Mot-clé : editeur-scientifique
Couperin | Lettre de cadrage – négociations 2024 pour les accords 2025
« Le département des négociations documentaires du consortium Couperin apporte avec cette lettre de cadrage les éléments qui doivent guider les…08.02.2024
On the Fast Track to Full Gold Open Access
« The world of scientific publishing is changing; the days of an old type of subscription-based earnings for publishers seem over,…17.10.2023
The strain on scientific publishing
« Scientists are increasingly overwhelmed by the volume of articles being published. Total articles indexed in Scopus and Web of Science…12.10.2023
Brill and De Gruyter jointly announce agreement is reached to form De Gruyter Brill
« Brill and De Gruyter jointly announce agreement is reached to form De Gruyter Brill. The transaction creates the leading…03.03.2023
La négociation d’accords transformants
« La réalité des publications des chercheurs français progresse dans son ouverture comme le démontre le Baromètre pour la Science ouverte…13.10.2022
Science’s no-fee public-access policy will take effect in 2023
« The publisher of the prestigious journal Science will soon allow the authors of its research papers to make public an…14.06.2022
Le RCDR annonce les Lignes directrices pour l’évaluation des éditeurs en libre accès
Le Comité stratégique du contenu (CSC) est heureux de vous présenter les Lignes directrices pour l’évaluation des…25.05.2022
Plan S Journal Comparison Service: open for publishers to register and deposit price and service data
« cOAlition S is excited to release today the Journal Comparison Service (JCS), a secure, free and long-anticipated…12.04.2022
Traçage des données dans la recherche : Agrégation et utilisation ou vente des données d’usage par les éditeurs scientifiques : Une synthèse du Comité des services de bibliothèques scientifiques et des systèmes d’information de la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Fondation allemande pour la recherche)
« La présente synthèse préparée par le Comité des services des bibliothèques scientifiques et des systèmes d’information (AWBI) de la Deutsche…08.04.2022
LIBER : Four Urgent Recommendations for Open Access Negotiations with Publishers
« A lot has happened in the scholarly publishing landscape since LIBER published its Five Principles for Open…07.03.2022
Ensuring data and code archive quality: why and how?
« This post was co-written by Dan Bolnick (The American Naturalist, Editor), Tim Vines (DataSeer.ai), Bob Montgomerie (AmNat Data Editor). This…https://comments.amnat.org/2022/03/ensuring-data-and-code-archive-quality.html
Creating a market to replace publisher monopolies
« Replacing traditional journals with a more modern solution is not a new idea, but the lack of progress since the…25.05.2021
CESAER, European University Association (EUA), Science Europe: All publishers must provide researchers with clarity and transparency on Open Access
« CESAER, the European University Association (EUA) and Science Europe call on all publishers to fully respect researchers’ rights and to…18.05.2021
Data tracking in research: aggregation and use or sale of usage data by academic publishers (.pdf)
« This briefing paper issued by the Committee on Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (AWBI) of the Deutsche…05.05.2021
Joint Commitment for Action on Inclusion and Diversity in Publishing: An Interview with Laura Norton and Nicola Nugent of the RSC
« While we still have a long way to go before our community is truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive, it’s been…24.03.2021
The Impact of the German « DEAL » on Competition in the Academic Publishing Market, March 2021 (.pdf)
« The German DEAL agreements between German universities and research institutions on the one side and Springer Nature and Wiley on…12.02.2021
Current market rates for scholarly publishing services
« For decades, the supra-inflation increase of subscription prices for scholarly journals has concerned scholarly institutions. After years of fruitless efforts…05.02.2021
Signatories publish statement on Rights Retention Strategy
« (…) As of January 2021, a group of private funding agencies and European governmental funding agencies called “cOAlition S” has…12.01.2021
Wiley Acquires Hindawi: An Interview with Judy Verses and Liz Ferguson
« Last week John Wiley & Sons announced its acquisition of open access (OA) publisher Hindawi Limited for $298M. While…17.12.2020
The State of Not-for-Profit Publishing Today
« The organizations that facilitate scholarly communication have been under tremendous pressure in this unrelenting year. For example, the enormous efforts…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Laura Brown, Roger C. Schonfeld, 15 décembre 2020
