Mot-clé :
Open Consultation: Crafting a vision for European Repositories
« In January 2023, OpenAIRE, LIBER, SPARC Europe, and COAR unveiled a joint strategy to strengthen…30.04.2024
COAR and INFLIBNET agree to launch a community of practice for repositories in India
« After two very successful days of meetings with many esteemed local and international representatives, COAR and INFLIBNET are pleased to…04.04.2024
The Promise and Practice of Open Science – Asia OA Meeting | New Delhi, India, 17-18 April 2024
« Open Science is a movement to make scientific research available to all – making it more useful, transparent and greatly…20.11.2023
US Repository Network launches pilot to enhance discoverability of content in repositories
« COAR has been working with the US Repository Network (USRN) to connect and strengthen the position of repositories in the…31.10.2023
Managing multilingual and non-English language content in repositories
(…) In August 2022, COAR launched the COAR Task Force on Supporting Multilingualism and non-English Content in…18.10.2023
COAR Transition to the Netherlands
« On January 1, 2024, all COAR operations will transition from the COAR e.V. to the COAR Stichting.03.10.2023
Persistent Identifiers: Addressing the challenges of global adoption
« The aim of this blog post is to raise awareness about certain issues related to the adoption of persistent identifiers…20.07.2023
COAR Notify: overview of year one
« The COAR Notify Initiative is developing and accelerating community adoption of a standard, interoperable, and decentralised approach to linking research…02.06.2023
COAR community consultation on managing non-English and multilingual content in repositories
« COAR welcomes your input on 16 draft recommendations for managing non-English and multilingual content in repositories. These…01.06.2023
[COAR Annual Meeting 2023] Do we really need another 30 years to achieve open science? [slides](.pdf)
« Keynote Speaker Marin Dacos, National Open Science Coordinator at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. He has…09.03.2023
The COAR Notify Developers’ Handbook now available
« The COAR Notify Team is compiling a COAR Notify Developers’ Handbook, and an early iteration is now…17.02.2023
COAR Annual Meeting 2023, May 16-18, 2023, San José, Costa Rica
COAR is pleased to announce that the COAR Annual Meeting 2023 will take place in Costa Rica on May 16-18,…18.01.2023
LIBER and Other Major Stakeholders Launch Joint Strategy to Strengthen the European Repository Network
« We are pleased to announce that LIBER, SPARC Europe, COAR, and…13.12.2022
Ten Recommended Practices for Managing Preprints in Generalist and Institutional Repositories
« Today, COAR and ASAPbio are pleased to announce the publication of “Ten Recommended Practices for Managing Preprints in Generalist and…05.12.2022
Comment repérer un serveur de preprints ?
« Consultez le répertoire des serveurs de preprints tenu par le Centre de la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSD) et la Confederation…02.11.2022
COAR Announces first recommendation for supporting multilingual and non-English content in repositories
« Multilingualism is a critical characteristic of a healthy, inclusive, and diverse research communications landscape. The Helsinki Initiative…27.10.2022
Update on the COAR Notify Initiative: Advancing Innovation in Scholarly Communications
« The COAR Notify Initiative is developing and accelerating community adoption of a standard, interoperable, and decentralised approach to linking research…06.10.2022
Le CCSD et COAR annoncent le lancement d’un répertoire pour les serveurs de preprints
« Le CCSD et la Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) ont le plaisir d’annoncer officiellement le lancement…17.08.2022
Transformative agreements are not the key to open access
« This editorial was originally published on the Times Higher Education website on August 9, 2022 The…01.08.2022
COAR publie une nouvelle version de son « Cadre commun de bonnes pratiques en matière d’entrepôts »
« La Confederation of Open Access Repositories propose la version 2 du « Cadre commun de bonnes pratiques en…21.07.2022
COAR Releases Community Framework for Good Practices in Repositories, Version 2
« COAR is pleased to announce the release of the COAR Community Framework for Good Practices in Repositories,…12.04.2022
Research repositories should be exempted from the European Digital Services Act
« On April 5, through a joint statement, COAR joined several other European organizations to call for an…22.03.2022
COAR Annual Meeting 2022 « The Role of Repositories in the Radical Transformation of Scholarly Communications » May 17 – May 20, 2022
« (…) With COVID-19 and the UNESCO Open Science Recommendation, open access and open science are high on the agenda of…08.02.2022
Open Consultation – COAR Community Framework for Good Practices in Repositories
« The Framework brings together relevant criteria developed by other communities (and refined by the COAR Repository Assessment…01.02.2022
Le CCSD et COAR annoncent la création d’un répertoire pour les serveurs de preprints
« Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSD) et la Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) ont…23.08.2021
LIBER and COAR Join Forces to Strengthen the Role of Repositories in Europe
« LIBER and COAR (The Confederation of Open Access Repositories) have signed a partnership agreement with the aim of strengthening the…21.07.2021
COAR releases resource types vocabulary version 3.0 for repositories with new look and feel
« We are pleased to announce the release of version 3.0 of the resource types vocabulary. Since 2015, three COAR Controlled…13.04.2021
Africa and Latin America agree to closer collaboration around open science
« Today, LA Referencia, RedCLARA and the three African regional research and education networks – ASREN, WACREN and UbuntuNet Alliance –…09.02.2021
COAR Launches the “Notify Project”
« COAR is pleased to announce the launch of a new project, Notify: The Repositories and Services Interoperability…17.11.2020
Cadre commun COAR de bonnes pratiques en matière d’entrepôts [traduction de l’anglais « COAR Community Framework for Best Practices in Repositories »]
« L’objectif du document est d’aider les entrepôts à évaluer et à améliorer leurs opérations actuelles sur la base d’un ensemble…10.11.2020
COAR Strategy 2019-2021 and Work Plan 2021
« COAR is pleased to publish our Work Plan for 2021. The activities build on our work of 2020. For…10.08.2020
Overlay model for peer review on repositories – open for public comment
« COAR is pleased to share with you a proposed model for a standardised approach to peer review of resources in…23.06.2020
COAR survey finds no large barriers for repository platforms in complying with Plan S
« (…) The survey found that most repository platforms currently support compliance with Plan S mandatory criteria and, in the few…26.05.2020
COAR Recommendations for COVID-19 resources in repositories
« Around the world, research related to COVID-19 is being undertaken at unprecedented rates and rapid sharing of early research outputs…16.04.2020
Fostering Bibliodiversity in Scholarly Communications – A Call for Action!
