Mot-clé : Finlande
Federation of Finnish Learned Societies | New policy component to advance open access to theses
« (…) The new policy has one stated goal: « All theses approved from 2025 onwards will be openly accessible. » This applies…21.12.2023
Research Council of Finland adopts long-term plan for research infrastructures up to 2030
« The aim of the plan is to advance the development of research infrastructures, in particular those funded by the Finnish…15.12.2023
The diamond model lives on the support of organisations – how the University of Helsinki supports open access free of charge for authors
« Diamond open access model – open access with no author fees – has emerged strongly, particularly in the European discussions…24.08.2023
FinELib consortium | Costs of scientific journals have reached unsustainable level – The future of subscriptions in jeopardy
« Publishers are demanding increasingly higher fees for reading scientific journals and open access publishing, even though the scientific community can’t…29.06.2023
Open Science Coordination in Finland | New policy component on research methods and infrastructures published
« The updated policy combines the policy component on open research data from 2021 and a brand new component on research…28.02.2023
Overview of Aalto’s open access publications 2022
« In 2022, Aalto’s researchers published more publications open access than ever before. What are the changes we see in 2023?…18.11.2022
Long-term work towards open science and research reflected in the form of excellent results in the monitoring on open science and research [Finland]
« The monitoring results provide a comprehensive overview of the state of Finnish open science and research (…) »…10.10.2022
Finland’s roadmap for research infrastructures 2021–2024 published
« The roadmap for national research infrastructures in Finland is a list of research infrastructure services of strategic importance for Finland’s…08.08.2022
Research performance and scholarly communication profile of competitive research funding: the case of Academy of Finland
« The Academy of Finland (AKA), Finland’s major public research funding agency, uses a Web of Science (WoS) based bibliometric indicator…14.06.2022
EOSC Finnish Forum 8 June 2022 | EOSC impact & uptake at institutional level: benefits & challenges [vidéos & slides]
« One of the key objectives of EOSC is to ensure that Open Science practises and skills are rewarded and taught,…16.02.2022
The business model of Finnish Literature Society
« The Finnish Literature Society (SKS) was founded in 1831 and has a long tradition of supporting and advancing studies in…16.02.2022
The business model of Helsinki University Press
« Helsinki University Press (HUP) is a young press, founded in 2017. The first OA book was published by HUP at…22.12.2021
Open access at the national level: A comprehensive analysis of publications by Finnish researchers
« Open access (OA) has mostly been studied by relying on publication data from selective international databases, notably Web of Science…19.10.2021
SPARC Europe to facilitate high-level European OS policymaker group CoNOSC
« SPARC Europe is honoured to support the Council for National Open Science Coordination (CoNOSC) in their efforts…12.10.2021
Impact and visibility of Norwegian, Finnish and Spanish journals in the fields of humanities
« This article analyses the impact and visibility of scholarly journals in the humanities that are publishing in the national languages…05.05.2021
Finland: Open Research Data And Methods. National Policy And Executive Plan By The Higher Education And Research Community For 2021–2025 (.pdf)
« POLICY COMPONENT 1: OPEN ACCESS TO RESEARCH DATA This policy consists of policy components. The first policy component concerns…06.01.2021
High-resolution pictures made freely accessible – why?
