Mot-clé : scopus-elsevier
Le CNRS se désabonne de la base de publications Scopus
« Le CNRS s’est depuis plusieurs années engagé en faveur de la science ouverte. Cela concerne aussi les bases de publications…17.01.2022
Scopus 1900–2020: Growth in articles, abstracts, countries, fields, and journals
« Scientometric research often relies on large-scale bibliometric databases of academic journal articles. Long term and longitudinal research can be affected…25.10.2021
Citation analysis of Ph.D. theses with data from Scopus and Google Books
« This study investigates the potential of citation analysis of Ph.D. theses to obtain valid and useful early career performance indicators…13.09.2021
How are encyclopedias cited in academic research? Wikipedia, Britannica, BaiduBaike, and Scholarpedia
« Encyclopedias are sometimes cited by scholarly publications, despite concerns about their credibility as sources for academic information. This study investigates…29.04.2021
Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus: The Titans of Bibliographic Information in Today’s Academic World
« Nowadays, the importance of bibliographic databases (DBs) has increased enormously, as they are the main providers of publication metadata and…14.12.2020
Scopus filters for Open Access type and 5.5 million more OA articles (17 million in total!)
« Key points: As of 9th December, Scopus has new Open Access filters, providing greater clarity on the type of open…04.12.2019
Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus: Which is best for me?
« (…) In this post, Alberto Martín-Martín, Enrique Orduna-Malea , Mike Thelwall, Emilio Delgado-López-Cózar, analyse the relative coverage of the three main…03.09.2019
Comparison of bibliographic data sources: Implications for the robustness of university rankings
« Universities are increasingly evaluated, both internally and externally on the basis of their outputs. Often these are converted to simple,…11.07.2019
Access to ScienceDirect, Scopus and SciVal open for the Hungarian research community, as EISZ and Elsevier work towards an Open Access pilot agreement
« Hungarian Electronic Information Service National Programme (EISZ) and Elsevier, a…19.06.2019
Accuracy of citation data in Web of Science and Scopus
« We present a large-scale analysis of the accuracy of citation data in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The…21.05.2019
Ten Hot Topics around Scholarly Publishing
« The changing world of scholarly communication and the emerging new wave of ‘Open Science’ or ‘Open Research’ has brought to…19.02.2019
Merits and Limits: Applying open data to monitor open access publications in bibliometric databases
« Identifying and monitoring Open Access (OA) publications might seem a trivial task while practical efforts prove otherwise. Contradictory information arise…arxiv.org, Aliakbar Akbaritabar, Stephan Stahlschmidt, 13 février 2019, arXiv:1902.03937
Nationwide Access to Elsevier’s Scopus for Russian Research Community
« National License Agreement was signed by State Public Library for Science and Technology Elsevier, the global information…02.08.2018
Elsevier/Impactstory agreement will make open access articles easier to find on Scopus
« Open access is growing across the industry, but it can be hard to know which articles are open and which…18.01.2018
Crossref as a new source of citation data: A comparison with Web of Science and Scopus
« (…) At present, scientometricians typically obtain citation data from Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus, two proprietary data sources. In…cwts.nl, Nees Jan van Eck, Ludo Waltman, Vincent Larivière, Cassidy Sugimoto, 17 janvier 2018
CHORUS selects Scopus data to strengthen its services for institutions and funders
« CHORUS, a not-for-profit organization committed to making articles reporting on funded research easily and permanently accessible…31.10.2017
8 Tips for Finding Open Access Content on ScienceDirect and Scopus
« Gold open access publishing continues to go from strength to strength at Elsevier. We publish 170 fully gold open access…scitechconnect.elsevier.com, Hollie Hayward, 26 octobre 2017
More researchers to now benefit from Plum Analytics Metrics
« PlumX Metrics now integrated into leading Elsevier products and services Elsevier, the information analytics company specializing in…28.07.2017
What’s new on Scopus: PlumX Metrics, changes to Citation Overview pages and a new CiteScore widget
« (…) the following changes have been made to Scopus: PlumX Metrics are now integrated into the article-level metrics on Scopus…07.06.2017
CiteScore™ releases 2016 annual values and updates
« Elsevier, a global information analytics company specializing in science and health, today releases…10.04.2017
CiteScore ou IPP, mesures de l’impact d’une revue dans Scopus
« (…) CiteScore est un indicateur de notoriété de revues et d’autres publications en séries (séries d’actes de congrès, séries d’ouvrages). Il…01.07.2016
Do Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science speak your language?
