Mot-clé :
La diffusion sur Hal, Academia et ResearchGate des articles de recherche des revues françaises de Sciences Humaines et Sociales
« En réponse à l’appel à manifestation d’intérêt du ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation visant à…07.02.2020
Curtin develops cyber knowledge bank for open-access books
« (…) The trust is believed to be the first of its kind in the world for scholarly publishing, enabling universities…06.02.2020
Establishing tender procedures and competition within the framework of national library consortia for open access journals
« (…) The existing transformative agreements do not include mechanisms for the definitive flipping of journals into open access and no…06.02.2020
La production du CNRS en libre accès quantifiée par l’appui au pilotage scientifique
« À la demande de la DIST (Direction de l’information scientifique et technique), l’Institut a quantifié les publications scientifiques en accès…05.02.2020
Open science from the standpoint of the new wave of researchers: Views from the scholarly frontline
« Sometimes, it feels that decisions about scholarly communications are made on behalf of researchers bypolicy makers, research funders, librarians and,…05.02.2020
Dutch University libraries intensify cooperation with the launch of UKBsis
« The Dutch university libraries (UKB) give the mutual cooperation an extra impulse with the establishment of a program for joint…29.01.2020
The Knowledge Exchange and Transitional Open Access for Smaller Publishers
« (…) The KE partner countries share the vision of Open Scholarship and immediate access to all publicly-funded research and have…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Frank Manista, 27 janvier 2020
Open access : Encore une année record à l’UCA
« Presque 18 000 textes accessibles librement sur le Portail HAL de l’UCA ! Aujourd’hui, sur l’ensemble du…08.01.2020
Seven Easy Steps to Open Science – An Annotated Reading List
« (…) This paper provides an introduction to open science and related reforms in the form of an annotated reading list…08.01.2020
How Frequently are Articles in Predatory Open Access Journals Cited
« Predatory journals are Open Access journals of highly questionable scientific quality. Such journals pretend to use peer review for quality…06.01.2020
Drivers of Article Processing Charges in Open Access (.pdf)
« (…) This study is meant to shed light on the various determinants ofAPC. Based on data from the OpenAPC Initiative,…06.01.2020
Scholarly journal publishing in transition: from restricted to open access
« While the business models used in most segments of the media industry have been profoundly changed by the Internet surprisingly…arxiv.org, Bo-Christer Björk, 29 décembre 2019, arXiv:1912.12646v1
The Pricing of Open Access Journals: Diverse Niches and Sources of Value in Academic Publishing
« Open Access (OA) publishing has created new academic and economic niches in contemporary science. OA journals offer numerous publication outlets…mitpressjournals.org, Kyle Siler, Koen Frenken, 11 décembre 2019
The Common Ground of Open Access and Interdisciplinarity
« In recent years, Open Access and interdisciplinarity have emerged as two prevalent trends in academia. Although seemingly separate pursuits with…mdpi.com, Patrick Gamsby, 19 décembre 2019, https://doi.org/10.3390/publications8010001
The embedded research librarian: a project partner
« This paper presents new services developed by the Lille University Library for European and National research project coordinators. (…) »19.12.2019
zbMATH Open: Information for mathematicians becomes freely accessible
« In 2020, FIZ Karlsruhe will start transforming the zbMATH information service into an open access platform. (…) »13.12.2019
Determinants of Article Processing Charges for Medical Open Access Journals
« For-profit subscription journal publishers recently have extended their publishing range from subscription journals to numerous open access journals, thereby strengthening…quod.lib.umich.edu, Sumiko Asai, 2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/3336451.0022.103
The Open-Factor: Toward Impact-Aligned Measures of Open-Access eBook Usage
« A statistical analysis of usage data for open-access ebooks from two different publishers and from a free ebook distribution platform…quod.lib.umich.edu, E. S. Hellman, 2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/3336451.0022.104
Releasing a new CORE Discovery browser extension
« CORE Discovery helps users find freely accessible copies of research papers that might be behind a…03.12.2019
Publishers’ Responsibilities in Promoting Data Quality and Reproducibility
« Scholarly publishers can help to increase data quality and reproducible research by promoting transparency and openness. Increasing transparency can be…28.11.2019
