Mot-clé : knowledge-exchange
Scoping the second phase of the Alternative publishing platforms work
« In 2022, KE’s task and finish (T&F) group on alternative publishing platforms (APPs) embarked on a project to create awareness…28.03.2024
Knowledge Exchange | Framework for scaling up reproducibility practices in research organisations
« This framework is the main output of a Knowledge Exchange (KE) study titled Approaches to scaling up reproducibility in research…27.03.2024
Knowledge Exchange | Approaches to scaling up reproducibility in research organisations
« Reproducibility is vital in ensuring the quality and integrity of research. This Knowledge Exchange report and accompanying framework is the…19.12.2023
Knowledge Exchange | Reflecting on 2023
« As 2023 is rapidly drawing to a close, we reflect on what has been a very busy and productive year…25.09.2023
Knowledge Exchange: Alternative publishing platforms. What have we learnt?
« Different alternative publishing platforms have appeared over recent years. But what are their pros and cons? Do they differ significantly…25.08.2023
Publication et Données Reproductibles de la Recherche : Que Faire ?
« L’augmentation du nombre d’outils numériques dans le paysage actuel de la recherche offre plus que jamais la possibilité de documenter…13.06.2023
Knowledge Exchange Webinar | Persistent Identifiers in Academia: Risks and Trust
« Are you looking for ways to ensure the effective implementation and management of PID systems? Do you want to learn…16.05.2023
Take Knowledge Exchange’s survey and share your thoughts on practices that support reproducible research
« Are you interested in practices that support scaling of research reproducibility? Then Knowledge Exchange invites you…09.05.2023
Knowledge Exchange webinar | Persistent identifiers in academia: risk and trust – 23 may 2023
« We are delighted to announce that registration for the inaugural KE webinar is now open! Let us guide you through…15.02.2023
Knowledge Exchange: Call for entries to explore Alternative Publishing Platforms
« Knowledge Exchange (KE) invites any platforms working in open access, publishing and communication who wishes…02.02.2023
Persistent Identifiers – risks and trust related issues explored with new Knowledge Exchange report and case studies
« Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) are of vital importance to modern day digital information-based research. They ensure that all elements of research…04.01.2023
Knowledge Exchange newsletter December 2022
« The final newsletter for this year provides an update on our current activities, PIDs: Risks and Trust and Small Publishers…15.12.2022
Landscape study of small journal publishers for the Knowledge Exchange Task & Finish Group for « Small Publishers and the Transition to Open Access »
« The scholarly publishing landscape tends to be dominated by large corporate publishers that publish the majority of academic research. However,…14.12.2022
Knowledge Exchange Annual Briefing
« At Knowledge Exchange, we believe that open science is vital to the success of higher education and research and our…06.12.2022
Case study: The role of research funders in the consolidation of the PID landscape
« There can be risk and trust related concerns within the current PID landscape. To explore this, the Knowledge Exchange commissioned…30.11.2022
The role of research funders in the consolidation of the PID landscape
« This case study is part of a series that has been produced within the study on “Risks and Trust in…26.10.2022
Knowledge Exchange Newsletter October 2022
« The latest Knowledge Exchange newsletter is out now! In this newsletter, you will find an update on Alternative Publishing…17.06.2022
Knowledge Exchange welcomes comments on Alternative Publishing Platforms scoping paper
« These days there are so many ways to communicate or disseminate research. Each platform has different aims and features. To…06.05.2022
Activité de Knowledge Exchange | Plateformes de publication “alternatives” [traduction de l’anglais « Alternative Publishing Platforms »]
« Face à la multiplication des façons de communiquer ou de diffuser la recherche, un groupe de travail du Knowledge Exchange…21.04.2022
Alternative Publishing Platforms
« Research findings have traditionally been published as peer-reviewed academic articles, monographs and edited collection, proceedings, or…20.12.2021
Knowledge Exchange Newsletter December 2021
The December 2021 Knowledge Exchange newsletter is out now! This newsletter summarises our latest work and updates on new…04.11.2021
The Art of Publishing Reproducible Research Outputs: Supporting emerging practices through cultural and technological innovation
