Mot-clé :
Understanding Open Knowledge in China: A Chinese Approach to Openness?
« This paper examines the development of open knowledge in China through two case studies: the development of Chinese open access…26.07.2018
arXiv and REF – together at last?
« New draft REF2021 guidance was released for consultation on Monday morning. Buried half-way through this daunting 139…unlockingresearch-blog.lib.cam.ac.uk, Dr Arthur Smith, 25 juillet 2018
A variety of strategies and funding approaches are required to accelerate the transition to open access. But in all, authors are key
« (…) In a recent Call to Action for change in journal negotiations, the UC…23.07.2018
Universities UK Open Access Coordination Group: recommendations and guidelines for best practice
« The Universities UK Open Access Coordination Group (OACG) works to ensure that activities…19.07.2018
HIRMEOS Hypervideo on OA Monographs
« (…) The aim of the interactive video framework is to offer a point of reference for all those seeking information…18.07.2018
ASCO journals now offer open access for publications of industry-sponsored research
« In a recent MAP newsletter, ISMPP shared the news that ASCO has now extended open access options…17.07.2018
Disentangling Gold Open Access
« This chapter focuses on the analysis of current publication trends in gold Open Access (OA). The purpose of the chapter…16.07.2018
The UK Scholarly Communication Licence: Attempting to Cut through the Gordian Knot of the Complexities of Funder Mandates, Publisher Embargoes and Researcher Caution in Achieving Open Access
« Whilst take-up of open access (OA) in the UK is growing rapidly due partly to a number of funder mandates,…13.07.2018
EMS (European Mathematical Society) on Open Access – Update July 2018
« To react to ongoing discussion about the open access, in particular, those taking place at the ESOF in Toulouse, the…12.07.2018
‘Plan S’ Making Open Access a Reality by 2020 [.pdf]
« A plan to decisively advance towards the Open Access of scholarly publishing by 2020 was the topic of discussion at…09.07.2018
New Tool for Open-Access Research
« A new search engine that aims to connect nonacademics with open-access research will be launched this fall.06.07.2018
Formalisation de la politique d’AMU en faveur de l’open access
« (…) Aix Marseille Université recommande à ses enseignants-chercheurs de rendre accessible au plus grand nombre les publications issues de leurs…05.07.2018
Martyn Rittman. Sustainability in Publishing: An Open Access Publisher’s View
« Sustainability is an essential part of the work of publishers. Here, the view of an open access publisher, MDPI, is…05.07.2018
Funder open access platforms – a welcome innovation?
« Funding organisations commissioning their own open access publishing platforms is a relatively recent development in the OA environment, with the…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Tony Ross-Hellauer, Birgit Schmidt, Bianca Kramer, 4 juillet 2018
British Library to develop shared open access repository services
« The British Library, working with a group of cultural and memory organisations, is piloting a shared repository service for research…02.07.2018
Stockholm University gives researchers more support to get published in full Open Access journals
« The money that Stockholm University saves at the cancelled agreement with large science publisher Elsevier will be used to publish…29.06.2018
Harvard Open Access Project (HOAP) ‘Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)’ Introduction
« The Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) is a crowd-sourced project running on…28.06.2018
OASPA’s pick of open access events for the rest of 2018
« At OASPA, we’ve always found it difficult to keep up with the number of excellent events happening within open access…26.06.2018
Challenging the Current Business Models in Academic Publishing: Accelerators and Obstacles to the Open Access Transition (June 2018) [.pdf]
« (…) The topic of ‘Big Deals’ was discussed at the workshop ‘Challenging the current business models in academic publishing –…26.06.2018
Parfois, le dépôt du pdf éditeur est autorisé sur une archive ouverte
« Bon à savoir : quand vous avez publié dans une revue en open access, et que votre laboratoire (ou celui…25.06.2018
Couperin : SELL (Southern European Libraries Link) signe une déclaration commune concernant l’open access
« Lors du 18e meeting du 7 et 8 mai 2018 de SELL (Southern European Libraries Link) les consortiums du Portugal,…25.06.2018
