Mining Open Government Data Used in Scientific Research
« In the following paper, we describe results from mining citations, mentions, and links to open government data (OGD) in peer-reviewed…
arxiv.org, An Yan, Nicholas Weber, [v2] Fri, 2 Mar 2018, arXiv:1802.03074v2
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OpenMinTed : une plateforme d’outils informatiques pour extraire et exploiter les informations de la littérature scientifique
« L’équipe Bibliome-MaIAGE et la Délégation Information Scientifique et Technique (DIST) de l’Inra contribuent au projet européen d’infrastructure OpenMinTeD dont l’objectif…
jouy.inra.fr, Céline Bezy, 2 mars 2018
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Think 2018 : « Replacer le débat sur l’édition scientifique dans une dynamique de science ouverte »
« Article reproduit avec l’aimable autorisation de News Tank Higher Education & Research » « « Il faut qu’il y ait une…
education.newstank.fr, 21 février 2018, Article n° 113649
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LIBER Argues For Copyright Reform in Brussels
« On 20 February, LIBER was in Brussels along with colleagues from Science Europe and…
libereurope.eu/blog, 22 février 2018
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The Exception for Text and Data Mining (TDM) in the Proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market – Technical Aspects
« In an increasingly data-driven and information-rich socio-economic context, the potential of predictive text and data mining (TDM, sometimes also referred…
europarl.europa.eu/thinktank, 15 février 2018
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What is text mining, how does it work and why is it useful? This article will help you understand the basics in just a few minutes
« What is text mining? Text mining seeks to extract useful and important information from heterogeneous…
fosteropenscience.eu, Jiakang Chang, Christian O’Reilly, Nancy Pontika, et al., 2018
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VISA TM – Vers une Infrastructure de Services Avancés de text-mining
« L’objectif du projet est d’étudier les conditions de production de services TDM (Text & Data Mining) à haute valeur ajoutée…
inist.fr, 14 février 2018
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revue RIDoWS / Recherche d’Information, Document, Web sémantique / dans la collection OpenScience d’ISTE
« Recherche d’information, document et web sémantique est un point de rencontre pour ces communautés scientifiques ou industrielles qui s’intéressent à…
www.openscience.fr, Rédacteur en chef, Vincent Claveau, 2017-2018
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TDM STORIES: A Text & Data Miner Talks About Analysing The Recent Past
« Federico Nanni is a researcher who uses TDM to build collections of materials from large archives which can be used…
openminted.eu, 02 février 2018
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« It’s time for our final episode of this series of ‘Key concepts and areas in TDM explained’. This time Robert…
openminted.eu, 30 janvier 2018
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Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 5: Knowledge Discovery
« Knowledge discovery is the process of discovering new information. In text and data mining this happens for example by finding…
openminted.eu, 16 janvier 2018
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OpenMinTeD at DI4R
« Early December 2017 (1st December), OpenMinTeD organized a session on “Text and Data Mining in Open Science“ at the DI4R…
openminted.eu, Androniki Pavlidou, 18 décembre 2017
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Étiquetage thématique automatisé de corpus par représentation sémantique
« Dans les corpus de textes scientifiques, certains articles issus de communautés de chercheurs différentes peuvent ne pas être décrits par…
hal.archives-ouvertes.fr, Lucie Martinet, Hussein Al-Natsheh, Fabien Rico, Fabrice Muhlenbach, Djamel Zighed, 2018 - 18ème Conférence Internationale sur l'Extraction et la Gestion de Connaissances, Jan 2018, Paris-Nord, France. pp.1-6. 〈hal-01659639〉
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Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 4: Semantic Search
« In the old days, if you would do a search in a search engine, you would get a lot of…
openminted.eu, 13 décembre 2017
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Join the call for TDM software and Knowledge Resources
« Are you ready to develop and share an application or software component for text and data mining (TDM)? Or do…
openminted.eu, 4 décembre 2017
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Myths & Misunderstandings about Text and Data Mining in the Copyright Reform (.pdf)
« LIBER collaborated with Science Europe, SPARC Europe, the European University Association and…
libereurope.eu, 30 novembre 2017
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Unrestricted Text and Data Mining with allofPLOS
« Content mining, machine learning, text and data mining (TDM) and data analytics all refer to the process of obtaining information…
blogs.plos.org, Sheryl P. Denker, 28 novembre 2017
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ALLEA publishes statement on “The Text and Data Mining Exception”
« The ALLEA Permanent Working Group Intellectual Property Rights calls for a broader exception for Text and Data Mining in the…
allea.org, 15 novembre 2017
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Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 3: Recommenders and filtering
« One of the things you can do with textmining, is discovering conceptually related items within a collection of text and…
openminted.eu, 22 novembre 2017
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Growing the artificial intelligence industry in the UK (.pdf)
