Mot-clé : fair
Evaluation de jeux de données selon les critères FAIR en collaboration avec leurs auteurs scientifiques
« Dans le cadre du WP2 du projet ANR Bridge (2020-2022), une étude a été conduite pour évaluer selon des critères…10.11.2021
Exposition de données avec le laboratoire PACEA
« L’Inist et le laboratoire PACEA (De la préhistoire à l’actuel : culture, environnement et anthropologie) se…08.11.2021
Roadmap to FAIR Research Information in Open Infrastructures
« The FAIR Principles were designed to improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability of data holdings by humans and machines.20.10.2021
NAKALA: FAIRification of data in mass [vidéo]
« The Huma-Num Consortium CAHIER represents dozens of projects. To store their data so that they can be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable,…12.10.2021
FAIR Forever? Accountabilities and Responsibilities in the Preservation of Research Data
« (…) This paper draws from the FAIR Forever study to document and explore its key findings on the identified strengths,…11.10.2021
Do I-PASS for FAIR? Measuring the FAIR-ness of Research Organizations
« Given the increased use of the FAIR acronym as adjective for other contexts than data or data sets, the Dutch…26.08.2021
Research Data Management Challenges in Citizen Science Projects and Recommendations for Library Support Services. A Scoping Review and Case Study
« Citizen science (CS) projects are part of a new era of data aggregation and harmonisation that facilitates interconnections between different…13.08.2021
ESCAPE and ESFRI: overcoming common data-driven challenges through innovative FAIR data services
« European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is a self-regulated body that supports a strategy-led approach to policy-making on…19.07.2021
FAIR-Aware, un nouvel outil pour des données FAIR
« DoRANum accueille sur sa plateforme la version française de l’outil FAIR-Aware dont l’objectif est d’auto-évaluer ses données autour des principes…06.07.2021
FAIR or FAIRer? An integrated quantitative FAIRness assessment grid for semantic resources and ontologies
« In open science, the expression « FAIRness assessment » refers to evaluating to which degree a digital object is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable,…30.06.2021
Etude comparative de thésaurus en Sciences de l’Environnement – Bonnes pratiques de conception et FAIRisation de thésaurus
« Nous avons réalisé une analyse comparative détaillée de la structure de plusieurs thésaurus du champ des sciences de l’environnement (EnvThes,…11.06.2021
FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles)
« Research software is a fundamental and vital part of research worldwide, yet there remain significant challenges to software productivity, quality,…10.06.2021
Science Europe | Guide pratique pour une harmonisation internationale de la gestion des données de recherche-V2. Édition augmentée avec une rubrique pour l’évaluation des Plans de gestion des données
« La 2e édition du guide reprend le contenu de la 1re (les exigences minimales pour les plans de gestion des…08.06.2021
How repositories can increase their FAIR share
« To better support wider sharing and reuse of research data, many organisations and research groups are developing strategies to foster…30.04.2021
Making FAIReR assessments possible. Final report of EOSC Co-Creation projects: “European overview of career merit systems’’ and “Vision for research data in research careers”
« This report is a deliverable of EOSC Co-Creation projects (i) “European overview of career merit systems » and (ii) “Vision for…20.04.2021
FAIR Data Austria Online Project Meeting, April, 13th 2021 [slides & recordings]
« (…) Opening, FAIR Data Austria…12.04.2021
FAIRsFAIR Repository Support Series Webinars: April 2021 – February 2022
« FAIRsFAIR monthly webinar series aims to help repository managers become familiar with FAIR-enabling practices. Each webinar will provide an overview…18.03.2021
From Conceptualization to Implementation: FAIR Assessment of Research Data Objects
« Funders and policy makers have strongly recommended the uptake of the FAIR principles in scientific data management. Several initiatives are…24.02.2021
Implementing FAIR data management within the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI) exemplified by selected use cases
« This article describes some use case studies and self-assessments of FAIR status of de.NBI services to illustrate the challenges and…22.02.2021
