.2019
Cornell Joins TOME Open Monograph Initiative as 15th University Member
« The following is a statement from the Association of American Universities, the Association of Research Libraries, and the Association of…22.07.2019
Bibliodiversity in Practice: Developing Community-Owned, Open Infrastructures to Unleash Open Access Publishing
« (…) In this article we look at the main features of the existing monograph publication and distribution ecosystem, and question…17.06.2019
Research England awards £2.2m to project to improve and increase open access publishing
« A new Research England funded project is set to help universities, researchers, libraries and publishers to make more, and better,…03.06.2019
Towards a Roadmap for Open Access Monographs: A Knowledge Exchange Report
« This report outlines the key findings and recommendations coming out of the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Stakeholder Workshop on Open Access…26.04.2019
Spotlight on Open Access Monographs: Collecting Stories from LIBER Libraries
« The transition to Open Access (OA) has accelerated in recent months thanks to international initiatives such as Plan S.22.02.2019
Partenariat OpenEdition / Hypothesis sur les annotations ouvertes : appel à participation
« Vous êtes intéressés par l’exploration de nouvelles dynamiques de communication scientifique directe ? Participez à l’expérimentation d’évaluation ouverte par les…06.02.2019
Snijder, R. « The deliverance of open access books : examining usage and dissemination » [Doctoral Thesis]
« In many scholarly disciplines, books – not articles – are the norm. As print runs become smaller, the question arises…23.01.2019
New open access publisher competes through quality and efficient dissemination – the first HUP monographs will be released this year
« The University of Helsinki’s own open access publisher Helsinki University Press (HUP) has refined its publishing and service processes and…blogs.helsinki.fi, kirjoittanut Juuso P Ala-Kyyny, 21 janvier 2019
A propos du livre et la bibliodiversité : la voie vers un paysage éditorial européen ouvert [traduit de l’allemand]
« Le paysage de la publication des monographies est en train de changer. La monographie en accès ouvert ne joue pas…20.11.2018
Göttingen University Press Platform now supports Annotation via Hypothes.is
« Within the HIRMEOS project, Göttingen University Press aims to add on its platform new services that allow for deeper interaction…23.10.2018
Understanding and Negotiating Book Publication Contracts (.pdf)
« WE ALL REGULARLY SIGN, CLICK, SAY “OK,” or otherwise agree to a variety of contracts in our daily lives. For…authorsalliance.org, Brianna L. Schofield, Robert Kirk Walker, Eds, 2018
Knowledge Unlatched, failed transparency, and the commercialisation of open access book publishing
« Over recent years, Knowledge Unlatched has harnessed the effectiveness of its consortial funding model to become the largest gatekeeper to…17.09.2018
Knowledge Unlatched and IntechOpen collaborate to support Open Access books in engineering
« Knowledge Unlatched (KU), the Open Access Marketplace, and IntechOpen, one of the leading providers of Open Access academic books, form…23.08.2018
Statistics on Open Access Books Available through the Directory of Open Access Books
« Open Access (OA) books available through the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) are investigated and the number of titles,…08.08.2018
Books’ relevance in scholarly communication – The case of SciELO Books
« The SciELO Program celebrates 20 years of activity in full process of alignment with the advances of Open Science. For…06.08.2018
The OA2020-DE and Knowledge Unlatched are committed to the quality of Open Access books
« The National Contact Point Open Access and Knowledge Unlatched (KU) have de-veloped quality criteria for Open Access books. The aim…19.07.2018
HIRMEOS Hypervideo on OA Monographs
« (…) The aim of the interactive video framework is to offer a point of reference for all those seeking information…03.05.2018
The benefits of open access books are clear but challenges around funding remain
« As part of Academic Book Week 2018, last week Springer Nature hosted an event exploring open access books featuring representatives…26.03.2018
Knowledge Exchange: Summary of our landscape study on open access & monographs now published
« At the end of 2017, Knowledge Exchange published a groundbreaking study to analyse existing information about how OA monographs…21.03.2018
HIRMEOS Explanatory Video
« To learn more about the goals and implementations of the HIRMEOS project, you can now watch the animation video realized…01.03.2018
Listen back to the Knowledge Exchange & OASPA webinar on OA Monographs
« On the 14th December, Knowledge Exchange and OASPA co-hosted the webinar ‘New Developments in Open Access Monographs’, to present…10.11.2017
Cost estimates of an open access mandate for monographs in the UK’s third Research Excellence Framework
« The recent ‘Consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework’ (REF) in the UK contains an annex that signals the extension…insights.uksg.org, Eve, M.P. et al., 2017, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.392
Springer Nature: The OA effect: How does open access affect the usage of scholarly books?
« This report presents the first major comparative analysis of usage data for OA and non-OA scholarly books, and provides an…11.10.2017
Knowledge Exchange: A landscape study on open access and monographs Policies, funding and publishing in eight European countries
« This first-of-a-kind report from Knowledge Exchange maps the landscape for Open Access books in the Knowledge Exchange countries; Finland, Netherlands,…12.10.2016
Investigating OA monograph services – Final report
« The Investigating OA monograph services project has been exploring potential future services to support peer-reviewed OA monograph publishing.scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Caren Milloy, 11 octobre 2016
Catalogage des monographies anciennes : description bibliographique et données d’exemplaire
« La recommandation « Catalogage des monographies anciennes : description bibliographique et données d’exemplaire » et ses manuels d’application en formats…09.03.2016
AAUP to Develop Digital Monograph P+L Builder
» The Association of American University Presses is pleased to announce the receipt of a $50,200 grant from…08.02.2016
OAPEN-UK final report: A five-year study into open access monograph publishing in the humanities and social sciences
« Le Jisc a mis en ligne les résultats de son étude « a five-year study into OA monograph publishing…20.04.2015