Mot-clé : persistent-identifiers-pids
Les identifiants ORCID et idHAL
« Les scientifiques ont aujourd’hui de nombreux identifiants numériques (ORCID, idHAL, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID…). Ces identifiants permettent avant tout d’éviter…18.11.2024
Scholarly Metadata as Trust Signals: Opportunities for Journal Editors
« In recent years, research integrity issues are in the limelight with the emergence of new and complex threats, such as…31.10.2024
Enhancing Scientific Research Through Instrument Metadata and PIDs – Tackling the “How Might We” Challenges
« The Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) for Instruments Community Dialogue, hosted by DataCite and Metadata Game Changers, brought…29.10.2024
Interoperability, Openness, and Impact: Recommendations and Roadmap for an Irish National PID Strategy
« This report sets out recommendations and a roadmap for a national persistent identifier (PID) strategy for Ireland. This report is…21.10.2024
Persistent Identifiers for Projects Community Dialogue
« DataCite, in partnership with Metadata Game Changers, is excited to announce two community dialogue sessions (…16.07.2024
HAL au PIDfest | 11-13 June 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic
« (…) La conférence PIDfest, qui s’est déroulée en juin dernier à Prague, a rassemblé de nombreux représentants,…27.06.2024
FAIR-IMPACT materials for community review
« Guidelines for creating a user tailored EOSC Compliant PID Policy – D3.3 – Open for comments until 31 August 2024…21.06.2024
16e c@fé Renatis – Enquête nationale sur l’utilisation et usages des identifiants numériques chercheurs en France (2024) – Jeudi 20 juin 2024 (vidéo)
« Le principal objectif de cette enquête était de mieux comprendre l’usage des identifiants numériques chercheurs, et plus particulièrement d’ORCID, dans…03.06.2024
16e c@fé Renatis – Enquête nationale sur l’utilisation et usages des identifiants numériques chercheurs en France (2024) – Jeudi 20 juin 2024
« Le principal objectif de cette enquête était de mieux comprendre l’usage des identifiants numériques chercheurs, et plus particulièrement d’ORCID, dans…18.04.2024
ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, IdHAL… enjeux et perspectives des identifiants chercheurs
« ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, IdHAL…, les identifiants chercheurs font désormais partie des outils importants de la science ouverte. Fondés…18.04.2024
PIDfest | 11-13 June 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic
« The goal of this event is to bring together PID advocates, users, and leaders from around the world…12.04.2024
Utilisation et usages des identifiants numériques chercheurs en France. Synthèse de l’enquête nationale 2023
« L’enquête présentée dans ce rapport s’insère dans un projet de recherche composé de quatre phases qualitatives et quantitatives, dont les…02.04.2024
DataCite & ARDC Announce Partnership to Deliver the RAiD Service
« DataCite and ARDC are pleased to announce a strategic partnership to deliver RAiD, a service and system to identify and…22.03.2024
Developing a US National PID Strategy
« Utilizing the framework created by the Research Data Alliance, this report was created in collaboration with members of the Higher…21.03.2024
Desirable Characteristics of Persistent Identifiers
« PIDs in scholarly communications and research infrastructure have garnered government attention lately. By aligning with frameworks such as FAIR and…29.02.2024
As Local As Necessary, As International As Possible
« The above was the theme of ‘Persistent Identifiers for Open Science in Japan (and Asia Pacific)’ […08.11.2023
EOSC Compliant PID Implementations – Practical Guidelines for Implementing Best Practices – 21 November 2023
« A look into how you can adapt existing PID implementation best practices and apply them to your domain and work…13.10.2023
RDA National PID Strategies Guide and Checklist: Final Outputs and supporting materials available
« The National PID Strategies Working Group was endorsed to explore how Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) form part of national policy and…03.10.2023
Persistent Identifiers: Addressing the challenges of global adoption
« The aim of this blog post is to raise awareness about certain issues related to the adoption of persistent identifiers…11.08.2023
The Role of Universities in the Implementation of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)
« The report “Building the plane as we fly it: the promise of persistent identifiers” was published last February by the…13.06.2023
Knowledge Exchange Webinar | Persistent Identifiers in Academia: Risks and Trust
« Are you looking for ways to ensure the effective implementation and management of PID systems? Do you want to learn…09.05.2023
Knowledge Exchange webinar | Persistent identifiers in academia: risk and trust – 23 may 2023
« We are delighted to announce that registration for the inaugural KE webinar is now open! Let us guide you through…23.02.2023
Measuring the concept of PID literacy: user perceptions and understanding of persistent identifiers in support of open scholarly infrastructure
« The increasing centrality of persistent identifiers (PIDs) to scholarly ecosystems and the contribution they can make to the burgeoning ‘PID…23.02.2023
Why a national PID strategy?
