Mot-clé : sustainability-coalition-for-open-science-services-scoss
Barcelona Declaration and the role of Open Science Infrastructures (video)
« On 26 September 2024, LIBER and SCOSS hosted a webinar that focused on the Barcelona Declaration (what it is, who…27.08.2024
Funding boosts operations and innovation for the SCOSS Family of Open Infrastructures
« SCOSS support helps Open Infrastructures to secure funds for initiatives that traditional funding sources do not cover. Each year,…21.06.2024
Research Data Alliance et Software Heritage soutenus par SCOSS dans le cadre du 5e cycle de financement
« Le ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche a été ravi d’apprendre que la Research Data Alliance (RDA) et…19.12.2023
SCOSS infrastructures stronger together
« On November 30 2023, SCOSS organised a webinar with the theme ‘Building connections’. The session aimed to reflect on how…22.11.2023
SCOSS | Fifth Funding Cycle
« At present, SCOSS is actively promoting the following infrastructures: – Research Data Alliance (RDA) –…31.10.2023
Continuing partnerships after SCOSS
« Creating long-term sustainability is a challenge for many open science and open access infrastructures and building longer-term partnerships is key.09.05.2023
The French National Open Science Fund provides long-term support for international open science infrastructures
« The French National Open Science Fund (FNSO) is providing financial support to four international infrastructures selected by…23.11.2022
SCOSS | Fourth Funding Cycle
– Dryad « Dryad is an international data publishing platform and community committed to the open availability and…07.04.2022
The French National Fund for Open Science pledges 210.000 euros for Open Science Infrastructure
« After its record pledge to SCOSS in 2020, France comes back with more funds for Open Science…07.04.2022
Le Fonds national pour la science ouverte poursuit son soutien aux infrastructures internationales de la science ouverte
« Le Fonds national pour la science ouverte (FNSO) apporte son soutien financier à trois infrastructures internationales sélectionnées…25.11.2021
SCOSS publishes the 2022 Expression of Interest call. Apply now!
« Having raised well over 3 million EUR to sustain vital, non-commercial infrastructure and services within the Open Science community; the…17.11.2021
SCOSS strategy 2022-2024
« The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) was established in 2017. Well over €3m has been pledged…30.09.2021
Travaillons ensemble afin de construire un écosystème en bonne santé pour la science ouverte !
« La Coalition mondiale pour la durabilité des services de la science ouverte (SCOSS), membre de…30.09.2021
What you told us – responses to our consultation on SCOSS’s future
« The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) is now four years old. We are delighted that we have…28.09.2021
SCOSS | Third Funding Cycle
« Members of the Open Science community are surely no strangers to the three Open Science Infrastructures selected for the 3rd…11.06.2021
Let’s talk about…Open Science Infrastructure with Marin Dacos [vidéo]
« SPARC Europe and SCOSS talking to Marin Dacos on the importance of Open Science Infrastructure. »01.02.2021
26 Feb. 2021 – Webinar LIBER and SPARC Europe: How Can Libraries Help Keep Open Science Infrastructure Free and Independent?
« Ensuring a sustainable future for Open Science (OS) and Open Access scholarly publishing is imperative to support today’s and tomorrow’s…14.10.2020
SCOSS meets major milestons: DOAJ reaches funding goal
« SCOSS has met a major milestone. The Directory of Open Access Journals, one of two Open infrastructure services recommended during…24.06.2020
Community funding for Open Science infrastructure: SCOSS 2 years in
« With a huge Open Science (OS) policy momentum, libraries are increasingly facilitating access to their institutions’ research outputs. We are…10.03.2020
Soutien financier du Fonds national pour la science ouverte à trois infrastructures internationales
Le Fonds national pour la science ouverte (FNSO) décide de soutenir trois infrastructures internationales de la science ouverte dans le…23.12.2019
La Coalition mondiale pour la pérennisation des services scientifiques ouverts (SCOSS) Newsletter | Numéro 4, décembre 2019
« Le deuxième cycle de financement de SCOSS est en cours Au début de ce mois, SCOSS a lancé son…06.12.2019
DOAB and OAPEN, PKP and OpenCitations latest services to earn SCOSS recommendation
« The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS), of which SPARC Europe is a founding member, is launching its…01.04.2019
SCOSS publishes Pilot Progress report (.pdf)
« The report is the result of an assessment that involved the SCOSS Board as well as representatives from DOAJ and…19.03.2019
L’ABRC et le RCDR se joignent au SCOSS, la Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services
« L’Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada (ABRC) et le Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche (RCDR) collaborent en…26.11.2018
Université de Lorraine, the first French institution to provide sustainable funding based on SCOSS recommendations
« We are very happy to be able to announce Université de Lorraine as the first French institution…03.10.2018
SCOSS prepares for second funding cycle
« The coalition is now preparing for its second funding cycle by placing a call for a show of interest from…22.08.2018
Recommendations on supporting open-access infrastructure
« The funding of critical and overt open access infrastructures is one of the prerequisites for a large-scale transformation of scientific…29.05.2018
1ère Newsletter de la coalition pour la pérennité des services pour la science ouverte (SCOSS)
« La coalition SCOSS (Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services) est un réseau d’institutions engagées dans la…02.05.2018
Une initiative pour le financement de l’open science : SCOSS
« SPARC Europe a lancé la « Coalition mondiale pour la durabilité des services scientifiques ouverts » (…10.11.2017