Mot-clé : publication-scientifique
The gold rush: Why open access will boost publisher profits
« An important justification for transitioning from a subscription based journal publishing system to an open access journal publishing system, has…24.05.2019
New SAGE Publishing report lays groundwork for improving social and behavioral science impact metrics
« Report kicks off initiative to help researchers demonstrate and achieve impact While measurement of science impact has traditionally been synonymous…14.05.2019
Open and closed – What do reverse flips tell us about the scholarly publishing landscape?
« The progress of Open Access (OA) is often measured by the proportion of journals that have transitioned to OA publication…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Lisa Matthias, Najko Jahn, Mikael Laakso, 13 mai 2019
What does better peer review look like? Underlying principles and recommendations for better practice
« We conducted a literature review of best practice in peer review. Following this research, we identified five principles for better…29.04.2019
The “impact” of the Journal Impact Factor in the review, tenure, and promotion process
« The Journal Impact Factor (JIF) – a measure reflecting the average number of citations to recent articles published in a journal –…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Alice Fleerackers, Juan Pablo Alperin, Erin McKiernan, 26 avril 2019
About University Journals
« Fourteen universities from five European countries started a collaboration to set up University Journals as an alternative to the current…18.04.2019
Challenges and Opportunities in Pre-published Research
« It can take months or even years for research to go from ideation to publication, with the vast majority of…10.04.2019
SONAR – Swiss Open Access Repository: First tests to recover full-text files of Swiss publications
« On the 3rd of April took place a common working meeting of the 4 SONAR partners (HES-SO/HEG Genève, HTW Chur,…09.04.2019
J-STAGE customer satisfaction surveys
« We release the results of the J-STAGE customer satisfaction surveys. (…) »08.04.2019
Full DOAJ data dump now available
« (…) Introducing, full data dumps of ALL the metadata in DOAJ, both journals and article (…) »03.04.2019
Making research results reproducible
« Starting in April of this year, the German Research Foundation (DFG) is supporting a joint project of the Institute for…27.03.2019
From our Sprint to your browser: an update on Plaudit
« The primary way academics can receive recognition for their work is by being published in specific, well-known journals. This holds…27.03.2019
Horizon Dashboard : nouvelles données sur la propriété intellectuelle et les publications scientifiques des projets FP7 et H2020
« La nouvelle version d’Horizon Dashboard offre désormais des informations sur la propriété intellectuelle (PI) et les publications scientifiques collectées par…20.03.2019
Définir les auteurs d’une publication scientifique
« 1 – Qui est auteur d’une publication ? Les quatre conditions Les règles de qualité d’auteur (authorship) sont…15.03.2019
The impact of the open-access status on journal indices: a review of medical journals
« Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in the number of open access (OA) journals in almost…08.03.2019
Sci-Hub, a challenge for academic and research libraries
« Sci-Hub emerged into the field of scientific communication in 2011 as a platform for free access to scientific papers. It…05.03.2019
Who Is (Likely) Peer-Reviewing Your Papers? A Partial Insight into the World’s Top Reviewers
« Scientific publishing is experiencing unprecedented growth in terms of outputs across all fields. Inevitably this creates pressure throughout the system…04.03.2019
What is Content Syndication?
« Over the past year, there have been some important developments among the major publishers as they move towards a new…01.03.2019
Open Access Escape Room: the key to OA engagement?
« At the University of Essex, we took a bold, brave and curious approach to increasing engagement during Open Access Week…27.02.2019
‘At a glance’ visualization for publishers of most popular and most effective sharing channels used by researchers
« (…) We are excited to have just launched the latest feature for our publisher partners, allowing them to gain new…26.02.2019
Introducing eLife’s first computationally reproducible article
« In September 2017 eLife announced the start of the Reproducible Document Stack (RDS) project, a collaboration between Substance, Stencila and…elifesciences.org, Giuliano Maciocci, Michael Aufreiter, Nokome Bentley, 20 février 2019
The Unstoppable Rise of Sci-Hub: How does a new generation of researchers perceive Sci-Hub?
