Mot-clé : etats-unis
Doctorat et PhD, des valeurs sûres à l’international
« Très prisés aux Etats-Unis, les titulaires d’un doctorat séduisent de plus en plus les entreprises françaises pour leur expertise. A…06.03.2017
Berkeley Will Delete Online Content
« The University of California, Berkeley, will cut off public access to tens of thousands of video lectures and podcasts in…03.03.2017
Etats-Unis : A quoi ressemble la Cybrary, cette bibliothèque du futur conçue comme un parc d’attractions ?
« (…) Cybrary. C’est ainsi qu’a été baptisée la bibliothèque de Homestead, en Floride aux Etats-Unis, contraction de « cyber » (préfixe qui…21.02.2017
« Fair Use Myths & Facts » infographie
« Many myths persist about fair use, an essential right that allows the use of copyrighted material without permission from the…16.02.2017
The 19 most beautiful libraries in the U.S.
« (…) Although the first function of a library is to house books and manuscripts, they also serve as places to…09.02.2017
Etats-Unis : Introducing Open Access at The Met
« As of today, all images of public-domain works in The Met collection are available under Creative Commons Zero…31.01.2017
Generation X More Addicted to Social Media Than Millennials, Report Finds
« We all know the stereotype: silly millennials, tethered to their phones, unable to accomplish the simplest…25.01.2017
Discover the top ten trends driving science
« What are the big ideas driving the course of science today? ACS Axial interviewed ACS Publications…18.01.2017
OCLC introduces ‘Tipasa’ interlibrary loan management system
« OCLC introduces Tipasa™, the first cloud-based interlibrary loan management system that automates routine borrowing and lending functions for individual libraries.12.01.2017
Yahoo change de nom pour Altaba
« Yahoo est mort, vive Altaba ! Vendue à la société Verizon pour 4,8 milliards de dollars, le reste de la…11.01.2017
Belle année pour le livre numérique dans les bibliothèques américaines #brève
« Le leader du marché du livre numérique vient de publier les chiffres pour l’année 2016. Bien que le…21.12.2016
Future of the Print Record Working Group Calls for Comments on White Paper—Deadline January 31
« What is the place of print in the digital age? That fundamental question, along with a thoughtful sequence of publications…19.12.2016
Etats-Unis : Libraries and Copyright: 42 Experts Weigh In
« Today I sent a letter on behalf of 42 copyright lawyers, scholars, and expert librarians to…thetaper.library.virginia.edu, Brandon Butler, J.D, 14 décembre 2016
L’EDRLab améliore un système de prêt numérique ouvert avec la NYPL
« L’EDRLab, filiale européenne de l’International Digital Publishing Forum et de la Fondation Readium chargée du développement…15.12.2016
NLM: The Future of Health and Health Care
« In the movie The Graduate, Benjamin receives one word, whispered in hushed tones, as guidance to a successful future: “plastics.”…13.12.2016
Quel modèle économique pour les campus ? Trois exemples innovants à l’étranger
« À l’occasion du renouvellement de leur convention, la CPU et la Caisse des dépôts publient une étude sur…08.12.2016
The Dividends of Funding Basic Science
« President-elect Trump is calling for major reinvestment in public infrastructure—and any American can understand why. We all know…05.12.2016
Les bibliothécaires américains se mobilisent suite à l’élection de Donald Trump
« La New York Public Library, l’American Library Association et même Internet Archive se positionnent contre l’administration du futur…05.12.2016
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation awards grant for arXiv upgrade
« arXiv.org, the influential open access repository for global scientific research, will begin the first phrase of a three-year…30.11.2016
American Doctoral Dissertations™ Now Includes Access to Full Text and Expanded Coverage of 20th Century
« American Doctoral Dissertations™, a free database made available by EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO), OhioLINK,…24.11.2016
The New Hillary Library?
« (…) Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution gives Congress the power “to promote…16.11.2016
Etats-Unis : NIH: The What and How of Data Sharing
« In a recent BMJ article, Milton Packer highlights the value of data sharing using…08.11.2016
« Huma-Num en Amérique »
« Du 7 au 11 novembre 2016, l’équipe d’Huma-Num participe à plusieurs rencontres en Amérique du nord…02.11.2016
Etats-Unis : Association of Research Libraries: SPEC Kit 353: Funding Article Processing Charges (November 2016)
« This SPEC Kit explores the strategies that ARL member institutions are using to address article processing charges (APCs)—including…28.10.2016
Turnitin announces new content partnership with the world-renowned arXiv.org pre-print repository
« Turnitin today announced that it has secured a new content partnership with arXiv.org, which…27.10.2016
MIT task force releases preliminary “Future of Libraries” report
« An MIT task force is releasing a preliminary report featuring a set of proposals aimed at steering MIT’s…13.10.2016
Utile, utilisable, désirable. Redessiner les bibliothèques pour leurs utilisateurs
« Useful, usable, desirable, publié par l’American Library Association (ALA) en 2014, est à la fois un manifeste et…12.10.2016
Repères RSTI – Etats-Unis: Quatre nouveaux centres de science et de technologie
« Dans le cadre du Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships Program, la National Science Foundation…05.10.2016
Building A Research Data Management Service at UC Berkeley
« UC Berkeley’s Library and the central Research InformationTechnologies unit have collaborated to develop a research datamanagement program that…escholarship.org, Wittenberg, Jamie, Elings, Mary, 28 septembre 2016
Mooc : Coursera à la croisée des chemins
« Entre le monde des universités et celui des entreprises, la plate-forme de Mooc Coursera cherche sa voie…03.10.2016
Etats-unis : Association of College & Research Libraries comments on NSF Strategic Plan
« On September 26, 2016, ACRL provided feedback to the National Science Foundation (NSF) in preparation for…03.10.2016