#OpenGov – Forum Open d’Etat #3 « Ouvrons la science !” – Rendez-vous à Toulouse le 9 juillet de 11h à 14h pendant #ESOF
» (…) Le troisième forum Open d’Etat aura le lieu le 9 juillet de 11h à 13h30, à Toulouse, en…22.06.2018
Open access 101 [Video]
« Elizabeth Knowles, Associate Editorial Director at Taylor & Francis, explains the principles of open access and the…20.06.2018
FAO launches Open Access for all publications
« As of today, FAO will implement an Open Access policy, enabling maximal reach and ease of use for FAO knowledge…15.06.2018
MIT and Royal Society of Chemistry Sign First North American “Read and Publish” Agreement for Scholarly Articles
« Experiment aims to shift publishing models toward open access The MIT Libraries and the Royal Society of…13.06.2018
Preliminary Findings from the Review, Promotion, and Tenure Study
« Support for the open access movement has grown in recent years, and today more than a quarter…13.06.2018
Marie Farge, Frédéric Hélein. « Is the System of Scientific Publications on the Eve of a Revolution? And if so,Toward What? » (in: EMS Newsletter June 2018, p. 35-40) [.pdf]
« Today, researchers benefit from an extremely powerful electronic distribution system for scientific articles, which allows any researcher (whose institution has…08.06.2018
CORE becomes the world’s largest aggregator
« CORE, a global aggregator of full text open access scientific content from repositories and journals, has been growing at a…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Balviar Notay, 1 juin 2018
COAR and DuraSpace Launch Partnership
« COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) and DuraSpace are pleased to announce the launch of a collaborative partnership. Both organizations…01.06.2018
Appel à communication : L’information scientifique, à l’épreuve de sa médiatisation
« (…)Se référant au syntagme Information – Communication et en prenant pour point d’entrée la capitalisation et la marchandisation de la…29.05.2018
1ère Newsletter de la coalition pour la pérennité des services pour la science ouverte (SCOSS)
« La coalition SCOSS (Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services) est un réseau d’institutions engagées dans la…29.05.2018
Communiqué français sur le « Summit Meeting on National Open Access Strategies »
« A l’invitation de Horst Hippler, président de la HRK, un sommet de haut niveau sur les stratégies nationales pour atteindre…25.05.2018
Négociations en Europe entre consortium et éditeurs : un bras de fer qui finira par ‘tout ouvert’
« La revue Nature du 17 mai 2018 a publié une courte synthèse des négociations difficiles entre les consortium des états…24.05.2018
Paysage de l’Open Access : complexité et hybridation des modèles de publication et de communication scientifique [.pdf]
« Support PDF du stage de Hans Dillaerts »23.05.2018
Power to the Preprint
« Preprints are here!!! Starting today authors submitting their manuscript to most PLOS journals* can also choose to post their article…18.05.2018
LSE launches open access publishing platform
« LSE has unveiled a new open access publishing platform in partnership with Ubiquity Press. ‘LSE Press’, managed through the LSE…17.05.2018
New tools to put OA into Interlibrary Loan from the Open Access Button
« Libraries have led the charge to open up access to the scholarly literature. We want to help turn that leadership…17.05.2018
Springer Nature charts rapid growth in open access articles by UK authors
« A new report outlines how Springer Nature has been able to deliver rapid growth in gold open access (OA) articles…15.05.2018
Partnership for Open Access – A presentation to JISC’s Members – Érudit webinar
« The Partnership for Open Access establishes an innovative model for collaboration between university libraries and scholarly journals, and helps provide continuous…03.05.2018
Free Journal Network
« What is the Free Journal Network? The purpose of this site is to promote scholarly journals run according to the…03.05.2018
The benefits of open access books are clear but challenges around funding remain
« As part of Academic Book Week 2018, last week Springer Nature hosted an event exploring open access books featuring representatives…27.04.2018
ISSN Conference 2018, April 26th, Paris [videos]
« Une perspective internationale sur le libre accès dans la communication scientifique : succès et défis/An International Perspective on Open Access…25.04.2018
1science lance 1findr, la plus grande sélection d’articles évalués par des pairs au monde
« 1science a procédé aujourd’hui au lancement public de 1findr, sa plateforme de découverte et d’analyse innovatrice. Dès ses débuts, 1science…25.04.2018