« When preparing for a symposium at the European Academy of Management dealing with the role of…04.03.2016
The application of bibliometrics to research evaluation in the humanities and social sciences: an exploratory study using normalized Google Scholar data for the publications of a research institute
« In the humanities and social sciences, bibliometric methods for the assessment of research performance are (so far) less…10.12.2015
How to use Scopus to identify key opinion leaders in 6 easy steps
» Making sure you can identify partners and key influencers within your research field is an important part…08.12.2015
Repères RSTI – An Analysis of Citizen Science Based Research: Usage and Publication Patterns
« Publiée par PLOS ONE, cette étude menée par deux chercheurs australiens analyse 888 articles sur la science citoyenne tirés…31.07.2015
XML-to-XML Conversion Expands the Depth and Reach of World’s Largest Scientific Citation, Abstract and Reference Database
« … Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL), an industry leader in organizing and converting content into digital formats, announced today the…23.07.2015
Breaking the 1996 barrier: Scopus adds nearly 4 million pre-1996 articles and more than 83 million references
« … Archives already completed include: Springer, American Physical Society (APS) and Elsevier. For these three archives the complete article…03.07.2015
Journal Metrics live on Scopus
« Last week, we announced that the 2014 journal metrics values were launched and freely available on…11.05.2015
Scopus launches annual journal re-evaluation process to maintain content quality
« … Journals not meeting the benchmarks of all six quality metrics will be red flagged by Scopus and…23.04.2015
L’indicateur IPP pour évaluer l’impact d’une revue scientifique
« L’indicateur IPP (Impact per Publication) est un indicateur de notoriété de revues scientifiques créé en 2014 pour la…20.03.2015
Total eclipse of the sun (and who’s studying it)
« … Looking at Scopus content related to solar eclipse from 1836 to the present, it is…06.03.2015
International Benchmarks for Academic Library Use of Bibliometrics
« The study presents data from 30 college and university libraries in the USA, the UK, Canada, Germany, Ireland…27.01.2015
Mesurer l’impact des publications d’un auteur
« 1 – Comprenez l’intérêt de mesurer l’impact des publications d’un auteur 2 – Identifiez…05.12.2014
Scopus increases interoperability with SciVal and introduces new journal metric
« On December 4, Scopus released two important new features. The Scopus header has been redesigned to increase the…04.12.2014
Scopus and web accessibility
« … Scopus takes a continuous improvement approach to web accessibility, testing new and existing pages for accessibility with each…21.11.2014
Research Trends: Special Issue on the 10 years of Scopus
« Since its launch in the fall of 2004, Scopus has established itself as the largest abstract and citation…28.10.2014
Scopus h-index being updated to include content from 1970 to the present
« The Scopus Cited Reference Expansion, announced in March, is well on its way. Our October 23 release saw…24.07.2014
DCL Announces its Collaboration with Elsevier to Enrich Millions of Documents for the Scopus Database
« Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL), an industry leader in organizing and converting content into digital formats, announced today…24.07.2014
2013 SNIP and SJR journal metrics now available in Scopus
« …via the Journal Analyzer functionality in Scopus. The Journal Analyzer allows you to select up to…19.06.2014
Scopus content: Book Expansion project update
« In mid-2013 Scopus launched the Books Expansion Project to increase the Arts and Humanities content in Scopus and…13.05.2014
The Scopus h-index, what’s it all about? Part II
« … Yesterday we brought you the first of two posts on the h-index. Since many of the…13.05.2014
The Scopus h-index, what’s it all about? Part I
« … The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the…01.04.2014
Elsevier Announces Launch of Program to Include Cited References for Archival Content in Scopus
« … Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, today announced that Scopus has…24.03.2014
Cartographie des publications de l’U.T.C. depuis 1972, première version
« C’est le genre planche synthétique que j’aime bien produire: autour d’une vue centrale sous…14.03.2014
Mendeley Readership Statistics available in Scopus
« Scopus is pleased to announce a new feature that will show users the Mendeley readership statistics of a…16.01.2014
Elsevier Launches the New Generation SciVal, Providing Dynamic Real-Time Analytics and Insights into the Global Research Landscape
« Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, today announced the launch of…16.09.2013
Scimago Institutions Rankings World Global 2013 – SIR 2013
» (…) – Bilan accessible en format pdf sur le site [http://www.scimagoir.com/index.php] –…28.05.2013