Princeton University Library launches new catalog
« The University’s Library Systems Office officially launched a new catalog that is designed to offer a more contemporary…27.09.2016
Le Library Hotel de New York : un hôtel étonnant dédié aux amoureux des livres et des bibliothèques
« Dormir dans un hôtel – bibliothèque, ça vous tente ? Les bibliothécaires et les amoureux des…21.09.2016
The Institution of Engineering and Technology announces the release of arXiv content in Inspec
« The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has announced that over 30,000 pre-print articles available in the online…20.09.2016
Center for Research Libraries’s « Pivot » to Open Access
« At the April 2016 meeting of CRL’s Council of Voting Members the question was posed, “Should…16.09.2016
Milk, un langage de programmation 4X plus rapide pour le big data
« Souvent, dans le traitement des données big data, les programmes doivent aller piocher dans des données éparpillées, créant…09.09.2016
Etats-Unis : National Digital Newspaper Program Now to Include Newspapers from the Earliest Days of America’s Founding
« Want to read how an 18th-century newspaper covered the inauguration of George Washington? How about learning what issues…08.09.2016
Une fraude scientifique ébranle une grande université américaine
« Ainsi que le raconte la revue Science en partenariat avec le site Retraction Watch, tout a commencé…passeurdesciences.blog.lemonde.fr, Pierre Barthélémy, 7 septembre 2016
No, the Internet Has Not Killed the Printed Book. Most People Still Prefer Them
« Even with Facebook, Netflix and other digital distractions increasingly vying for time, Americans’ appetite for reading books —…05.09.2016
FTC Charges Academic Journal Publisher OMICS Group Deceived Researchers
« The Federal Trade Commission has charged the publisher of hundreds of purported online academic journals with deceiving academics…05.09.2016
Salesforce Einstein : l’arme de Salesforce dans l’intelligence artificielle se dévoile
« La nouvelle plateforme sera taillée pour développer de nouveaux logiciels, et des extensions qui viendront enrichir l’offre de…02.09.2016
68 millions d’identifiants Dropbox volés et mis en ligne
« La plateforme américaine de stockage de documents en ligne Dropbox a indiqué jeudi que les noms d’utilisateurs et…30.08.2016
ARL/Wikipedia Summit Promotes Deeper Collaboration between Libraries and Wikipedia
« (…) The summit pushed beyond the current relationship between libraries and Wikipedia and its incremental approach to explore…26.08.2016
University of California Berkeley Library partners with OpenEdition
« OpenEdition is an interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences portal with four complementary platforms: OpenEdition Books (ebooks),…24.08.2016
Organizing the Work of the Research Library
« Established in an era when the collection was truly at the heart of the library, and when building…24.08.2016
Open Content dans les musées : un retour d’expérience du Getty Museum
« Le Getty Museum constitue un grand établissement culturel américain dédié aux Beaux Arts qui a choisi, il y…24.08.2016
The Difference between Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism—and Why It Matters
« Reading a recent article in The Atlantic and the subsequent comments, I was struck again by…28.07.2016
Analysis of International Linked Data Survey for Implementers
« The International Linked Data Survey for Implementers conducted by OCLC Research in 2014 and 2015 attracted responses from…D-Lib Magazine, juillet et aout 2016, Volume 22, Number 7/8, Karen Smith-Yoshimura, OCLC Research
The code that took astronauts to the Moon is now freely available online
« The programming code that controlled the flight software for Apollo 11 has been uploaded to the popular code…22.07.2016
Protection des données : le nouveau cadre en question
« Le « bouclier de confidentialité » va remplacer le « Safe harbour » pour la protection des données transatlantiques. Mais des doutes…21.07.2016
Opportunity To Enter Into a Joint Venture With the National Technical Information Service for Data Innovation Support
« The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) requests proposals from interested for-profit, non-profit, or research…21.07.2016
Etats-Unis – Announcing the development of SocArXiv, an open social science archive
« SocArXiv announces a partnership with the Center for Open Science to develop a free,open access, open source archive forsocial science…30.06.2016
arXiv@25: Key Findings of the User Survey
« As part of its 25th anniversary vision-setting process, the arXiv team at Cornell University Library…confluence.cornell.edu/display, Oya Yildirim Rieger, 14 juin 2016
Yale university library: Robots Reading Vogue
« Few magazines can boast being continuously published for over a century, familiar and interesting to almost everyone, full…28.06.2016
Etats-Unis : Announcing Amazon Inspire, a Free Service for Digital Educational Resources
« Teachers from around the country invited to shape the future of Amazon Inspire; a new, free service…23.06.2016
PubMed Celebrates its 20th Anniversary!
« PubMed was first released two decades ago in January 1996 as an experimental database under the National Center…16.06.2016
Open Access: 100 Stories of Impact
« Impact is a frequently used, but rarely defined term. This is especially true in the field of open…15.06.2016
The Getty Research Portal Grows with a New Design and More Than 100,000 Digitized Volumes
« Marking the occasion of its four-year anniversary, the Getty Research Portal™ has been rebuilt and redesigned, making…09.06.2016
New Player in an Open Access Publishing Market
« Exeley Inc., a New York based, newly incorporated publishing company for scientific journals, announces its official launch as…09.06.2016
The Web’s Creator Looks to Reinvent It
« Twenty-seven years ago, Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web as a way for scientists to…07.06.2016
Researchers Uncover a Flaw in Europe’s Tough Privacy Rules
« Europe likes to think it leads the world in protecting people’s privacy, and that is particularly…07.06.2016