Mot-clé : publication-scientifique


Scientific impact increases when researchers publish in open access and international collaboration: A bibliometric analysis on poverty-related disease papers

« The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), like many other research funders, requires its grantees to make papers…, J. Gabrielle Breugelmans, Guillaume Roberge, Chantale Tippett, Matt Durning, David Brooke Struck, Michael M. Makanga, 19 septembre 2018, PLoS ONE 13(9): e0203156.

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Evaluating the replicability of social science experiments in Nature and Science between 2010 and 2015

« Being able to replicate scientific findings is crucial for scientific progress. We replicate 21 systematically selected experimental studies in the…, Colin F. Camerer, Anna Dreber, Felix Holzmeister, Teck-Hua Ho, Jürgen Huber, Magnus Johannesson, Michael Kirchler, Gideon Nave, Brian A. Nosek, 27 août 2018,

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