Mot-clé : elsevier
SPARC Report Urges Action to Address Concerns with ScienceDirect Data Privacy Practices
» Today, SPARC released Navigating Risk in Vendor Data Privacy Practices: An Analysis of Elsevier’s ScienceDirect. Produced…22.04.2022
The future of research revealed [Elsevier]
« The research ecosystem has been undergoing rapid and profound change, accelerated by COVID-19. This transformation is being fueled by many…24.03.2022
Jisc response to the Elsevier open access agreement
« UK universities have reached a three-year agreement with Elsevier providing both unlimited open access publishing and access to paywalled journal…25.02.2022
Accord national avec l’éditeur Elsevier : mise en oeuvre des imports dans HAL (la suite)
« Selon l’accord de licence nationale signé avec Elsevier, l’éditeur fournit les métadonnées des articles dont au moins un des auteurs…13.12.2021
Accord national avec l’éditeur Elsevier : mise en oeuvre des imports dans HAL (étape 2)
« L’import dans HAL d’articles publiés en 2019 et 2020 dans des revues d’Elsevier, prévu dans le volet “green access” de…13.10.2021
Accord national avec l’éditeur Elsevier : mise en oeuvre des imports dans HAL
« Prévu dans l’accord de licence nationale avec Elsevier, un premier lot de fichiers fournis par l’éditeur sera importé prochainement dans…01.07.2021
SciBite launches SaaS versions of its semantic technology products
« SciBite, an Elsevier company and award-winning semantic technology company, has today unveiled its…26.05.2021
No Deal: Investigating the Influence of Restricted Access to Elsevier Journals on German Researchers’ Publishing and Citing Behaviours
« In 2014, a union of German research organisations established Projekt DEAL, a national-level project to negotiate licensing agreements with large…11.03.2021
Digital Commons (Elsevier) Diamond Open Access Journals Conference, 13-15 April 2021
« (…) In recent years, the Diamond OA model has opened space for emerging research, innovative formats, and diverse voices. Spurred…05.01.2021
160 Elsevier journals become Plan S aligned Transformative Journals
« cOAlition S is pleased to announce that 160 journals published by Elsevier are now registered as Plan…24.12.2020
Q&A about Elsevier’s decision to open its citations
« Last week Elsevier announced that it has signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and that it is…17.12.2020
Advancing responsible research assessment
« Elsevier signs Declaration on Research Assessment; implementation steps will include making reference lists of all articles openly available via Crossref.18.11.2020
Elsevier and Japan Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resources agree on proposal for subscription framework with measures to support Open Access goals
« The Japan Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resources (JUSTICE) and Elsevier, a global leader…12.11.2020
Swedish researchers’ responses to the cancellation of the big deal with Elsevier
« In 2018, the Swedish library consortium, Bibsam, decided to cancel big deal subscriptions with Elsevier. Many researchers (n = 4,221)…25.08.2020
Elsevier acquires SciBite to accelerate solutions for life sciences and corporate R&D industries
« Elsevier, a global research publishing and information analytics provider, and part of…17.08.2020
Swiss € 57million Elsevier deal
« A first critical evaluation after 8 months The swissuniversities Read & Publish Agreement with Elsevier applies to publications submitted…15.07.2020
Elsevier endorses Leiden Manifesto to guide its development of improved research evaluation
« Elsevier, a global leader in research publishing and information analytics, today announced that it is endorsing…18.06.2020
Elsevier: Open science and the reward system: how can they be aligned? July 2 2020 [Open science webinar]
« (…) On July 2, experts on open science and career assessment will come together to discuss the current reward system…16.06.2020
MIT, guided by open access principles, ends Elsevier negotiations
« Institute ends negotiations for a new journals contract in the absence of a proposal aligning with the MIT Framework for…10.06.2020
Jisc’s Publications Router service is now integrated with Pure
« Jisc’s Publications Router service is now fully integrated with Pure, the research information management system…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Steve Byford, 9 juin 2020
swissuniversities et Elsevier concluent un accord pilote Read&Publish
« swissuniversities a conclu un nouvel accord pilote de transformation avec Elsevier pour l’accès à la recherche et la publication en…20.05.2020
Dutch research institutions and Elsevier initiate world’s first national Open Science partnership
« Dutch research institutions and Elsevier initiate world’s first national Open Science partnership The Association of Universities in the Netherlands…19.12.2019
Dutch research institutions and Elsevier reach framework agreement
« The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), The Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU), The Dutch Research Council…11.12.2019
De l’accord au contrat : le groupement de commandes Elsevier à la loupe
« En complément du billet Fil’Abes au sujet de l’accord Elsevier 2019-2022 (Complete Freedom Collection (CFC), Bibliothèque…29.11.2019