« Reproducibility and transparency can be regarded (at least in experimental research) as a hallmark of research. The ability to reproduce…02.07.2021
Knowledge Exchange Newsletter July 2021
« This newsletter summarises our latest work and updates on new activities since our previous newsletter in December 2020.24.06.2021
Knowledge Exchange (KE): Call for proposals: Risks and Trust in pursuit of a well functioning Persistent Identifier infrastructure for research
« As part of its work on Open Science, the Knowledge Exchange (KE) are currently exploring the role…11.05.2021
Openness Profile : une proposition de modèle pour évaluer et valoriser la production des chercheurs liée à la science ouverte
« Le blog Ouvrir la science a publié la traduction d’une synthèse très intéressante du rapport de…27.04.2021
Évaluation et science ouverte : un rapport de Knowledge Exchange fait une proposition
« Basé sur une étude de 18 mois comprenant des entretiens, des ateliers et des groupes de discussion (80 participants, 48…08.04.2021
Activities at the Knowledge Exchange – Partners to improve services in Open Research
« What is the Knowledge Exchange? The Knowledge Exchange brings together six organisations that are representative of research activity in…31.03.2021
Openness Profile: Modelling research evaluation for open scholarship (.pdf)
The Openness Profile (OP) will be a digital resource in which a research contributor’s outputs and activities that support openness…29.01.2021
Knowledge Exchange: Connecting the dots between research methods, academic cultures and technical solutions: Three reflections on publishing reproducible research outputs
« A recent report by the European Commission called « on all European Member States and other relevant actors…15.01.2021
Knowledge Exchange : retour sur 2020
« Le document dresse un bilan des actions 2020 du Knowledge Exchange en mettant l’accent sur la participation…23.12.2020
Knowledge Exchange Newsletter December 2020
« The December 2020 Knowledge Exchange newsletter is out now! This newsletter summarises our latest work and updates on new…09.06.2020
Open Access to academic books: Working towards the “tipping point”
« Open access for academic books is deemed to be a relatively underdeveloped area. To help evaluate to which point this…27.03.2020
Knowledge Exchange Newsletter March 2020
« Our latest newsletter including our recently published work on ‘Open Scholarship & Collective Action’, the ‘Openness Profile’ and ‘Monitoring agreements…24.02.2020
Knowledge Exchange Force 2019 Workshop report: Open Scholarship and Collective Action: Introducing the Open Scholarship Framework
« As part of Knowledge Exchange‘s (KE) work on Open Scholarship, Knowledge Exchange has…zenodo.org, Knowledge Exchange, 20 février 2020, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3636068.
Knowledge Exchange: Interim report – Openness Profile: Defining the Concepts
« (…) This report documents an investigation into the need for and value of new evaluation approaches of people conducting open…29.01.2020
The Knowledge Exchange and Transitional Open Access for Smaller Publishers
« (…) The KE partner countries share the vision of Open Scholarship and immediate access to all publicly-funded research and have…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Frank Manista, 27 janvier 2020
Accélérer la communication savante : le rôle transformateur des prépublications [traduction de l’anglais « The transformative role of preprints »]
« Cette étude a pour but d’explorer la place des prépublications dans le cycle de vie de la recherche du point…24.01.2020
Vers une feuille de route pour les monographies en accès ouvert [traduction de l’anglais « Towards a Roadmap for Open Access Monographs »]
« Ce rapport présente les principales conclusions et recommandations issues de l’atelier de consensus entre acteurs organisé par Knowledge Exchange sur…23.01.2020
Sprinting for Collective Action on Open Scholarship: An interview with Bas Cordewener
« A new book, Open Scholarship and the Need for Collective Action, was produced via Book Sprint,…booksprints.net, Alison McGonagle-O'Connell, 20 janvier 2020
Knowledge Exchange Newsletter December 2019
« The December 2019 Knowledge Exchange newsletter is out now! This newsletter summarises our latest work and publications since our …26.11.2019
Monitoring agreements with open access elements: why article-level metadata are important
« (…) This article uses the Knowledge Exchange (KE) and the Efficiency and Standards for Article Charges (ESAC) initiative recommendations as…21.10.2019
The Second Wave of Preprint Servers: How Can Publishers Keep Afloat?