Cambridge University Press (CUP) welcomes the transformative journals programme from cOAlition S
« For some time now we have been committed to a transition to totally open research. And therefore we greatly appreciate…21.10.2020
Request for Information – Price and Service Transparency Framework: building a service to provide access to publisher services and pricing data
« On behalf of cOAlition S, the European Science Foundation is exploring the feasibility of procuring an online, web-based service that…15.10.2020
IWA Publishing (International Water Association Publishing) Launches Pilot to Flip its Entire Journal Portfolio to Open Access Using the Subscribe-to-Open Mode
« IWA Publishing, the wholly owned publishing subsidiary of the International Water Association based in London, UK, has announced a pilot…02.10.2020
Le Cirad promeut la publication de ses recherches chez des éditeurs dignes de confiance
« Afin de garantir la crédibilité de ses résultats de recherches, le Cirad encourage ses chercheurs à soumettre leurs articles issus…18.08.2020
Adopting open access in the social sciences and humanities: evidence from a developing nation
« Open Access (OA) publishing, with ambitious movements such as Plan S, is engendering radical changes among academic publishers. Emerging countries…17.08.2020
Universities will cancel deals with publishers if they don’t respond to current financial pressures – warn major sector bodies
« A price freeze on journal subscriptions will not be enough to avoid UK researchers losing access to key academic content, warn three major sector bodies representing academic…05.08.2020
Preprint servers and the publishers embracing open peer review
« At the annual meeting of ISMPP this year, the way that publishers engage with preprints was…26.05.2020
Books for the 2020s: The Role of Book Content in the STM Researcher Ecosystem
« Today’s post is by Simon Holt. Simon is Publisher, Micro/Nanotechnologies and Reference Content Volume Strategy at Elsevier. (…) »02.04.2020
European Commission signs letter to scholarly publishing community in the fight against coronavirus
« The European Commission has added its support to a call to the scholarly publishing community urging them to make Covid-19…31.03.2020
cOAlition S responds to Open Access publishers’ statement on Transformative Agreements
« cOAlition S has taken good note of the position paper by five fully Open Access publishers…23.03.2020
Covid19 : recensement des facilités offertes par les éditeurs du fait de la Pandémie
« Nous souhaitons pouvoir relayer les initiatives des éditeurs pour aider le monde académique, et la population en général, à faire…19.03.2020
Appel ADBU, Couperin, EPRIST aux éditeurs académiques “Ouvrez l’accès aux publications scientifiques !”
(…) Le consortium Couperin.org, l’ADBU et EPRIST se joignent au communiqué de l’association internationale ICOLC https://icolc.net/statement/statement-global-covid-19-pandemic-and-its-impact-library-services-and-resources…09.03.2020
Emerald pilots crowd review process with Filestage to enhance peer review collaboration
« Emerald Publishing is piloting a crowd review process with Filestage to enhance the peer review process and improve the quality…04.03.2020
SAGE launches portal to streamline open access publishing process
« SAGE Publishing announces the launch of a new portal that enables authors, consortia, libraries, and funders to manage the open…18.02.2020
Plan S, creatives commons, nouvelles plateformes… : la science ouverte sous le regard des éditeurs scientifiques publics
« A moins d’un an de la mise en œuvre du Plan S, la question de la…06.02.2020
Establishing tender procedures and competition within the framework of national library consortia for open access journals
« (…) The existing transformative agreements do not include mechanisms for the definitive flipping of journals into open access and no…30.01.2020
[VIDEO]: Meet the publishers
« In this webinar, Hamish McDougall (Business Development Manager, SAGE Publishing), Jonathan Patience (Head of Commissioning,…10.01.2020
Open Science Talk: #27 Publishing Open Access Monographs [audio]
« Our guest today is Lucy Barnes, Editor and Project Coordinator at Open Book Publishers. She talks about what it is…06.01.2020
Scholarly journal publishing in transition: from restricted to open access
« While the business models used in most segments of the media industry have been profoundly changed by the Internet surprisingly…arxiv.org, Bo-Christer Björk, 29 décembre 2019, arXiv:1912.12646v1
Scientific Publishers Unite to Oppose Potential Open Access Executive Order
« (…) The White House is considering issuing an executive order that would mandate immediate free access to all published federally…13.12.2019