New transformative agreement with Elsevier enables unlimited open access to Swedish research
« The Bibsam Consortium is signing a Read & Publish agreement with the scientific publisher Elsevier. This means that Swedish researchers…26.11.2019
Accord national avec l’éditeur Elsevier
« Le marché concernant l’acquisition des revues de la Freedom Complete Collection, de la Bibliothèque médicale française et de Cell Press…22.11.2019
University of California statement on Carnegie Mellon University’s transformative open access agreement with Elsevier
« Jeff MacKie-Mason and Ivy Anderson, who co-chair the team overseeing UC’s publisher negotiations strategy, issued the below statement today (Nov.13.11.2019
Kumsal Bayazit, Elsevier CEO, shares her vision for building a better future in research
« Transcript of Elsevier CEO Kumsal Bayazit’s keynote presentation at the Charleston Conference November 4-8,…07.11.2019
Pays-Bas : des négociations avivent la crainte d’une “privatisation” de la science
« Aux Pays-Bas, les universités, réunies en consortium, négocient régulièrement avec les éditeurs de contenus scientifiques et académiques. C’est dans le…28.10.2019
Elsevier launches the Research Data Management Librarian Academy (RDMLA)
« The RDMLA, a free online professional development program for librarians, information professionals and other professionals, is now available and will…21.08.2019
Growth in Data and Questions on Quality are Increasing Researcher Workload, Finds New Study From Elsevier and Sense About Science
« Data proliferation and a lack of confidence in the multitude of research outputs is adding to researcher workload and is…08.08.2019
Fact check: What you may have heard about the dispute between UC and Elsevier
« Whether you have received an email directly from Elsevier, or have been reading the news coverage since early July, you…osc.universityofcalifornia.edu, UC Negotiating Team, 2 aout 2019
Elsevier to acquire Parity Computing Inc., a company applying artificial intelligence to some of the most difficult disambiguation challenges in science, technology and medicine
« Elsevier, a global information analytics business specializing in science and health, today announced it has signed…08.08.2019
Elsevier peut-il interdire les liens hypertexte vers Sci-Hub ?
« Vendredi dernier, le site BoingBoing expliquait que l’éditeur international Elsevier a adressé une plainte au site…25.07.2019
RELX Interim Results 2019
« RELX, the global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools, reports continued underlying growth in revenue, operating profit and earnings…11.07.2019
Access to ScienceDirect, Scopus and SciVal open for the Hungarian research community, as EISZ and Elsevier work towards an Open Access pilot agreement
« Hungarian Electronic Information Service National Programme (EISZ) and Elsevier, a…04.07.2019
Access agreement between Elsevier and Dutch universities extended
« Agreement will allow for continued explorations between Elsevier, VSNU, NFU and NWO on how to work together toward future Dutch…19.06.2019
Elsevier announces the International Center for the Study of Research
« A groundbreaking new Center tasked with examining and advancing the evaluation of research across all fields…12.06.2019
Elsevier metadata feed via Publications Router is now live
« Jisc’s Publications Router is now distributing Elsevier metadata to participating institutions, notifying…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Steve Byford, 11 juin 2019
Net ESolutions Corporation and Elsevier collaborate to improve information systems supporting research evaluation
« Information analytics business Elsevier, and Netelabs, a research unit within…23.04.2019
Norway and Elsevier agree on pilot national licence for research access and publishing
« The Norwegian consortium for higher education and research and Elsevier, the global information analytics business specializing…26.03.2019
Open Science Talk #015 No Deal with Norway [podcast]
« Norway does not have a deal with the publisher Elsevier anymore and follows in Sweden and Germany’s footsteps. But why…soundcloud.com/opensciencetalk, Mona Magnussen, Erik Lieungh, 16 mars 2019
Norvège : les organismes de recherche décident de ne pas renouveler l’accord avec Elsevier
« Après la l’Université de Californie**, le 28 février dernier, c’est au tour de la Norvège, le…13.03.2019
Norwegian research institutions have decided not to renew their agreement with Elsevier
« The offer from Elsevier is a long way from fulfilling the Norwegian requirements for open access to research articles. There…01.03.2019
University of California terminates subscriptions with world’s largest scientific publisher in push for open access to publicly funded research
« As a leader in the global movement toward open access to publicly funded research, the University of California is taking…21.02.2019
The Importance of CRIS in Promoting the Visibility of Data Publications
« In order to enhance researchers’ commitment to research data management it has to be ensured that their activities do not…zenodo.org, Hauck, Reingis, 19 février 2019, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.2572837
Report: What will the world of research look like 10 years from now?