« The Finnish Heritage Agency has made more than 200,000 high-resolution pictures, i.e. large and print-quality collection picture files, freely accessible…25.11.2020
Academy of Finland to adopt reforms to open access publishing and responsible researcher evaluation from beginning of 2021
« Starting with calls to be opened after 1 January 2021, the Academy of Finland will introduce a number of reforms…23.11.2020
Finto AI, a service for automated subject indexing
« Finto AI is a service for automated subject indexing. It can be used to suggest subjects for text in Finnish,…10.06.2020
Finland has launched a national portal: Research.fi
« Research.fi is a service offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture that collects and shares…20.04.2020
Good practice in researcher evaluation. Recommendation for the responsible evaluation of a researcher in Finland (.pdf)
« This is a recommendation for the responsible evaluation of a researcher. In this context, a researcher is a person who…15.01.2020
Atlas of open science and research in Finland 2019
« Evaluation of openness in the activities of higher education institutions, research institutes, research-funding organisations, Finnish academic and cultural institutes abroad…02.10.2019
Open Access in Finland: How an Open Repository becomes a Full Service Open Publishing Platform
« Universities across Europe are tackling the same open science challenges with constantly diminishing resources. The need for improved open publishing…zbw-mediatalk.eu, Tiina Tolonen, Minna Marjamaa, 1er octobre 2019
What was learned in Project Mildred in 2016–2018? A review of a project that aimed at reforming research data services at the University of Helsinki
« In autumn 2015, under the leadership of the Rector, the University of Helsinki decided to launch a project to update…29.01.2019
Negotiations with Taylor & Francis hit a wall
« Negotiations between the FinELib consortium and Taylor & Francis ended with no positive results. The end of the negotiations means…23.01.2019
New open access publisher competes through quality and efficient dissemination – the first HUP monographs will be released this year
« The University of Helsinki’s own open access publisher Helsinki University Press (HUP) has refined its publishing and service processes and…blogs.helsinki.fi, kirjoittanut Juuso P Ala-Kyyny, 21 janvier 2019
NameSampo: A Linked Open Data Infrastructure and Workbench for Toponomastic Research (.pdf)
« This paper presents a series of projects where one of the main sources for toponomastic research in Finland, the corpora…seco.cs.aalto.fi, Esko Ikkala, Jouni Tuominen, Jaakko Raunamaa et.al, September, 2018
Finnish University rectors demand scholarly publishers to transition to open access
« The license negotiations with scholarly publishers must advance the transition to open access publishing, the Finnish university rectors demand in…16.08.2018
Research Data Breakfast in Helsinki, Finland 14 August 2018 [video]
« Inspired by the Research Data Alliance (RDA) national node meeting in June, CSC – IT Center for…09.05.2018
Tracing Data – Data Citation Roadmap for Finland
« This document presents a roadmap for the Finnish research community for implementing research datacitation practices. The roadmap consists of an…04.05.2018
Finnish research infrastructures review report published
« The interim review of the strategy and roadmap for Finnish research infrastructures 2014–2020 was conducted in 2017–2018.01.02.2018
Finlande : Opening Academic Publishing
« The report Opening academic publishing. Development and application of systematic evaluation criteria summarises the development of a…18.01.2018
FinELib and Elsevier agreement: access to scholarly journals and 50 % discount of article processing charges
« The FinELib consortium and Elsevier have signed a 3 year agreement regarding the Science Direct Freedom Collection. The agreement offers…24.11.2017
Moving to the next level: Interview on open science in Finland
« Coordinated efforts on many levels have fostered open science in Finland. In our interview, Pirjo-Leena Forsström shares some insights into…23.08.2017
Negotiations with Elsevier: The crucial issues for the FinELib consortium
« Elsevier has approached academic institutions and researchers in Finland. The letter states Elsevier’s view on the negotiations between the FinELib…29.06.2017
Finlande : Affordable prices and open access essential: UNIFI fully supports goals of FinELib consortium in Elsevier negotiations
« Universities Finland UNIFI is giving its full support to the FinELib consortium’s goals in the negotiations with the large academic…13.12.2016
Quel modèle économique pour les campus ? Trois exemples innovants à l’étranger
« À l’occasion du renouvellement de leur convention, la CPU et la Caisse des dépôts publient une étude sur…05.12.2016
The Cost of Scientific Publications Must not Get out of Hand
« In 2015 Finnish research organisations paid a total of 27 million euros in subscription fees and in the…19.09.2016
The Finnish National OpenAIRE workshop focused on infrastructures and networking for Open Science
« The workshop was held at the University of Helsinki at the end of August. The event was designed…14.06.2016
Scientific journal subscription costs in Finland 2010-2015: a preliminary analysis
« Detailed information on journal subscription costs paid to individual publishers by the Finnish research institutions has…23.07.2013
Les Finlandais forcent l’examen d’une révision du droit d’auteur
« C’est une première. En Finlande, des citoyens sont parvenus à élaborer ensemble une proposition de loi proposant d’assouplir…11.04.2013
2012 – IFLA Helsinki (Finlande) in Archimag, n° 257, sept. 2012, p.40-41
« Le Congrès mondial des bibliothèques et de l’information organisé annuellement par l’IFLA a tenu sa 78ème édition à Helsinki…08.02.2013