Mot-clé : rapport
Report by the French Committee for Open Science Working Group on Electronic Lab Notebooks
« The report of the « Electronic Laboratory Notebook » (ELN) working group provides a common vision on the definition, framing, uses and…03.01.2023
New report provides insights into global OA landscape — and with a focus on China
« Open Access Publishing in China 2022 provides insights into the complex and evolving global Open Access landscape — and with…15.12.2022
Assessing open data developments across Europe: Discover the Open Data Maturity Report 2022
« The Open Data Maturity Report Today, data.europa.eu publishes its eighth ‘Open Data Maturity (ODM) Report’. This…01.12.2022
European Research Data Landscape Final report
« The European Research Data Landscape study looks at researchers’ practices in producing, reusing and depositing data, and in making it…16.11.2022
Investments in Open: Association of Research Libraries US University Member Expenditures on Services, Collections, Staff, and Infrastructure in Support of Open Scholarship
« Open access (OA) and the broad sharing of research outputs has been empirically shown to accelerate scientific progress and benefit…07.11.2022
Rapport IGÉSR 2022-129 : Les plans d’urgence dans les Bibliothèques patrimoniales françaises. Pour une politique nationale de prévention des risques
« Après une note d’étape centrée sur les 54 bibliothèques municipales classées (janvier 2022), ce rapport final a élargi le périmètre…21.10.2022
Décliner la science ouverte : Rapport final
« Dans le cadre de la Mission « Réussir l’appropriation de la science ouverte » portée par le collège « données…19.10.2022
« Les indicateurs bibliométriques pour les SHS – Etat de la question » Parution du rapport de l’alliance Athéna
« L’inadaptation des systèmes bibliométriques internationaux aux réalités de la production des sciences humaines et sociales est un problème ancien et…23.08.2022
Ithaka S+R: A*CENSUS II All Archivists Survey Report
« (…) This report shares findings on the current employment, education, and demographic characteristics of archivists and memory workers. It examines…17.08.2022
OCLC: Library Collaboration as a Strategic Choice: Evaluating Options for Acquiring Capacity
« The OCLC Research report Library Collaboration as a Strategic Choice: Evaluating Options for Acquiring Capacity explores library collaboration as a…02.08.2022
Ithaka S+R US Faculty Survey 2021
« The Ithaka S+R US Faculty Survey has tracked the changing research, teaching, and publishing practices of faculty members within higher…21.07.2022
The Cost to Publish TOME Monographs: A Preliminary Report
« A study of the costs incurred by university presses in publishing scholarly monographs through the TOME (Toward an Open Monograph…07.07.2022
Préfiguration d’une structuration collective des éditeurs scientifiques publics engagés dans la science ouverte
« Afin de préfigurer l’organisation d’une alliance d’éditeurs scientifiques publics engagés dans la science ouverte – qui mette en œuvre une…30.06.2022
Le rapport sur les communs numériques : un levier essentiel pour la souveraineté européenne
« À l’occasion de l’Assemblée numérique co-organisée à Toulouse les 21 et 22 juin par la présidence française du Conseil de…29.06.2022
Scoping Report on Archiving and Preserving OA Monographs
« Technical methods for effectively archiving complex digital research publications and for creating an integrated collections of content in different formats…22.06.2022
OECD: Integrity and security in the global research ecosystem
« Responsibilities for research integrity and security are distributed across multiple actors in the international research ecosystem. These include, national governments,…15.06.2022
Projet « HRS4R – Research Data Management » : Faciliter la gestion ouverte et responsable des données de la recherche
« Ce rapport concerne le projet “HRS4R – Research Data Management”, qui s’est déroulé de janvier 2021 à février 2022. Son…10.06.2022
European Commission | Directorate General for Research and Innovation: Assessing the reproducibility of research results in EU Framework Programmes for Research [Final Report]
« The objective of the study “Assessing the reproducibility of research results in EU Framework Programmes for Research” is to assist…31.05.2022
An Analysis of the Current Bibliographical Data Landscape in the Humanities. A Case for the Joint Bibliodata Agendas of Public Stakeholders
(…) The bibliodata landscape is a dynamic ecosystem including the many stakeholders who produce, process, and use diverse bibliographical resources…17.05.2022