« 3 plausible scenarios are envisioned by the latest Elsevier/Ipsos MORI study, which draws on published literature and the views of…elsevier.com, Adrian Mulligan, Rachel Herbert, 14 février 2019
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte opens Elsevier’s TechHub
« Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte today opened a new TechHub at the Amsterdam global headquarters of information analytics business…21.01.2019
Survey on how the cancelled agreement with Elsevier has affected Swedish researchers, students and government agency users
« Six months have passed since Swedish universities and government agencies cancelled their agreement with Elsevier 30 June 2018. Read more…21.12.2018
Max Planck Society discontinues agreement with Elsevier; stands firm with Projekt DEAL negotiations
« (…) In response to the untenably increasing cost of access to scholarly journals and, more importantly, the stifling effect of…30.11.2018
La fin des abonnements
« Voilà quatre ans que nous pistons tant bien que mal la dépense annuelle de Clermont en frais de traitement d’article…27.11.2018
Jisc and Elsevier collaborate on open access compliance
« Jisc and Elsevier have signed an agreement setting out how they will work together to support institutions to comply with…16.11.2018
Elsevier Launches Entellect™ Platform, Unlocking Value by Creating AI-ready Life Sciences Data
« Entellect leverages Elsevier‘s unique heritage to help enrich data and help companies overcome challenges in modern R&D…30.10.2018
Competition complaint lodged against Elsevier
« Two academics have demanded the European Commission investigate the academic publisher Elsevier for what they say is a breach of…18.10.2018
Italian Association for the promotion of Open Science: Hybrid Open Access: why paying twice?
« The Italian Association for the promotion of Open Science wishes to draw the attention of researchers, students, librarians and administrators…04.10.2018
American Chemical Society, Elsevier file copyright infringement suit against ResearchGate in U.S.
« Scientific publishers are extending their legal actions against networking site ResearchGate. In the latest move, the American Chemical Society and…04.10.2018
Complaint to the European Ombudsman about Elsevier and the Open Science Monitor
« A formal complaint to the European Commission Ombudsman regarding the relationship between Elsevier and the Open Science Monitor. Submitted to…26.09.2018
Nationwide Access to Elsevier’s Scopus for Russian Research Community
« National License Agreement was signed by State Public Library for Science and Technology Elsevier, the global information…09.08.2018
Elsevier achète Aries : l’édition scientifique s’interroge sur son avenir
« L’éditeur scientifique Elsevier s’est offert la société Aries Systems, à l’origine d’outils informatiques de publication de documents et d’articles. Autrement…03.08.2018
Elsevier to acquire Aries Systems, a best-in-class publication workflow solutions provider
« Elsevier, the global information analytics business specializing in science and health, today announced it has signed a…19.07.2018
TIB facilitates literature supply despite Elsevier blocking access to electronic journals
« Almost 800 journals available via TIB Document Delivery Talks between the scientific publisher Elsevier and the German Rectors’ Conference…09.07.2018