The 14th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing 2019. UiT The Arctic University of Norway, November 27–28, 2019
« The Munin Conference is an annual conference on scholarly publishing and communication, primarily revolving around open access, open data and…28.11.2019
Open Access : Quels nouveaux outils pour publier ? 7 novembre 2019, Clermont-Ferrand [Vidéos, supports et posters]
« L’accès aux publications scientifiques, et désormais les frais de publication en open access, poursuivent leur inflation alors que les institutions…27.11.2019
cOAlition S Consults on Transformative Journals
« The Plan S guidelines released earlier this year note that cOAlition S will consider developing a potential framework for ‘transformative…26.11.2019
Monitoring agreements with open access elements: why article-level metadata are important
« (…) This article uses the Knowledge Exchange (KE) and the Efficiency and Standards for Article Charges (ESAC) initiative recommendations as…25.11.2019
U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO): Federal Research: Additional Actions Needed to Improve Public Access to Research Results
« Public access to the results of federally funded research can accelerate scientific breakthroughs. In 2013, certain federal agencies were directed…22.11.2019
University of California statement on Carnegie Mellon University’s transformative open access agreement with Elsevier
« Jeff MacKie-Mason and Ivy Anderson, who co-chair the team overseeing UC’s publisher negotiations strategy, issued the below statement today (Nov.22.11.2019
Open access potential and uptake in the context of Plan S – a partial gap analysis
« Today we released the report Open access potential and uptake in the context of Plan S…14.11.2019
2019 Open Access Days: Business models and their financial impacts for open access transformation
« At the 2019 Open Access Days, business models for open access transformation were one area of focus. Connected with this…zbw-mediatalk.eu, Laura Bickel, Nicole Clasen, Ralf Flohr, 13 novembre 2019
Pays-Bas : des négociations avivent la crainte d’une “privatisation” de la science
« Aux Pays-Bas, les universités, réunies en consortium, négocient régulièrement avec les éditeurs de contenus scientifiques et académiques. C’est dans le…06.11.2019
Göttingen State, University Library and De Gruyter Launch an Open Access Book Transformation Project for the Humanities
« De Gruyter and a consortium led by the Göttingen State and University…05.11.2019
LYRASIS and LA Referencia Announce Partnership to Engage and Strengthen Community Supported Programs in Latin America
« LYRASIS, an innovative full-service technology and services nonprofit that is home to ten community supported open source programs, and LA…05.11.2019
‘Is the library open?’: Correlating unaffiliated access to academic libraries with open access support
« In the context of a growing international focus on open access publishing options and mandates, this paper explores the extent…04.11.2019
Cambridge University Libraries’ Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC): Open Access monographs: from policy to reality – October 2, 2019 [vidéos]
« One-day symposium for Cambridge researchers and support staff organized by Cambridge University Libraries’ Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC), incorporating talks,…31.10.2019
Open Access — Towards a non-normative and systematic understanding
« The term Open Access not only describes a certain model of scholarly publishing — namely in digital format freely accessible…30.10.2019
K. VijayRaghavan – « Unlocking the doors to knowledge repositories: Challenges, Initiatives and Policy Interventions » 25 october 2019, Bangalore (India) [vidéo]
« On the occasion of International Open Access Week 2019, lecture and interactive session with Professor Krishnaswamy VijayRaghavan, principal Scientific Adviser…22.10.2019
Open Access Books: The First 100 Books from Johns Hopkins University Project
« This is Open Access Week, an opportunity for concentrated information sharing and reflecting on issues and…21.10.2019
Cambridge to trial crowdfunding open access book
« Cambridge University Press (CUP) is launching a crowdfunding campaign to publish a book under the open access model. (…) »18.10.2019
Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Task Force on Open Access to MIT’s Research
« The Ad Hoc Task Force on Open Access to MIT’s Research has released its…17.10.2019
Publier dans des revues en accès ouvert. Etat des lieux et tendances à l’Université de Lorraine (2012-2018)
« (…) Initiée dans un contexte de développement des politiques institutionnelles et gouvernementales en faveur de l’accès ouvert aux publications scientifiques,…15.10.2019
Enquête sur les politiques des organismes de financement en faveur de la science ouverte