« This independent review, carried out by Professor Dame Wendy Hall and Jérôme Pesenti reports on how the Artificial Intelligence industry…
gov.uk, Dame Wendy Hall, Jérôme Pesenti, 15 octobre 2017
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LIBER: Proposed TDM Exception Remains Too Narrow
« The European Commission’s proposed exception for Text and Data Mining remains too narrow and should be changed so that anyone…
libereurope.eu, 9 novembre 2017
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Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – part 2: Knowledge Representation
« It’s time for the second part of ‘Key concepts and areas in TDM explained’. This time, Jevin West tells us…
openminted.eu, Jevin West, 31 octobre 2017
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Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University: Welcome to VOSviewer
« VOSviewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks. These networks may for instance include journals, researchers, or…
vosviewer.com, 23 octobre 2017
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EUA Recommendations on Research Data Management and Text & Data Mining
« Given the increasing importance of research data in the transition to a more open scholarly communication system, EUA has developed…
eua.be, 25 octobre 2017
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Open in order to…discover buried connections: Text and Data Mining
“By « open access” to this literature, we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read,…
leedsunilibrary.wordpress.com, 26 octobre 2017
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Text mining et topic modeling avec R
« Nous avons déjà vu sur ce blog deux approches : comment faire vos premiers pas avec une méthode basique d’analyse…
thinkr.fr, 18 septembre 2017
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Social Sciences Text mining Use Case
« These slides introduce the work being carried out in OpenMinTeD project with respect to the « Task 9.4 Text Mining in…
fosteropenscience.eu, 2017
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Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – part 1
« What are the benefits of text and data mining (TDM) and how can its practices be applied in science? We…
openminted.eu, 25 octobre 2017
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impresso – Media monitoring of the past
« Mining 200 years of historical newspapers. How can newspapers help understand the past? How to explore them? « Media monitoring of…
actu.epfl.ch, 23 octobre 2017
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Text and data mining: a new service for libraries?
« Text and data mining (TDM), the automated analysis of digital data searching for trends, correlations and patterns, is rapidly gaining…
epthinktank.eu, 20 octobre 2017
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NASA Perspectives on Deep Learning
« In this video from the HPC User Forum in Milwaukee, Nikunj Oza from NASA Ames presents: NASA Perspectives on Deep…
youtube.com, 11 septembre 2017
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How TDM can unlock a goldmine of information
« From September 6th– September 8th, over 200 people with an interest in open science came together in Athens for the…
openminted.eu, 19 octobre 2017
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University of Cambridge: LibGuide: Text & Data Mining (TDM)
« The aim of this guide is to make a start towards exposing the breadth of content (mostly library-subscribed) that may…
library.ch.cam.ac.uk, 2017
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The Text and Data mining functionalities of the PoolParty Semantic Suite
« The webinar focused on the textmining and entity- / text extraction capability of PoolParty Semantic Suite that is used…
fosteropenscience.eu, Martin Kaltenböck, Timea Turdean, 2017
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Text and data mining – Join the OpenMinTeD call for content
« We are happy to announce that the OpenMinTeD platform for text and data mining is now ready to accept content.
openminted.eu, 9 octobre 2017
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Data mining – Knowledge and technology flows in priority domains within the private sector and between the public and private sectors
« With the amount of digital data created and stored increasing day upon day, the opportunities offered by big data —…
rio.jrc.ec.europa.eu, Science-Metrix 2 octobre 2017
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ISTEX Séminaire technique : 6 – 7 juin 2017, les vidéos en ligne
« Organisé par la Direction de l’Information Scientifique et Technique du CNRS, le séminaire technique d’ISTEX a réuni les porteurs de…
istex.fr, 2017
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Modernisation of the EU Copyright Rules Position Statement of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
« On 14 September 2016 the European Commission published a package of proposals aimed at the modernisation of copyright within the…
pubman.mpdl.mpg.de, Hilty, R. M., & Moscon, V. (Eds.),2017, ISBN: 978-3-00-057529-7, DOI: 10.17617/2.2470998
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Copyright Reform: Help Us Ensure an Effective TDM Exception!
« Research libraries are closely watching the European Commission’s current work to reform copyright legislation because libraries and their users will…
libereurope.eu/blog, 25 septembre 2017
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A New Tool for Deep-Down Data Mining
« GeoDeepDive combines library science, computer science, and geoscience to dive into repositories of published text, tables, and figures and return…
eos.org/project-updates, Peters, S. E., I. Ross, J. Czaplewski, A. Glassel, J. Husson, V. Syverson, A. Zaffos, and M. Livny (2017). Eos, 98, https://doi.org/10.1029/2017EO082377. Published on 22 September 2017.