Étude exploratoire sur la « recherche sur la recherche » : acteurs et approches
« Le rapport présente les résultats de l’étude exploratoire concernant la « recherche sur la recherche » à savoir le paysage…10.05.2022
ALLEA Report | Towards Climate Sustainability of the Academic System in Europe and Beyond
« The urgency of the climate crisis is made abundantly clear by the Sixth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on…04.05.2022
New COPIM Report on Community Governance of Open Infrastructures
« We are pleased to announce the release of a new COPIM report exploring better practices for the community governance of…28.04.2022
CoNOSC Member Needs
« The report was put together for the Council for National Open Science Coordination (CoNOSC) by…22.04.2022
The future of research revealed [Elsevier]
« The research ecosystem has been undergoing rapid and profound change, accelerated by COVID-19. This transformation is being fueled by many…19.04.2022
Arrimer la bibliothèque de recherche à la stratégie institutionnelle
« L’ARL, L’ABRC et Ithaka S+R sont heureux de publier le rapport final de la recherche commandée pour identifier les priorités…05.04.2022
cOAlition S and ALPSP publish toolkit to foster Open Access agreements
« Smaller independent publishers, libraries, and consortia can now more easily enter into Open Access agreements thanks to a set of…01.04.2022
EUA: A closer look at research data practices in European universities
« This report presents the detailed results from the EUA 2020-2021 Open Science Survey with a focus on research data practices…28.03.2022
Lutte Contre les Revues et les Conférences Scientifiques Prédatrices (.pdf)
« Voici le résumé d’un rapport complet préparé par InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) dans le cadre de la lutte…18.03.2022
Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science Initiatives – Policy and Practice. First Topic Report: Introduction and Overview on Citizen Science: Horizon Europe policy support facility
« This report provides background information on the Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science. It is written with a science…20.01.2022
A closer look at Open Access to research publications in European universities: Follow-up to the 2020-21 EUA Open Science survey
« This report specifically presents the findings on Open Access from EUA’s 2020-2021 Open Science Survey. How do universities monitor Open…12.01.2022
Ouvrir la Science – Rapport du Groupe de travail sur les Cahiers de Laboratoire électroniques
« Le rapport du groupe de travail « Cahier de laboratoire électronique » (ELN) présente une vision partagée sur la définition,…12.01.2022
Rapport d’enquête Science Ouverte à l’ANRS|MIE 2021
« Née de la réflexion d’acteurs de la communauté scientifique, la Science Ouverte (SO) a pour objectif de rendre les résultats…07.01.2022
IFLA Trend Report 2021 Update (.pdf)
« Will we see the importance of virtual services and spaces reinforced, or will there be an analogue backlash? Will we…20.12.2021
Open Science in university approaches to academic assessment
« This report analyses the place of Open Science in the academic assessment approaches of universities across Europe. It answers…14.12.2021
Le rapport d’autoévaluation de CollEx-Persée est en ligne
« A l’automne 2021, après plus d’une année de travail, le « Rapport d’autoévaluation » a été présenté aux instances et…09.12.2021
Open Data Maturity Report 2021 (.pdf)
« The Open Data Maturity assessment 2021 benchmarks the development of European countries in the field of open data.1 This is…07.12.2021
ESFRI Roadmap & Strategy report 2021
This Strategy Report consists of four interconnected parts. First, it describes the MAIN FEATURES AND OUTCOMES OF THE ROADMAP…02.12.2021
Big Data Infrastructure at the Crossroad
« (…) This report provides a detailed account of how big data research is pursued in academic contexts, focusing on identifying…Dylan Ruediger, Thea P. Atwood, Neelam Bharti, Bryan Briones, Patrick Campbell, Paula Carey, et.al
Open Education in European Libraries of Higher Education (2021 report)
« This report summarises the results of a survey of European libraries on Open Education (OE) and Open Education Resources (OER)…30.11.2021
Towards a reform of the research assessment system
« Reforming research assessment is increasingly considered a priority to ensure the quality, performance and impact of research. Reform, however, requires…15.11.2021
OCLC: Research Information Management at US Institutions