EOSC-Nordic: FAIRification STEP 2 on DATA / METADATA webinar
« On February 3, 2021, data repository representatives from across the Nordics and Baltics participated in a FAIRification webinar organised by…03.02.2021
A challenge for historical research: Making data FAIR using a collaborative ontology management environment (OntoME)
« This paper addresses the issue of interoperability of data generated by historical research and heritage institutions in order to make…29.01.2021
X-officio Delivers EOSC-study on FAIR Data and Legal Interoperability
« (…) This study on legal and regulatory issues related to the application of the FAIR Principles was commissioned by the…18.01.2021
Recommendations on certifying services required to enable FAIR within EOSC
« The Recommendations on certifying services required to enable FAIR within EOSC document contains an analysis of activities relevant to certification…18.01.2021
Recommendations on FAIR metrics for EOSC
« The Recommendations on FAIR Metrics for EOSC document contains an analysis of activities relevant to the definition of FAIR Metrics…op.europa.eu, EOSC Executive BoardFAIR WG, janvier 2021, https://doi.org/10.2777/70791
Journées EOSC France – 4/5 février 2021
« L’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) est une initiative de la Commission Européenne qui vise à relier les…21.12.2020
Gestion des données de la recherche : fonctionnement de la collection Pangloss [vidéo]
« Pangloss, archive ouverte dédiée aux langues rares, est un exemple de collection répondant dans sa conception et ses usages aux…canal-u.tv/video/cnrs_ups2259, Alexis Michaud, LACITO CNRS, 15 décembre 2020
Huma-Num Science Ouverte, un projet soutenu par le Fonds national pour la science ouverte (FNSO)
« Huma-Num Science ouverte est un projet soutenu par le Fonds national pour la science ouverte (FNSO) dans le cadre du…12.11.2020
Realising the European Open Science Cloud
Monday, November 16, 2020 – 09:00 to Thursday, November 19, 2020 – 13:30 « Help create a FAIR research data…30.10.2020
Réalisation : Évaluation « FAIRitude » pour Loterre et TermSciences
« Découvrez dans nos récits de réalisations l’étude « test » réalisée sur les plateformes terminologiques de l’Inist dans…23.10.2020
From FAIR Leading Practices to FAIR Implementation and Back: An Inclusive Approach to FAIR at Leiden University Libraries
« (…) In this paper we describe how LU aims to close the feedback loop between international bottom-up organisations such as…21.10.2020
FAIR Signposting Profile
« This page details a concrete recipe that repositories can follow to implement Signposting, a lightweight yet…16.10.2020
Data Repository Selection: Criteria That Matter
« Representatives from journals, journal publishers and scholarly communication organisations have come together in the FAIRsharing Community…16.10.2020
Six Recommendations for Implementation of FAIR Practice [FAIR in Practice Task Force of the European Open Science Cloud FAIR Working Group]
« This report analyses the state of FAIR practices within diverse research communities and FAIR-related policies in different countries and offers…14.10.2020
EOSC-Nordic Certification support seminar on FAIR data
« The group within EOSC-Nordic focusing on FAIR data arranged a plenary webinar on certification support early September for a selected…eosc-nordic.eu, Josefine Nordling, Henrik Jakobsen, 30 septembre 2020
Towards FAIR protocols and workflows: the OpenPREDICT use case
« It is essential for the advancement of science that researchers share, reuse and reproduce each other’s workflows and protocols. The…23.09.2020
Realising the European Open Science Cloud: Towards a FAIR research data landscape for the social sciences, humanities and beyond
« Help create a FAIR research data landscape! Discover new tools and techniques and aggregate your services to the EOSC…07.09.2020
Articles Are the Fundamental Unit of Data Sharing
« Research data is/are getting a lot of airtime at the moment. 2020 is the STM Association’s ‘…12.08.2020
FAIRness Literacy: The Achilles’ Heel of Applying FAIR Principles
« (…) This paper reports on the lessons learned from the RDA SHARC Interest Group on identifying the processes required to…16.07.2020
Appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour adhérer à l’EOSC
« Le mandat de la gouvernance d’EOSC arrive à son terme le 31 décembre 2020. Conformément à…08.07.2020
How to FAIR: A deep dive into FAIR data
« This website will take you on a deep dive into the subject matter of FAIR research data. Over the course…18.06.2020