« An outline of why the Australian Research Data Commons is pursuing the development of a national persistent identifier strategy and…15.02.2023
Workshop on PIDs within NFDI
« In order to gain an overview of the current state of the discussion on PIDs and for the identification of…15.02.2023
The (Currently) Fragmented PID Landscape: An Overview
« This NISO Plus 2023 talk addresses various issues around the fragmentation of the current persistent identifier landscape as identified in…02.02.2023
Persistent Identifiers – risks and trust related issues explored with new Knowledge Exchange report and case studies
« Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) are of vital importance to modern day digital information-based research. They ensure that all elements of research…03.01.2023
Exploring the concept of PID literacy: user perceptions and understanding of persistent identifiers in support of open scholarly infrastructure
« The increasing centrality of persistent identifiers (PIDs) to scholarly ecosystems and the contribution they can make to the burgeoning ‘PID…06.12.2022
Case study: The role of research funders in the consolidation of the PID landscape
« There can be risk and trust related concerns within the current PID landscape. To explore this, the Knowledge Exchange commissioned…30.11.2022
The role of research funders in the consolidation of the PID landscape
« This case study is part of a series that has been produced within the study on “Risks and Trust in…16.11.2022
ORCID coverage in research institutions—Readiness for partially automated research reporting
« Reporting and presentation of research activities and outcome for research institutions in official, normative standards are more and more important…02.11.2022
Towards a national PID strategy for Canada – Vers une stratégie nationale sur les PID pour le Canada
« In 2021, on behalf of the Canadian Persistent Identifier Advisory Committee (CPIDAC), the Canadian Research Knowledge Network…11.10.2022
Strengthening ROR’s sustainability model
« Since its launch in 2019, ROR has been charting a unique path toward sustainability. In this blog post, we want…06.10.2022
Incentives to invest in identifiers: A cost-benefit analysis of persistent identifiers in Australian research systems
« Persistent identifiers (PIDs) are unique alpha-numeric codes that positively identify entities such as people, places, and things. In addition, they…03.05.2022
RePEc introduces NFT registration for academic papers
« Every item (papers, article, etc.) in RePEc is identified by a unique and persistent handle, and has been for 25…22.04.2022
PID OPIDoR : Implémentation de la version 4.4 du schéma de métadonnées de DataCite
« Cette version prend en charge, en particulier, une meilleure description des ressources textuelles. (…) »15.12.2021
ORCID in Research: beyond identification
« This is a recording of the UKRN online workshop « ORCID in Research: beyond identification » held on Wednesday 1 December 2021.24.06.2021
Knowledge Exchange (KE): Call for proposals: Risks and Trust in pursuit of a well functioning Persistent Identifier infrastructure for research
« As part of its work on Open Science, the Knowledge Exchange (KE) are currently exploring the role…22.06.2021
The PID Forum – open to everyone interested in persistent identifiers
« At CHORUS, persistent identifiers (PIDs) are foundational. The work we do to identify articles for open accessibility, and to link…21.06.2021
UK PID Consortium: Cost-Benefit Analysis
« This report was commissioned by Jisc in early 2021, as part of their multi-year programme exploring how persistent identifiers (PIDs)…08.04.2021
DataCite: A Brave New PID: DMP-IDs
« Despite the challenges over the last year, we are pleased to share some exciting news about launching the brave new…15.03.2021
Now Available: ORCID’s 2020 Annual Report
« (…) We invite you to dive into our Annual Report for 2020 and…04.03.2021
#PIDapalooza21 – Les Identifiants pérennes en France et au CNRS [vidéo]