« How do early career researchers (ECRs) use Sci-Hub and why? In this post David Nicholas assesses early career researcher attitudes…20.02.2019
Springer Nature partners with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation to improve data sharing
« A new pilot project by Springer Nature and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) enables researchers to make their research…19.02.2019
Merits and Limits: Applying open data to monitor open access publications in bibliometric databases
« Identifying and monitoring Open Access (OA) publications might seem a trivial task while practical efforts prove otherwise. Contradictory information arise…arxiv.org, Aliakbar Akbaritabar, Stephan Stahlschmidt, 13 février 2019, arXiv:1902.03937
PLOS Provides Feedback on the Implementation of Plan S
« We welcome Plan S as a ‘decisive step towards the realisation of full open access’, in particular the push it…13.02.2019
« Revue-Sommaire » un nouveau mode d’accès aux ressources ISTEX
« ISTEX est une plateforme de plus de 21 millions d’objets documentaires (articles, chapitres de livres…) qui a pour ambition d’offrir,…05.02.2019
Open Research Knowledge Graph: Towards Machine Actionability in Scholarly Communication
« Despite improved digital access to scientific publications in the last decades, the fundamental principles of scholarly communication remain unchanged and…04.02.2019
A multidimensional perspective on the citation impact of scientific publications
« The citation impact of scientific publications is usually seen as a one-dimensional concept. We introduce a three-dimensional perspective on the…arxiv.org, Yi Bu, Ludo Waltman, Yong Huang, 28 janvier 2019, arXiv:1901.09663
Open access mythbusting: Testing two prevailing assumptions about the effects of open access adoption
« This article looks at whether there is evidence to support two prevailing assumptions about open access (OA). These assumptions are:…31.01.2019
Peer Review ouvert : accepté par auteurs et relecteurs… à promouvoir car le peer review aveugle n’est pas éthique
« Le peer-review ouvert consiste à mettre en ligne les avis des relecteurs (signés ou non signés) avec l’article publié, ainsi…29.01.2019
Readership Data and Research Impact
« Reading academic publications is a key scholarly activity. Scholars accessing and recording academic publications online are producing new types of…arxiv.org, Ehsan Mohammadi, Mike Thelwall, 24 janvier 2019, arXiv:1901.08593
Market research report: What has become of new entrants in research workflows and scholarly communication?
« Over the years, many names of new entrants in research workflows and scholarly communication have appeared. These players aim to…osf.io, Campfens, Yvonne. 2019, OSF Preprints. January 15. doi:10.31219/osf.io/a78zj.
«La Lettre de CoopIST» n°9 vient de paraître
« Au sommaire de ce numéro 9 : Rendre public son projet d’article sur un site de preprints – Rédiger et…23.01.2019
Les finances de PLOS vont moins bien : modèle APC pose-t-il problème ? Compétition avec Scientific Reports, etc…
« Le rapport financier de 2017 du groupe PLOS a été rendu public en décembre 2018 (rapport des…22.01.2019
Successful journal flipping: TIB supports new journal Quantitative Science Studies
« The new year begins with good news: The International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI) and its…17.01.2019
Change ahead: How do smaller publishers perceive open access?
« (…) While libraries and funding bodies in German-speaking countries have been negotiating Open Access Agreements with large publishers for years…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Christian Kaier, Karin Lackner, 15 janvier 2019
Wiley and Projekt DEAL partner to enhance the future of scholarly research and publishing in Germany
« Wiley and Projekt DEAL establish groundbreaking partnership for Germany to pilot new publishing models, better enable researchers to create and…10.01.2019
INRA – Publier la Science n° 22 / Janvier 2019
« Edito : Vision croisée de la publication scientifique d’Etienne Derat et Erwin Dreyer… Highlights : – Publications…04.01.2019
Nature at 150
« In the 150 years since the first issue was published, Nature has evolved alongside the research community it serves. We…20.12.2018
Scholarly journals in building and civil engineering – the big picture and current impact of open access
« The publishing of scholarly peer reviewed journals has in the past 20 years moved from print to primarily digital publishing,…18.12.2018
Discipline-specific open access publishing practices and barriers to change: an evidence-based review
« (…) Many of the discussions surrounding Open Access (OA) revolve around how it affects publishing practices across different academic disciplines.11.12.2018
Valoriser les publications d’un laboratoire universitaire dans l’environnement de la science ouverte : Retour d’expérience de la collection GERiiCO sur HAL
» La question de la diffusion des résultats de la recherche et, en particulier, le libre accès aux publications des…07.12.2018
Springer Nature and DEAL: Considerable progress in negotiations
« Springer Nature and Project DEAL of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany have made considerable progress in their negotiations…30.11.2018
Are Funder Open Access Platforms a Good Idea?
