Mot-clé : knowledge-graph
Leveraging Language Models for Generating Ontologies of Research Topics (.pdf)
« The current generation of artificial intelligence technologies, such as smart search engines, recommendation systems, tools for systematic reviews, and question-answering…13.08.2024
Challenges in building Scholarly Knowledge Graphs for research assessment in Open Science
« Open Science has revolutionized scholarly communication and research assessment by introducing research data and software as first-class citizens. Scholarly Knowledge…07.11.2023
Data management plans as linked open data: exploiting ARGOS FAIR and machine actionable outputs in the OpenAIRE research graph
« (…) The paper aimed to provide a case study of how machine actionable DMPs can be contextualised and exploited in…14.04.2023
A Multiverse Graph to Help Scientific Reasoning from Web Usage: Interpretable Patterns of Assessor Shifts in GRAPHYP
« The digital support for scientific reasoning presents contrasting results. Bibliometric services are improving, but not academic assessment; no service for…20.01.2023
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC’2023
« La sélection d’articles publiés dans le présent recueil constitue les actes de la 23e édition de la conférence francophone sur…19.09.2022
Retrieving Adversarial Cliques in Cognitive Communities: A New Conceptual Framework for Scientific Knowledge Graphs
« The variety and diversity of published content are currently expanding in all fields of scholarly communication. Yet, scientific knowledge graphs…06.12.2021
The Data Set Knowledge Graph: Creating a Linked Open Data Source for Data Sets
« Several scholarly knowledge graphs have been proposed to model and analyze the academic landscape. However, although the number of data…01.06.2021
ORKG: Facilitating the Transfer of Research Results with the Open Research Knowledge Graph
« (…) The ORKG is completely unique in its idea to describe scientific contributions in a knowledge graph. There are several…15.04.2021
Deep Learning meets Knowledge Graphs for Scholarly Data Classification (.pdf)
« The amount of scientific literature continuously grows, which poses an increasing challenge for researchers to manage, find and explore research…16.06.2020
Semantic Web Company and Ontotext partner to advance Enterprise Knowledge Graphs
« Ontotext and Semantic Web Company (SWC) — two of the strongest voices advocating the value of knowledge graphs for organizations…10.12.2019