Mot-clé : madmps
Towards a Toolbox for Automated Assessment of Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans
« (…) This paper discusses methods for the automation of DMP assessment. It goes beyond generating human-readable reports. It explores how…13.01.2023
maDMP : des exemples d’intégration de services associés à la gestion des données
« Vous êtes intéressés par le DMP machine actionable (maDMP) et vous voulez comprendre quels sont les bénéfices de la structuration…30.11.2022
DMP OPIDoR V3 : vers un DMP machine actionnable [vidéo]
« La version 3 de DMP OPIDoR met à la disposition des chercheurs un nouveau modèle de DMP (Data management Plan…23.11.2022
#RDAwebinar | Integrating Research Data Management Services using maDMPs – 22 November 2022 [slides]
« This webinar, presented by the RDA DMP Common Standards WG, will familiarize participants with the RDA recommendation on machine-actionable DMPs.04.11.2022
RDA DMP Common Standards WG Webinar | Integrating Research Data Management Services using maDMPs, 22 November 2022
« This webinar, presented by the RDA DMP Common Standards WG, will familiarize participants with the RDA recommendation on machine-actionable DMPs.03.08.2022
DCSO: towards an ontology for machine-actionable data management plans
« The concept of Data Management Plan (DMP) has emerged as a fundamental tool to help researchers through the systematical management…11.04.2022
[DoRANum] DMP OPIDoR – Le modèle structuré
« OBJECTIFS Après avoir consulté cette ressource, vous devriez être capable de : Rédiger votre DMP dans l’outil DMP OPIDoR…31.01.2022
Participer aux évolutions de DMP OPIDoR
« L’équipe souhaite poursuivre les évolutions de DMP OPIDoR et réfléchit à de nouveaux services à développer toujours dans l’optique de…15.12.2021
Automating Research Data Management Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans
« Many research funders mandate researchers to create and maintain data management plans (DMPs) for research projects that describe how research…17.11.2021
Interconnecting Systems Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans – Hackathon Report
« The common standard for machine-actionable Data Management Plans (DMPs) allows for automatic exchange, integration, and validation of information provided in…29.10.2021
Application Profile for Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans
« This paper presents the application profile for machine-actionable data management plans that allows information from traditional data management plans to…30.04.2021
TU Wien presents machine-actionable DMP tool at RDA plenary meeting
« DAMAP is a tool that is currently being developed by TU Wien and TU Graz in the FAIR Data Austria…20.04.2021
FAIR Data Austria Online Project Meeting, April, 13th 2021 [slides & recordings]
« (…) Opening, FAIR Data Austria…19.04.2021
Argos service for machine actionable, configurable and interlinked Data Management Plans
« The poster was presented in the poster session of the 17th Virtual Plenary Meeting of the Research Data Alliance: …08.04.2021
DataCite: A Brave New PID: DMP-IDs
« Despite the challenges over the last year, we are pleased to share some exciting news about launching the brave new…29.01.2021
Library and Higher Education Groups Release Communication Toolkit for Implementing Effective Data Practices
« The Association of Research Libraries (ARL), California Digital Library (CDL), Association of American Universities (AAU), and Association of Public and…13.11.2020
DaMaLOS – 2nd November 2020 – First Workshop on Data and Research Objects Management for Linked Open Science : Co-located at the International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2020 [papers & slides]
« (…) In this workshop we will explore what is required for Research Data (and other digital objects) Management Plans to…26.10.2020
Implementing the DMP Common Standard on the Argos tool for maDMPs
« Argos is an online machine-actionable tool developed by OpenAIRE to facilitate Research Data Management (RDM) activities…30.09.2020
DMPTool Blog | Effective Data Practices: new recommendations to support an open research ecosystem
« We are pleased to announce the release of a new report written with our partners at the Association of Research…25.08.2020
Travailler à distance sur la médiatisation des plans de gestion de données : retours d’expérience
« En juin 2019 a été lancé un groupe de travail sur l’accompagnement aux plans de gestion de données, qui réunit…urfistinfo.hypotheses.org, Justine Ancelin-Fabre, 24 août 2020
RDA Hackathon on maDMPs – the beginning of a new series?
« RDA Hackathon on machine-actionable Data Management Plans (maDMPs) took place between 27th and 29th May 2020,…27.04.2020
RDA Hackathon on maDMPs (machine-actionable Data Management Plans)
« (…) The hackathon is open for everyone. As well as software developers weare looking for anyone with an interest in…15.04.2020
Norwegian Centre for Research Data adopts RDA DMP Common Standard for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans Recommendation
« NSDs Data Management Plan (NSD DMP) is a tool for enabling long-term preservation and sharing of research data. Its purpose…18.03.2020
First meeting of National Research Data & Software training coordination
« Paula Martinez Lavanchy, the Research Data officer coordinating RDM training initiatives at TU Delft and…13.03.2020
maDMP4LS : vers un plan de gestion des données (DMP) automatisé pour les biologistes
« Réunion de lancement aujourd’hui du projet ANR (ANR flash Science ouverte) maDMP4LS,…04.12.2019