Mot-clé :
sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open‐access, global dataset of vegetation plots
« Motivation. Assessing biodiversity status and trends in plant communities is critical for understanding, quantifying and predicting the effects of global…09.07.2021
The Changing Landscape of Open Access Publishing: Can Open Access Publishing Make the Scholarly World More Equitable and Productive?
« Almost 50% of scholarly articles are now open access in some form. This greatly benefits scholars at most institutions and…08.07.2021
LIBER 2021 Session #4: Open Access: a Case for Diversity and Inclusion
« These are the slides from the LIBER 2021 Session Open Access: a Case for Diversity and Inclusion. This session…06.07.2021
La revue Annals of Forest Science passe au libre accès intégral pour toutes ses publications
« À partir du 1er janvier 2022, la revue Annals of Forest Science sera publiée sous un modèle d’Open Access intégral,…25.06.2021
Open access article processing charges 2011 – 2021 (.pdf)
« This study examines trends in open access article processing charges (APCs) from 2011 – 2021, building on a 2011 study…24.06.2021
Advancing open access in the Netherlands after 2020: from quantity to quality
« The purpose of this article is to explore options to further open access in the Netherlands from 2021. Its premise…24.06.2021
Is the open access citation advantage real? A systematic review of the citation of open access and subscription-based articles
« Over the last two decades, the existence of an open access citation advantage (OACA)—increased citation of articles made available open…18.06.2021
JISC: New university press toolkit Supporting and giving guidance to new university presses and library-led publishing ventures.
« This toolkit will support and give guidance to new university presses and library-led publishing ventures as well as those with…14.06.2021
All the Research That’s Fit to Print: Open Access and the News Media
« The goal of the open access (OA) movement is to help everyone access the scholarly research, not just those who…07.06.2021
Tips for making open access books
« (…) In this blog post the Open Access Team from the Centre for Digital Scholarship, Leiden University Libraries, interviewed some…25.05.2021
CESAER, European University Association (EUA), Science Europe: All publishers must provide researchers with clarity and transparency on Open Access
« CESAER, the European University Association (EUA) and Science Europe call on all publishers to fully respect researchers’ rights and to…20.05.2021
Ce que les communs de la connaissance peuvent apporter aux politiques de l’édition scientifique
« Chargée de recherche CNRS et directrice du Centre Internet et Société (CIS, UPR2000, CNRS), Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay a exploré…19.05.2021
Investing in the Open Access Book infrastructure: a call for action
« Join Pierre Mounier (EHESS, OpenEdition, OPERAS), Jeroen Sondervan (Knowledge Exchange Open Access Working Group and Utrecht University Library), Graham Stone…18.05.2021
DARIAH launches an annual Open Access Monograph Bursary for Early Career Researchers in Digital Humanities
« DARIAH-EU is launching an annual Open Access Book Bursary for the publication of one’s first monograph within the domain of…11.05.2021
Open Access Monitoring – Guidelines and Recommendations for Research Organisations and Funders
« This briefing paper aims to support decision makers at research organisations and research funders to develop new monitoring exercises or…10.05.2021
Open access publishing in chemistry: a practical perspective informing new education
« In the late 1990s chemists were among the early adopters of open access (OA) publishing. As also happened with preprints,…06.05.2021
Open Library of Humanities Renews Agreement with Jisc Collections, Aims to Flip More Titles to Not-for-Profit, No-Fee Open Access
« The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is pleased to announce that we have renewed our agreement with Jisc Collections to…05.05.2021
The promise of collaboration: collective funding models and the integration of Open Access books into libraries
« This report tackles a simple question: how can open access books be more successfully integrated into scholarly libraries? While there…05.05.2021
Open Access Models, Pirate Libraries and Advocacy Repertoires: Policy Options for Academics to Construct and Govern Knowledge Commons
« In this article, I propose exploring open access publishing through the lenses of Knowledge Commons. Instead of focusing on users’…05.05.2021
Ouvrages en accès libre et ouvert : retour sur des expériences de collaboration entre bibliothèques universitaires, chercheurs et presses académiques
« Quels formats, modèles politiques, techniques de diffusion pour des monographies en Open Access aujourd’hui ? Chercheurs, enseignants, institutions, consortia, presses…03.05.2021
Comment les scientifiques s’organisent pour s’affranchir des aspects commerciaux des revues
« L’expression « évaluation par les pairs » a fait irruption dans les médias avec la crise du Covid-19 et l’on en mesure…30.04.2021
New Open Access Business Models — What’s Needed to Make Them Work?