« We are calling on the community to make concerted efforts to develop strong, community-governed infrastructures that support diversity in scholarly…04.03.2020
What should be the essential baseline practices for repositories that manage research data?
« COAR and SPARC have published a joint response to the OSTP Request for Public Comment on…10.02.2020
Communiqué: Meeting participants agree to work together on a technical architecture for distributed peer review on repository resources
« On January 23-24, 2020, COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) convened a meeting to investigate the potential for a common,…26.11.2019
COAR Webinar: Getting up to Speed on Repository Discovery and Deposit Services
« Having trouble keeping track of the increasing number of discovery services? Want to learn more about how they work, who…08.10.2019
COAR and cOAlition S Supporting Repositories to Adhere to Plan S
« COAR and cOAlition S share a common aim to accelerate the transition to full and immediate…06.09.2019
Pubfair: A Framework for Sustainable, Distributed, OpenScience Publishing Services
« (…) Pubfair is a conceptual model for a modular open source publishing framework which builds upon a distributed network of…25.07.2019
RDA and COAR Collaborate to Progress Research Data Management Internationally
« The Research Data Alliance (RDA) and the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) are pleased to announce an agreement to…23.07.2019
New release of the COAR Controlled Vocabulary, “Resource Type”
« COAR is pleased to announce the release of the Resource Type Vocabulary, Version 2. This vocabulary,…29.05.2019
COAR Annual Meeting 2019 – 21-23 May 2019, Lyon, France [presentations & posters]
« Bridging communities for an inclusive and sustainable global knowledge commons. COAR vision is to work…15.05.2019
Le CCSD accueille la communauté internationale des archives ouvertes
« Du 21 au 23 mai, le CCSD aura le plaisir d’accueillir à Lyon l’assemblée générale et le congrès annuel de…07.02.2019
COAR Updated Feedback on the Guidance on Implementation of Plan S
« This is a slightly updated version of the COAR initial feedback published on December 13, 2018.(…) »31.01.2019
Good Practice Principles for Scholarly Communication Services
« Science and scholarship are critical to improving our lives and solving the world’s most intractable problems. The communication of research,…05.11.2018
COAR Webinar and Discussion Series: Engaging the research community with repository services
« One of the most challenging aspects of managing a repository is to raise the visibility of repository services in order…16.10.2018
Les archives ouvertes de prochaine génération [Traduction de : COAR Next Generation Repositories Report](.pdf)
« En avril 2016, la Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) a lancé le Groupe de travail sur les archives ouvertes…26.09.2018
Presentations about ResourceSync
« COAR recently hosted a webinar for platform providers about one of the next generation repository technologies, ResourceSync.12.09.2018
COAR Response to Plan S (.pdf)
« On September 4, 2018, a coalition of research funders in Europe published Plan S, an ambitious plan…07.06.2018
COAR and DuraSpace Launch Partnership
« COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) and DuraSpace are pleased to announce the launch of a collaborative partnership. Both organizations…24.04.2018
Webinar with Prof. Leslie Chan | Open Access in the Global South: Perspectives from the Open and Collaborative Science in Development Network
« COAR is pleased to announce a webinar session with Prof. Leslie Chan, University of Toronto Scarborough entitled “Open Access in…06.03.2018
Recommendations for Next Generation Repositories – now available on GitHub
« In November 2017, the COAR Next Generation Repositories Working Group published a report outlining new behaviours and…12.02.2018
COAR – Infographie vocabulaires controlés
« Vous trouverez derrière ce lien http://bit.ly/COARvocabFR une infographie en français à imprimer ou à envoyer par mail.30.11.2017
COAR Next Generation Repositories
« The report, Behaviours and Technical Recommendations of the COAR Next Generation Repositories Working Group is now available.18.08.2017
COAR Annual Report 2016/17 published
« The public version of the association’s Annual Report of the year 2016/17 is available now. The report contains information about…12.06.2017
COAR : Asia Open Access Regional Survey
« (…) This report provides an account of the current state of open access in 16 regions of Asia. It is…11.05.2017
COAR: Aligning Repository Networks: International Accord
International Accord « Collectively we aspire to strengthen and enhance the distributed, community-based open access infrastructure around the world. Moreover, we…08.02.2017
COAR: Next Generation Repositories: February 7, 2017 – draft for public comment
« In April 2016, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) launched a working group to help identify new…26.01.2017
Research Data Management
« COAR aims to position universities, research institutions and their libraries as the foundation for a new scholarly communication system. (…)…27.06.2016
Librarians’ Competencies for E-Research and Scholarly Communication
« The aim of this task force is to produce a number of competency profiles that will help to…22.06.2016