New service from publishers to streamline access to research
« Get Full Text Research (GetFTR) is a new, free to use solution that enables faster access for researchers to the…12.12.2019
Délais d’embargo: lettre ouverte aux éditeurs
« Dès 2020, tous les articles issus de recherches financées par le FNS devront être publiés en libre accès après six…10.12.2019
GetFTR, la réponse des éditeurs scientifiques au piratage
« Un groupement de quelques-uns des plus puissants éditeurs scientifiques de la planète, comprenant notamment Elsevier, Springer Nature et Wiley, a…03.12.2019
Publishers’ Responsibilities in Promoting Data Quality and Reproducibility
« Scholarly publishers can help to increase data quality and reproducible research by promoting transparency and openness. Increasing transparency can be…27.11.2019
Universities unite in high-level strategy group to govern negotiations with publishers
« Universities UK has convened a new group to support and enhance the mandate of Jisc in…05.11.2019
UNSILO AI in Academic Publishing Survey 2019 (.pdf)
« Between July and September 2019 UNSILO carried out a survey of academic publishers. They were asked questions about their current…17.09.2019
Yale University and Frontiers form open access publishing agreement
« (…) Yale University supports its researchers in making their research more widely available. As part of this support, Yale University…05.09.2019
How libraries can support society publishers to accelerate their transition to full and immediate OA and Plan S
« The relationship between libraries and society publishers has not previously been a close one. While transactions have in the past…28.08.2019
Financing open-access publication after 2024
« Several publishers are concerned about the timeline for implementing Plan S, the European initiative that will make all research papers…13.08.2019
Introduction to “Super Closed Access Journals”
« There is a new class of scholarly journal. These journals are not open-access. You can’t purchase their articles individually. Individuals…30.07.2019
Can I write an article or book based on my open access thesis?
« This is an interesting question and one that early career researchers commonly ask. You’ve worked long and hard on your…18.07.2019
Update on open access and academic journal contracts: a presentation to the University of California Board of Regents’ Academic and Student Affairs Committee
« On July 17, 2019, Acting Provost and Vice Provost Susan Carlson, University Librarian and Chief Digital Scholarship Officer Jeffrey MacKie-Mason,…osc.universityofcalifornia.edu, Günter Waibel, 17 juillet 2019
SAGE Publishing and Aptara announce a technology partnership to collect open access article -processing charges
« Aptara has partnered with SAGE Publishing to provide an integrated SAGE-branded online platform to collect open access (OA) Creative Commons…30.04.2019
The Publishers’ Move to Capture Campus Data
« Analysis commissioned by advocacy group documents how major companies’ business strategies could help them lock up research and learning data…01.04.2019
Un point sur l’accès aux publications scientifiques à l’Université de Lorraine
« Contexte Depuis deux années, les relations entre les bibliothèques universitaires et les éditeurs de revues scientifiques (éditeurs commerciaux et…27.03.2019
As Elsevier Falters, Wiley Succeeds in Open-Access Deal Making
« The divergent strategies of scholarly publishers to forge licensing agreements with libraries are yielding different results. (…) »17.01.2019
Change ahead: How do smaller publishers perceive open access?
« (…) While libraries and funding bodies in German-speaking countries have been negotiating Open Access Agreements with large publishers for years…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Christian Kaier, Karin Lackner, 15 janvier 2019
Nine routes towards Plan S compliance
« On October 22 we posted Eight routes towards Plan S compliance. Meanwhile, cOAlition-S, the group of funders responsible…101innovations.wordpress.com, Jeroen Bosman, Bianca Kramer, 30 novembre 2018
Is It Such a Big Deal? On the Cost of Journal Use in the Digital Era
« Commercial scholarly publishers promote and sell bundles of journals—known as big deals—that provide access to entire collections rather than individual…28.08.2018
The rent’s too high: Self-archive for fair online publication costs
« The main contributors of scientific knowledge, researchers, generally aim to disseminate their findings far and wide. And yet, publishing companies…16.08.2018
SAGE Publishing acquires Talis Group
« SAGE Publishing has acquired Talis, a technology company, and its enterprise teaching and learning platform, Talis Aspire. SAGE says the…09.07.2018