« The third CHORUS Forum meeting, held last week, is a relatively new entrant into the scholarly communication…29.04.2021
Open access book usage data – how close is COUNTER to the other kind?
« In April 2020, the OAPEN Library moved to a new platform, based on DSpace 6. During the same period, IRUS-UK…27.04.2021
The Open Access Button is now OA.Works!
« Eight years ago we got our start building the Open Access Button. Since then, we’ve built…22.04.2021
OPERAS-P and OASPA workshop report: innovative business models for OA books
« This blog post describes the ‘innovative business models for open access book publishing – 6 approaches in Europe’ workshop that…21.04.2021
The Diamond OA Journals Study. Q&A webinar
« On 9 April 2021, SPARC Europe hosted a Q&A webinar with authors of the recently published Diamond OA Journals Study…21.04.2021
CRL and East View Release Open Access Imperial Russian Newspapers
« CRL and East View Information Services have opened the first release of content for Imperial Russian…20.04.2021
An analysis of the factors affecting open access to research output in institutional repositories in selected universities in East Africa
« Institutional repositories (IRs) present universities with an opportunity to provide global open access (OA) to their scholarship, however, this avenue…19.04.2021
Al Sadi, Ibraheem Mohammed Sultan. « Open access analytics with open access repository data: A Multi-level perspective » [thèse]
« Within nearly two decades after the open access movement emerged, its community has drawn attention to understanding its development, coverage,…14.04.2021
Requiem for impact factors and high publication charges
« Journal impact factors, publication charges and assessment of quality and accuracy of scientific research are critical for researchers, managers, funders,…12.04.2021
Publishers and Publishing Stances: a Contribution to Multilingualism and Biliodiversity
« Workshop from SIGs on Multilingualism and Advocacy discusses OA journals and the Ibero-American publishers landscape The workshop on “Publishers and…12.04.2021
A guide to Plan S: the open-access initiative shaking up science publishing
« In 2018, an influential group of research funders announced a bold pledge: the scientists they fund should publish their peer-reviewed…12.04.2021
Some considerations about reviewing and open-access in scientific publishing
« Scientific research changed profoundly over the last 30 years, in all its aspects. Scientific publishing has changed as well, mainly…09.04.2021
Attracting new users or business as usual? A case study of converting academic subscription-based journals to open access
« This paper studies a selection of 11 Norwegian journals in the humanities and social sciences and their conversion from subscription…07.04.2021
« A report with all publications, which were financially supported by HEAL-Link, the consortium of Greek academic libraries.02.04.2021
Exploring researcher preference for the version of record
« To what extent does article version matter to researchers? Does the version of record (VOR) offer significantly more value to…31.03.2021
Reflections on the OA Diamond Journals Study
« Earlier this month, cOAlition S and Science Europe published an in-depth study of diamond open access journals,…30.03.2021
What happens when a journal converts to Open Access? A bibliometric analysis
« In recent years, increased stakeholder pressure to transition research to Open Access has led to many journals converting, or ‘flipping’,…26.03.2021
Consortium Érudit : Notes de recherche
« L’équipe du volet recherche d’Érudit a réalisé quatre notes de recherche sur des enjeux qui touchent le milieu de la…26.03.2021
Preprints in Chemistry: An Exploratory Analysis of Differences with Journal Articles
« The exploratory analysis of the differences between preprints and the corresponding peer reviewed journal articles for ten studies first published…24.03.2021
Open access publishing should be the default
« (…) This month, 157 UK universities started negotiations with Elsevier, the world’s largest academic publisher. In these…22.03.2021
Les monographies en libre accès
« À mesure que le mouvement international de libre accès prend de l’ampleur, la question de savoir comment passer à libre…18.03.2021
Conférence #WACREN2021, 17 March: Open Science and Open Access [vidéo]