« Le rapport Insights into European research funder Open policies and practices présente les résultats d’une enquête…14.10.2019
« Droits et devoirs du chercheur en matière de publication en open access » | 1er octobre 2019 [webinaire]
« Ces dernières années, les textes destinés à promouvoir l’ouverture des données de la recherche se sont multipliés, tant au niveau…youtube.com, Hugo Catherine & François Gibier, 9 octobre 2019
Open Access in developing countries – attitudes and experiences of researchers
« Open Access is often considered as particularly beneficial to researchers in the Global South. However, research into awareness of and…zenodo.org, Andy Nobes, Andy, Sian Harris, 30 septembre 2019
The Future of OA: A large-scale analysis projecting Open Access publication and readership
« (…) This study analyses the number of papers available as OA over time. The models includes both OA embargo data…10.10.2019
Roadblocks to Better Open Access Models
« The Scholarly Kitchen will be making an appearance at this year’s Frankfurt Bookfair. On Wednesday, October…08.10.2019
UUK open access monographs group:: Open access and monographs evidence review
« This report presents new evidence on academic book publishing in the UK, and puts forward a set of stakeholder…02.10.2019
Institutional repositories and the item and research data metrics landscape
« The success of COUNTER in supporting adoption of a standard to measure e-resource usage over the past 15 years is…02.10.2019
Open Access in Finland: How an Open Repository becomes a Full Service Open Publishing Platform
« Universities across Europe are tackling the same open science challenges with constantly diminishing resources. The need for improved open publishing…zbw-mediatalk.eu, Tiina Tolonen, Minna Marjamaa, 1er octobre 2019
Discover how European funders are approaching Open policy and practices in new report
« A report that reveals the Open Access and Open Science policies, incentives and practices of European funders is being released…27.09.2019
What’s the DEAL?: An Interview with Springer Nature’s Dagmar Laging
« In late August, Springer Nature and Germany’s Projekt DEAL announced that they had signed a memorandum…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Rick Anderson, 26 septembre 2019
Science Europe Briefing Paper on Open Access to Academic Books
« So far, much of the focus of the transition towards Open Access has been on scholarly and scientific articles. However,…26.09.2019
Institutional repositories and the item and research data metrics landscape
« The success of COUNTER in supporting adoption of a standard to measure e-resource usage over the past 15 years is…25.09.2019
Plan S version 2: the right approach to full open access?
« Back in May 2019, cOAlition S released revised guidance on Plan S…24.09.2019
OA2020-DE research report on the number of publications at German science institutions published
« OA2020-DE research report on the number of publications and distribution of scientific articles in the context of open-access transformation at…24.09.2019
A cross-sectional description of open access publication costs, policies and impact in emergency medicine and critical care journals
« Finding journal open access information alongside its global impact requires access to multiple databases. We describe a single, searchable database…20.09.2019
Open Access Publishing with Cambridge University Press Begins September 19, 2019
« Earlier this year, we shared some exciting changes that will make it easier and more affordable…19.09.2019
Society Publishers Accelerating Open Access and Plan S (SPA OPS): final project report
« Wellcome, UKRI, and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) commissioned Information Power Ltd to undertake a project…apo.org.au, Alicia Wise, Lorraine Estelle, 12 septembre 2019
Open-access megajournals lose momentum as the publishing model matures
« When PLOS ONE debuted in 2006, its founders declared it would transform scientific publishing. It was the first multidisciplinary, large-volume,…18.09.2019
Myth-busting: all open access journals can be listed in DOAJ
« (…) The Directory of Everything open access would be a wonderful thing but of how much use would it be?…17.09.2019
Yale University and Frontiers form open access publishing agreement
« (…) Yale University supports its researchers in making their research more widely available. As part of this support, Yale University…16.09.2019
De Gruyter Expands Use of Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® Author Workflow Platform to Manage its Read and Publish Deals
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, announces…16.09.2019
Report and Toolkit to Support Learned Society Publishers Transition to Immediate Open Access
« cOAlition S aims to work with publishers, societies, consortia, and other stakeholders to accelerate the transition to Open Access. One…11.09.2019