Mot-clé : open-journal-systems-ojs
PKP is now a DataCite Registered Service Provider
« (…) The PKP collaborates with scholarly publishing and infrastructure communities to develop and maintain Open Journal…21.02.2023
Scholarly Publishing as a Global Endeavor: Leveraging Open Source Software for Bibliodiversity
« Each year, the Public Knowledge Project* (PKP) posts a very large, and rather dry, dataset at the…15.09.2022
Recalibrating the Scope of Scholarly Publishing: A Modest Step in a Vast Decolonization Process
« By analyzing 25,671 journals largely absent from journal counts and indexes, this study demonstrates that scholarly communication is more of…01.02.2022
PKP Enables Diamond Open Access
« The Public Knowledge Project (PKP), has been, by design and since its inception over two decades ago, developing software that…03.11.2021
Open Access for the non-English-speaking World
Open access is not only about barrier-free access to research by readers, it’s also about barrier-free access by researchers to…04.11.2020
TIB Blog: Open source infrastructure for the new publishing platform
« After we introduced the strategic and conceptual orientation of our new open-access…30.10.2019
EIFL checklist: Good practices in using Open Journal Systems software (OJS) for journal editing and publishing
« EIFL has produced this checklist to support editors and publishers of open access journals using OJS software. OJS is created…27.08.2019
PKP 2019 Conference Barcelona – Sprint: November 18-19 Conference: November 20-22
« Welcome to the PKP 2019 International Scholarly Publishing Conference, presented by the Public…11.07.2019
Introduction à la chaîne éditoriale dans OJS [tutoriels]
« Introduction à la chaîne éditoriale dans OJS – Production Cette capsule montre une partie des processus…29.04.2019
Open Journal Systems (OJS) sets new standards to achieve OpenAIRE compliance with JATS
« Open Journal Systems (OJS, https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/) is an open source journal management and publishing system,…24.09.2018
PKP and SciELO announce development of open source Preprint Server system
« In recognition of SciELO’s twentieth anniversary, the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and SciELO Program are entering into an agreement to…21.12.2017
New OJS 3 Course Now Available
« We’re pleased to share our first new OJS 3 course on PKP School! Setting up a Journal…16.03.2017
Opening scholarly communication in social sciences by connecting collaborative authoring to peer review
« The objective of the OSCOSS research project on « Opening Scholarly Communication in the Social Sciences » is to build a coherent…21.12.2016