« Research information management (RIM) is a rapidly growing area of investment in US research universities, capable of advancing research, supporting…04.11.2021
The Art of Publishing Reproducible Research Outputs: Supporting emerging practices through cultural and technological innovation
« Reproducibility and transparency can be regarded (at least in experimental research) as a hallmark of research. The ability to reproduce…28.10.2021
EOSC National Structures: an overview of the national EOSC coordination and engagement mechanisms in Europe
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Partnership will bring together institutional, national and European initiatives and engage all relevant stakeholders…27.10.2021
Open data on the rise: the value of EMBL-EBI data resources
« An independent study by management consultancy Charles Beagrie Ltd. has found that the data resources managed by…21.10.2021
Promoting and Nurturing Interactions with Open Access Books: Strategies for Publishers and Authors
« This report explores how publishers and authors can promote, nurture, and facilitate interaction with openly available books. (…) The…20.10.2021
EOSC-Nordic blog: Feasibility study of implementation of X-Road for research data is now published
« Deliverable D3.6 is dedicated to the feasibility assessment of X-Road-based solutions for exchanging research data. The goal of the feasibility…11.10.2021
Advancing data-intensive research in Australia
« This report presents findings from consultations with the research community on the challenges and opportunities of data-intensive research in Australia.10.09.2021
Monitoring the open access policy of Horizon 2020
« The report examines, monitors and quantifies compliance with the open access requirements of Horizon 2020, for both publications and…26.08.2021
L’UNESCO décrypte la science mondiale
« Publié alors que le monde sera bientôt à mi-chemin de la date butoir pour atteindre les Objectifs de développement durable…24.08.2021
Open data: A driving force for innovation in the life sciences
« (…) This report demonstrates that access to open, free resources, such as data and software, is the underlying basis for…11.08.2021
UKRI Open Access Review: consultation analysis
« In August 2021, UKRI announced a new open access policy for publications that acknowledge funding from UKRI or any of…23.07.2021
ALLEA and the Global Young Academy (GYA) Event Report on Research Assessment Published
« ALLEA and the Global Yong Academy (GYA) have published a report covering the key takeaways of…21.07.2021
Le Groupe de travail conjoint ARL/ABRC sur les services de données de recherche publie son rapport final
« L’Association des bibliothèques de recherche (ARL)/Groupe de travail mixte sur les services de données de recherche de l’Association des bibliothèques…06.07.2021
From principles to practices: Open Science at Europe’s universities 2020-2021 EUA Open Science Survey results
« This report presents the findings of the 2020-2021 EUA Open Science Survey and provides evidence-based recommendations for institutions, researchers, research…01.07.2021
OAPEN 2020 Stakeholder report
« In 2020, the OAPEN Foundation celebrated its 10 year anniversary as an open infrastructure service for open access (OA) books,…29.06.2021
Future of Scholarly Communication. Forging an inclusive and innovative research infrastructure for scholarly communication in Social Sciences and Humanities
« This report discusses the scholarly communication issues in Social Sciences and Humanities that are relevant to the future development and…29.06.2021
Rapport de l’UNESCO sur la science 2021
« Une course contre la montre pour un meilleur développement Le Rapport de l’UNESCO sur la science suit l’évolution des…24.06.2021
What’s the Big Deal? How Researchers Are Navigating Changes to Journal Access
« The dominant mode by which research libraries have provided maximum journal access as cheaply as possible—subscription bundles or “Big Deals”—is…21.06.2021
UK PID Consortium: Cost-Benefit Analysis
« This report was commissioned by Jisc in early 2021, as part of their multi-year programme exploring how persistent identifiers (PIDs)…09.06.2021
cOAlition S: Making full and immediate Open Access a reality
Open Access agreements with smaller publishers require active cross-stakeholder alignment, report says Open Access agreements between consortia/libraries and smaller…07.06.2021
Portrait et défis de la recherche en français en contexte minoritaire au Canada (.pdf)
« L’Acfas est fière de faire paraître ce rapport, qui représente l’aboutissement de deux ans d’enquête sur les réalités…04.06.2021