« Editor’s Note: this is a guest post by Rob Johnson and Andrea Chiarelli of Research Consulting.14.10.2019
Knowledge Exchange: Open Scholarship and the need for collective action
« The Knowledge Exchange book ‘Open Scholarship and the Need for Collective Action’ aims to build a common understanding of the…25.09.2019
Accelerating scholarly communication: The transformative role of preprints
« (…) Objectives The overall objective of this study was to explore the place of preprints in the research lifecycle from…19.09.2019
Knowledge Exchange newsletter September 2019
« The purpose of Knowledge Exchange is to exchange knowledge, build expert networks and cooperate between partners,…26.06.2019
Preprints – Opportunity or Challenge? [poster]
« Knowledge Exchange has been investigating the preprints landscape since 2018. Our recent research, which included an extensive literature review (60+…zenodo.org, Kant, Juliane, LIBER 2019, Poster, 10.5281/zenodo.3250206.
Knowledge Exchange: Insights into the Economy of Open Scholarship
« Knowledge Exchange has compiled a collection of interviews which illustrate how pioneering initiatives set up and operate new, or alternative…07.06.2019
Science Ouverte : et les prépublications dans tout ça ?
« Depuis 2018, l’association internationale Knowledge Exchange étudie l’écosystème passionnant de la science ouverte (appelée Open Scholarship…03.06.2019
Towards a Roadmap for Open Access Monographs: A Knowledge Exchange Report
« This report outlines the key findings and recommendations coming out of the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Stakeholder Workshop on Open Access…03.05.2019
Knowledge Exchange: Practices, drivers and impediments in the use of preprints [diaporama]
« Background and rationale The traditional academic publishing process is known to be time-consuming and, in some cases, slow.25.03.2019
Knowledge Exchange newsletter March 2019
« Three more years of Knowledge Exchange have started! The six partner organisations of Knowledge Exchange have…19.03.2019
Knowledge Exchange ‘Insights into the Economy of Open Scholarship’: A collection of Interviews
« A look into the Open Library of Humanities with Martin Paul Eve, Co-founder (…) A look into ASAPbio with Jessica…15.11.2018
Knowledge Exchange: Help us explore the practices, drivers and impediments to the use of preprints in scholarly communication
« Knowledge Exchange is currently exploring the practices, drivers and the impediments to the use of preprints in…23.05.2018
The evolving preprint landscape: Introductory report for the Knowledge Exchange working group on preprints
« (…) Now, a range of innovative services, organisations, and platforms are rapidly developing around preprints, prompting this overview of the…18.04.2018
Knowledge Exchange newsletter April 2018
« (…) This newsletter summarises KE news from the last few months, including our recently published report ‘Moving from ambition to…26.03.2018
Knowledge Exchange: Summary of our landscape study on open access & monographs now published
« At the end of 2017, Knowledge Exchange published a groundbreaking study to analyse existing information about how OA monographs…01.03.2018
Listen back to the Knowledge Exchange & OASPA webinar on OA Monographs
« On the 14th December, Knowledge Exchange and OASPA co-hosted the webinar ‘New Developments in Open Access Monographs’, to present…12.02.2018
Knowledge Exchange: Moving from ambition to reality
« We have published a new report Moving from ambition to reality: An account of the Knowledge Exchange workshop on…08.12.2017
OASPA and Knowledge Exchange Webinar: New Developments in Open Access Monographs
« This webinar is open to the public (…) On Thursday 14th December OASPA and Knowledge Exchange will co-host the webinar…30.11.2017
Knowledge Exchange: The Evolving Landscape of Federated Research Data Infrastructures
« In 2016 the Knowledge Exchange Research Data expert group identified a need for better understanding of the nature and consequences…11.10.2017
Knowledge Exchange: A landscape study on open access and monographs Policies, funding and publishing in eight European countries
« This first-of-a-kind report from Knowledge Exchange maps the landscape for Open Access books in the Knowledge Exchange countries; Finland, Netherlands,…01.09.2017
Paper: Knowledge Exchange approach to Open Scholarship
« Knowledge Exchange aims to take on activities that make a difference. The ambition is to support the partner organisations to…repository.jisc.ac.uk, KEOSAG, 31 août 2017, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.826643