Save the date: September 24, Open day on Open Science 2020: Drop your data FAIR
« September 24th, DANS organizes an Open day on Open Science together with Promovendi Netwerk Nederland, Horizon2020 project OpenAIRE and Open…16.06.2020
Save the date: September 24, Open day on Open Science 2020: Drop your data FAIR
« September 24th, DANS organizes an Open day on Open Science together with Promovendi Netwerk Nederland, Horizon2020 project OpenAIRE and Open…28.05.2020
DFG, German Research Foundation: National Research Data Infrastructure – 2020 Call for Consortia Proposals (Round Two)
« The German federal and state governments reached an agreement in November 2018 to establish a national research data infrastructure (NFDI).14.04.2020
FAIR Data Maturity Model: specification and guidelines
« Impact: This document describes a maturity model for FAIR assessment with assessment indicators, priorities and evaluation methods. This is useful for…25.03.2020
Hackathon : comment améliorer le dépôt et le partage de données de recherche ? – 14 janvier 2020 – Grenoble [synthèse des échanges]
« La journée proposée par le groupe de travail inter réseaux sur les Données a mis un…mi-gt-donnees.pages.math.unistra.fr, dernière mise à jour le 17/03/2020
Being FAIR: A joint workshop effort of CO-OPERAS and SSHOC
« CO-OPERAS and SSHOC share a similar task: supporting researchers in the social…dariah.eu, Barthauer, Raisa; Bertino, Andrea; Buddenbohm, Stefan, 24 février 2020
Let’s be FAIR! ALLEA presents recommendations for sustainable data sharing in the humanities
« A new ALLEA report provides key recommendations to make digital data in the humanities “Findable, Accessible,…11.02.2020
FAIR Data Reuse – the Path through Data Citation
« (…) In this paper, we discuss how data citation and its underlying infrastructures, in particular associated metadata, provide an important…31.01.2020
FAIR data for prehistoric mining archaeology
« This paper presents an approach how to create FAIR data for prehistoric mining archaeology, based on the CIDOC CRM ontology…24.01.2020
FAIR principles and beyond: Implementation in Dataverse [diaporama]
« FAIR Principles ● The importance of FAIR ● Implementation in Dataverse Beyond FAIR: ● Responsible FAIR…scholar.harvard.edu, Mercè Crosas, European DataverseWorkshop 2020, Tromso, Norway, 23 janvier 2020
Atelier sur les données FAIR en SHS : appel à participation !
« Dans le cadre du projet CO-OPERAS, OpenEdition et Huma-Num lancent un appel à participation à l’atelier…10.01.2020
Les données scientifiques, un trésor à partager
« En passe de devenir une exigence, l’ouverture et le partage des données scientifiques pourraient déboucher sur de nouvelles découvertes. Cela…lejournal.cnrs.fr, Jean-Baptiste Veyrieras, 2019, n° 298, CNRS le Journal,
Hackathon : comment améliorer le dépôt et le partage de données de recherche ? Grenoble, 14 janvier 2020
« (…) La journée que vous propose le groupe de travail inter réseaux sur les Données mettra un…22.11.2019
Online FAIR Software Route launched
« On the 21st of November, participants of the National eScience Symposium in Amsterdam witnessed a special event: the launch of…18.11.2019
Towards FAIR principles for research software
« (…) In this work, we aim to summarize the current status of the debate around FAIR and software, as basis…12.11.2019
CODATA publishes the Beijing Declaration on Research Data
« (…) The Beijing Declaration is intended as a timely statement of core principles to encourage global cooperation, especially for public…08.11.2019
The History and Future of Data Citation in Practice
« In this review, we adopt the definition that ‘Data citation is a reference to data for the purpose of credit…31.10.2019
FAIRsFAIR Open Consultation: FAIR Data Policies and Practices
« Want research in Europe to be more FAIR? Your views count! Please complete one or all of our surveys! (…)…24.10.2019
FAIR Convergence Matrix: Optimizing the Reuse of Existing FAIR-Related Resources
« (…) In an effort to accelerate broad community convergence on FAIR implementation options, the GO FAIR community has launched the…15.10.2019
Open Call for European FAIR Champions
« We are calling for experts from all scientific communities around Europe to join our European Group…23.09.2019
Lessons from a tool of FAIR literacy based on key assessment criteria [poster]
« The RDA-SHARC (SHAring Reward & Credit) interest group is an interdisciplinary group endorsed by Research Data Alliance. It intends to…10.09.2019