« As open access (OA) to publications continues to gather momentum, we should continuously question whether it is moving in the…20.11.2018
Göttingen University Press Platform now supports Annotation via Hypothes.is
« Within the HIRMEOS project, Göttingen University Press aims to add on its platform new services that allow for deeper interaction…20.11.2018
Negative Effects of “Predatory” Journals on Global Health Research
« Predatory journals (PJ) exploit the open-access model promising high acceptance rate and fast track publishing without proper peer review. At…13.11.2018
A Very Long Embargo: Journal Choice Reveals Active Non-Compliance with Funder Open Access Policies by Australian and Canadian Neuroscientists
« Research funders around the world have implemented open access policies that require funded research to be made open access, usually…liberquarterly.eu, Shaun Yon-Seng Khoo, Belinda Po Pyn Lay, 6 novembre 2018
Lancement du site licence.rnbm
« Découvrez dès maintenant la nouvelle version du site licence.rnbm ! Le site réunit un ensemble d’informations se rapportant aux…06.11.2018
Is peer review coming out of the shadows?
« The concept of publishing peer review comments alongside an article, to increase transparency in the publication process, is gathering momentum.05.11.2018
Frontiers supplies full-text articles to Publications Router
« Frontiers is the latest open access publisher to distribute content automatically to institutional repositories via Jisc’s…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Steve Byford, 2 novembre 2018
Accès à Springer partiellement coupé – Message d’Alain Schuhl, directeur général délégué à la science du CNRS – 24 octobre 2018
» (…) En pratique : Cette coupure concerne tous les articles non Open Access publiés à partir de 2018. Les…26.10.2018
Retraction Watch: We’re officially launching our database
« We’re officially launching the Retraction Watch Database of more than 18,000 retractions, along with a…25.10.2018
Do authors comply when funders enforce open access to research?
« Last month, European research funders collectively called for research publications to be made free, fully and immediately; so far, 14…18.10.2018
Timeline of technologies for publishing (1963-2018)
« Sections of the timeline: Hardware, OS & platforms Reading softwares Publishing softwares Softwares and systems for text…16.10.2018
MIT Press Partners with Silverchair to Launch MIT Press Direct eBook Platform
« Known for iconic design, rigorous scholarship, and creative technology, the MIT Press is a leading publisher of books and journals…15.10.2018
How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Publications (2018)
« (…) This report is the output of a large-scale survey of readers of scholarly publications (n=10977) and their behaviour in…renewpublishingconsultants.com, Tracy Gardner, Simon Inger, Août 2018
Predatory Open Access Journals Publishing: What, Why and How?
« The Internet has transformed scholarly publishing and made the availability of online resources possible, both in subscription and open access…eprints.rclis.org, Shamprasad M. Pujar, http://hdl.handle.net/10760/32032, 8 octobre 2018
Is It Such a Big Deal? On the Cost of Journal Use in the Digital Era
« Commercial scholarly publishers promote and sell bundles of journals—known as big deals—that provide access to entire collections rather than individual…27.09.2018
INRA – Publier la Science n° 21 / Septembre 2018
« Edito : Sabrina Granger, Martine Courbin-Coulaud et Catherine Scotton Le peer review à l’ère de l’open science :…26.09.2018
Guest Post: Why a Society Publisher is Moving Toward Read and Publish Models
« Read & Publish models have been in the spotlight for some time in Europe, and in July they arrived in…25.09.2018
EPRIST – Les citations ouvertes (.pdf)
« Les citations sont un instrument privilégié de la recherche bibliographique : le repérage des citations ultérieures d’une publication permet de…eprist.fr, Pierre-Carl Langlais, Analyse I/IST-n°28-Septembre 2018