National licence negotiations advancing the open access transition – a view from Sweden
« The National Library of Sweden (NLS) has been working on advancing open access (OA) to scholarly output since 2006. In…25.04.2018
National licence negotiations advancing the open access transition – a view from the UK
« (…) This article will provide a status update on OA negotiations in the UK in the context of the UK’s…insights.uksg.org, Earney, L. (2018), Insights, 31, 11. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.412
OAPEN-CH : l’Open Access rend les livres plus visibles
« (…) L’Open Access a une action positive dans de nombreux domaines en comparaison aux publications qui sont uniquement imprimées :…24.04.2018
Webinar with Prof. Leslie Chan | Open Access in the Global South: Perspectives from the Open and Collaborative Science in Development Network
« COAR is pleased to announce a webinar session with Prof. Leslie Chan, University of Toronto Scarborough entitled “Open Access in…23.04.2018
Austrian Transition to Open Access (AT2OA), « Open Access Monitoring – Approaches and Perspectives » Workshop in Vienna, April 9-10 2018
« As part of the project Austrian Transition to Open Access (AT2OA) this event is focussing on Open Access monitoring and…23.04.2018
STM urges funders to retain hybrid open access as an option in the future (.pdf)
« Hybrid open access options were introduced almost from the very start of the open access movement and play an important…20.04.2018
L’Université de Lorraine s’engage en faveur de la science ouverte
« Permettre l’accès le plus large possible à la connaissance scientifique et favoriser une communication ouverte entre chercheurs sont des objectifs…19.04.2018
Invitation to Tender: Open Access Shared Repository for the British Library
« The British Library intends to establish a research repository infrastructure to support a number of services, including a new institutional…19.04.2018
Chercheuses, chercheurs : négociez un avenant à vos contrats d’édition !
« En tant que chercheurs, doctorants, vous publiez vos recherches chez des éditeurs …commerciaux . Sachez que vous pouvez négocier votre…18.04.2018
« Le libre accès à la science : Fondements, enjeux et dynamiques » – 3ème Colloque International sur le Libre Accès
« ICOA’18 a pour objectif de promouvoir l’Open Access par la mise en évidence de ses fondements épistémologiques, ses avancées et…18.04.2018
The World’s Approach toward Publishing in Springer and Elsevier’s APC-Funded Open Access Journals
« Purpose: The present study explored tendencies of the world’s countries—at individual and scientific development levels—toward publishing in APC-funded open access…13.04.2018
History of open access
« Nobody has yet written a comprehensive history of open access (OA), and I don’t plan to. But many of my…cyber.harvard.edu, Peter Suber, last modified on 12 April 2018
Unlocking the open – Europe PMC integrates with Unpaywall
« It’s always frustrating to hit a paywall when you stumble across an exciting article. Until recently, for many of us…10.04.2018
Open Dissertations Project from EBSCO Information Services Goes Live
« OpenDissertations.org, the project from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and BiblioLabs, has…30.03.2018
Couperin ne renouvelle pas l’accord national passé avec Springer
« En 2018, Les chercheurs français ne liront plus les revues SpringerNature : le consortium Couperin.org ne renouvelle pas l’accord national passé…29.03.2018
Open access in Switzerland – A current overview
« Developments in early 2018: Negotiations on the « read and publish » model to take place with academic publishers. Action plan for…26.03.2018
Knowledge Exchange: Summary of our landscape study on open access & monographs now published
« At the end of 2017, Knowledge Exchange published a groundbreaking study to analyse existing information about how OA monographs…23.03.2018
University of California Libraries: Scholarly Communication: Pathways to Open Access
« Scholarly communication has become expensive, restrictive, and increasingly falls short of realizing its full potential to make scholarly information broadly…libraries.universityofcalifornia.edu, Last updated: March 21, 2018
Releasing 1.8 million open access publications from publisher systems for text and data mining
« Text and data mining offers an opportunity to improve the way we access and analyse the outputs of academic research.blogs.lse.ac.uk, Petr Knoth, Nancy Pontika, Lucas Anastasiou, 22 mars 2018