« Depuis 2016, DataCite, Crossref, ORCID, CDL et NISO organisent le PIDapalooza, un « festival » ou rencontre…youtube.com, PIDapalooza Festival, Mohamed Salah Yahia, 2à21
#PIDapalooza21 – Open Festival of Persistent Identifiers – 27, 28 January 2021 [vidéos]
« PIDapalooza21 – a 24-hour PIDfest. 80+ sessions in 7 languages. All about Persistent Identifiers and Networking Research. Held online. Around…29.01.2021
Library and Higher Education Groups Release Communication Toolkit for Implementing Effective Data Practices
« The Association of Research Libraries (ARL), California Digital Library (CDL), Association of American Universities (AAU), and Association of Public and…20.01.2021
ORCID donne de la visibilité aux travaux de recherche
« (…) Réalisée dans le cadre d’un appel à projets destiné à promouvoir la science ouverte, une vidéo présentant ORCID a…15.01.2021
#PIDapalooza21 – Open Festival of Persistent Identifiers – 27 January 2021
« (…) #PIDapalooza21 will be happening at a different time (and even day) depending on where in the world you are…15.01.2021
Connected Research: The Potential of the PID Graph
« PIDs provide unique and long-lasting references to entities and play a crucial role in research infrastructure. They enable unique identification…14.01.2021
An Institutional Repository Publishing Model for Imperial College London Grey Literature
« In 2019 we became increasingly aware of authors at Imperial College London choosing to publish grey literature through local website…01.12.2020
Presenting FREYA Results: Realising the EOSC
« The FREYA project is coming to an end in november 2020 and this is the time to present an overview…project-freya.eu, Ricarda Braukmann (DANS), 30 novembre 2020
Interconnexion entre HAL et ORCID
« (…) Un nouveau service est désormais disponible pour permettre l’interconnexion entre HAL et ORCID (Open research and contributor identifier). Celui-ci…02.11.2020
Open identifiers for open research: building a national strategy for PID adoption in the UK
(…) The goal is to take existing networks to the next level, by exploring how the UK research community can…project-freya.eu, Christopher Brown, Josh Brown, Alice Meadows, 29 octobre 2020
FAIR Signposting Profile
« This page details a concrete recipe that repositories can follow to implement Signposting, a lightweight yet…16.10.2020
A Persistent Identifier (PID) policy for the European Open Science Cloud
« This Persistent Identifier (PID) policy is written for senior decision makers within potential EOSC service and infrastructure providers, and will…30.09.2020
DMPTool Blog | Effective Data Practices: new recommendations to support an open research ecosystem
« We are pleased to announce the release of a new report written with our partners at the Association of Research…28.08.2020
DataCite Commons – Exploiting the Power of PIDs and the PID Graph
« (…) DataCite is proud to announce the launch of DataCite Commons, available at…08.07.2020
FREYA project: « The power of PIDs » [vidéo]
« By using PIDs, different parts of research can be linked together. This subsequently improves the findability, accessibility and navigation of…30.06.2020
Introducing the PID Services Registry
« We are pleased to announce the launch of the new persistent identifier (PID) services registry available at…blog.datacite.org, Richard Hallett, 26 juin 2020, https://doi.org/10.5438/pwjv-9m56
Vérifier, relier et enrichir ses identifiants-chercheur : ScanR et ORCID
« Dans un précédent billet Laurence Bizien vous expliquait le sens et le rôle des différents identifiants chercheurs…labedoc.hypotheses.org, Françoise Acquier, Lab&doc, mis en ligne le 26 juin 2020.
FREYA Project: Guides to Choosing Persistent Identifiers – Version 1
« The FREYA Project has compiled short guides to help with choosing persistent identifiers for various types of entities. These first…07.05.2020
Developing a persistent identifier roadmap for open access to UK research
« This report was prepared as part of Jisc’s work in response to Prof. Adam Tickell’s recommendation “Jisc to lead on…11.02.2020