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Researchers release largest ever public collection of British conversations
« Language experts at Lancaster University and Cambridge University Press have (…) published the largest ever public collection of transcribed British…
esrc.ac.uk, 25 septembre 2017
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Data mining: Open access policies and outcomes
« During our data mining project for the European Commission, one of the case studies we undertook to…
sciencemetrics.org, Brooke Struck, 20 septembre 2017
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This is what Europe can do to Stimulate Text and Data Mining
« Text and data mining – using algorithms to analyse content in ways that would be impossible for humans – is…
libereurope.eu, Martine Oudenhoven, 14 septembre 2017
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Vers une Infrastructure de Services Avancés de text-mining – VISA TM
« L’Inist partenaire du projet VISA TM La création d’une offre en fouille de texte et de données – TDM (text…
inist.fr, 11 septembre 2017
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A practical view on text data mining from ContentMine
« We at ContentMine are a non-profit NGO from Cambridge UK, who are practitioners on the forefront of text data mining…
futuretdm.eu, Stefan Kasberger, 31 août 2017
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The ‘time machine’ reconstructing ancient Venice’s social networks
« Machine-learning project will analyse 1,000 years of maps and manuscripts from the floating city’s golden age. (…) Although the…
nature.com, Alison Abbott, 14 juin 2017
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Doing text analytics for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences with CLARIN (LDK tutorial), Galway 2017
« The LDK tutorial took place on 18 June 2017, as part of the preconference programme for…
videolectures.net, 2017
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NaCTeM talk at University of Cambridge mentioned in blog
« John McNaught, deputy director of NaCTeM, gave a talk at the Text and Data Mining Symposium at…
nactem.ac.uk, 17 août 2017
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U. of Cambridge Office of Scholarly Communication Blog: Next steps for Text & Data Mining
« Sometimes the best way to find a solution is to just get the different stakeholders talking to each other –…
unlockingresearch.blog.lib.cam.ac.uk, Danny Kingsley, 17 août 2017
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The legal and policy framework for scientific data sharing, mining and reuse
« L’extraction de textes et de données (Text and Data Mining), le traitement automatique ou la fouille de grandes quantités d’articles…
books.openedition.org, Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay, 2017
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Library Support for Text and Data Mining: A Report for the University Libraries at Virginia Tech (.pdf)
« This report examines how the University Libraries at Virginia Tech have supported text and data mining in the past, and…
vtechworks.lib.vt.edu, Young, P., Brittle, C., Haugen, I., Lener, E., Pannabecker,V, 22 juin 2017
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Exception au TDM en Allemagne
« Les deux chambres du Parlement allemand ont approuvé la réforme du droit d’auteur (le 30 juin 2017 pour le Bundestag…
bibliothequescientifiquenumerique.fr, 18 juillet 2017
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FutureTDM and OpenMinTeD organise TDM workshop for research libraries
« Many university and national libraries are exploring the best way to support researchers with text and data mining. That’s why…
futuretdm.eu, 27 juillet 2017
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Quel paysage juridique pour l’exploration de données ?
« La future directive européenne sur le droit d’auteur contiendra des dispositions en faveur du text and data mining (exploration de…
paralipomenes.net, Michèle Battisti, Joachim Schöpfel, 27 juillet 2017
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FutureTDM awareness sheets: Organisations
« Throughout the FutureTDM project, we have published a range of awareness sheets that cover different factors that have an impact…
futuretdm.eu, Lieke Ploeger, 26 juillet 2017
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Text-mining methods used for information extraction in plant scientific papers
« Presentation of Text-mining methods used for information extraction in plant scientific papers. Part 1: Context…
fosteropenscience.eu, Estelle Chaix, 20 juillet 2017
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Text mining of 15 million full-text scientific articles
« Across academia and industry, text mining has become a popular strategy for keeping up with the rapid growth of the…
biorxiv.org, David Westergaard, Hans-Henrik Stærfeldt, Christian Tønsberg, Lars Juhl Jensen, Søren Brunak, 11 juillet 2017, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/162099
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FutureTDM Symposium 2017
« On 13th of June, we held our FutureTDM Symposium at the International Data Science Conference 2017, in Salzburg, Austria. The…
futuretdm.eu, 29 juin 2017
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DoRANum : Mise en ligne de 2 nouveaux produits « Aspects Juridiques & Ethiques »
-« Aspects juridiques du TDM – Vue d’ensemble des lois pour l’OpenData (…) »
doranum.fr, Luc Bouchard, 23 juin 2017
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4th International Conference on BigData Analysis and Data Mining – September 07-08, 2017 Paris, France
« (…) The main theme of the conference is “Future Technologies for Knowledge Discoveries in Data« . This conference…
datamining.conferenceseries.com, 2017
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FutureTDM Knowledge Base
« FutureTDM Knowledge Base showcases structured collections of resources on Text and Data Mining (TDM) that has been gathered throughout the…
futuretdm.eu, 2017
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ISTEX Séminaire technique : 6 – 7 juin 2017, les supports de présentations sont en ligne
« Organisé par la Direction de l’Information Scientifique et Technique du CNRS, le séminaire technique d’ISTEX a réuni les porteurs de…
istex.fr, juin 2017
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A New Webliography of Text Mining Resources
« The Science and Technology Resources on the Internet column in the Spring 2017 issue of Issues in…
infodocket.com, Gary Price, 14 juin 2017
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