« Updates on UNESCO’s Global Open Science Partnership with international examples of national frameworks and lightning talks from African countries implementing…16.03.2021
Improving access to scientific research: Open Pharma resource available
« Open access publishing has been gaining momentum over recent years. A survey by the…15.03.2021
Publishing at any cost: a cross-sectional study of the amount that medical researchers spend on open access publishing each year
« Objective To estimate the financial costs paid by individual medical researchers from meeting the article processing charges (APCs) levied…11.03.2021
Digital Commons (Elsevier) Diamond Open Access Journals Conference, 13-15 April 2021
« (…) In recent years, the Diamond OA model has opened space for emerging research, innovative formats, and diverse voices. Spurred…09.03.2021
For a Change: Let’s Make a Change! OPERAS Survey on Collaborative Models for Open Access Books
« (…) We are launching a survey of publishing organisations throughout Europe to identify and better understand existing and potential business…09.03.2021
Diamond unearthed: shining light on community-driven Open Access publishing – cOAlition S and Science Europe
« cOAlition S and Science Europe are pleased to announce the publication of an in-depth report and…08.03.2021
Epi-Revel, la nouvelle plateforme d’édition accueille la revue scientifique Cycnos
« Depuis le 1er février 2021, la revue internationale d’études anglophones Cycnos soutenue par le Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Récits, Cultures et Sociétés…04.03.2021
Open Access to academic books creates larger, more diverse and more equitable readerships
« Drawing on findings from one of the largest surveys of its kind to date, Mithu Lucraft demonstrates how Open Access…04.03.2021
Princeton University Library (PUL) launches open access publishing program for scholarly publications
« In support of greater global access to the work of Princeton researchers, Princeton University Library (PUL) has launched the PUL…04.03.2021
A Plan S for books: Voices from the Community
« What should a Plan S for books look like? This is a question we’ve been thinking about at…openaccessbooksnetwork.hcommons.org, Lucy Barnes, 25 février 2021
CSIRO moves towards Open Access for national benefit
« Research aimed at solving Australia’s greatest challenges will be made increasingly accessible as part of a shift towards ‘Open Access’…26.02.2021
Webinar: International and national copyright policy action for OA – Monday, 8 March 2021, 14-16 CET
(…) Target audience Open Science policymakers, Research Funding Organizations and Research Performing Organizations managers, librarians, repository managers and academic…25.02.2021
A joint project of Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) and Knowledge Unlatched receives funding from BMBF
« (…) The project develops a sustainable model of publisher-independent, quality-assured OA journals in small, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary subjects. In this…24.02.2021
Academic Libraries and Open Access Books in Europe. A Landscape Study
« The last fifteen years have witnessed the emergence of a new role for academic libraries. Besides fulfilling their fundamental task…22.02.2021
Comments made by France on the First draft of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
« In a statement, France commented on the first draft recommendation on open science published by UNESCO in…22.02.2021
Plan S Rights Retention Strategy, Copyright and the Academic Community – Part One
« As a society publisher, I have been struggling to understand how best to serve our mathematical community on issues of…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Robert Harington, 18 février 2021
Plan S Rights Retention Strategy, Copyright and the Academic Community – Part Two
« In Part two of this interview post, I continue to grill an eloquent group of stakeholders with a wide range…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Robert Harington, 19 février 2021
The costs of non-access: why we should talk about the impacts of not investing in libraries
« A lot of advocacy for libraries focuses on showing the return that our institutions provide on investment. Through this, we…17.02.2021
Publier dans une revue en libre accès (mise à jour)
« Publier dans une revue en libre accès accroît la visibilité de vos résultats. Mais toutes les revues n’offrent pas les…16.02.2021