Mot-clé : european-commission
En route vers le nouveau programme cadre de recherche et d’innovation de l’U.E.
« Ont été publiés lundi 3 juillet, à Bruxelles, les résultats du travail d’un groupe de haut niveau présidé par Pascal…26.07.2017
The open science cloud needs more data experts
« The European Commission plans to launch its open science cloud by 2020, but calls on universities to train more data…25.07.2017
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is pleased to announce the official publication of its first 4 Recommendations as ICT technical specifications
« The first wave of 4 RDA Recommendations have now been officially acknowledged as ICT Technical Specifications and published for referencing…27.06.2017
Call for Suggestions and Contributions on Implementing the FAIR Data Principles: EC Expert Group on Turning FAIR Data into Reality
« The European Commission has established an Expert Group on Turning FAIR Data into Reality (E03464) which will…15.06.2017
New version of open source licence EUPL available
« The European Commission has released a new version of the European Union Public Licence (EUPL), a tool for publishing any…14.06.2017
European Commission: FAIR data Expert Group Call for Contributions
« The European Commission has established an Expert Group on FAIR data to support the Research and Innovation policy development on…13.06.2017
European Open Science Cloud Summit – 12 june 2017 – Brussels (en vidéo)
« (…) the summit wants to mark a clear milestone, and prove willingness to build the EOSC as an inclusive and…29.05.2017
Commission launches public consultation on Database Directive
« The Database Directive, adopted in 1996, aims at encouraging the development of databases through appropriate legal protection and the use…23.05.2017
Europe’s future: Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World
« Reflections of the Research, Innovation and Science Policy Experts High Level Group. Carlos Moedas (European Commissioner for Science, Research &…ec.europa.eu, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, 2017
La Commission européenne aurait décidé de créer sa propre plate-forme de publication en OA
« Selon le magazine Science, lors d’une réunion restreinte de l’Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) qui s’est…04.04.2017
Monitoring Open Science Trends in Europe
« Background Open science refers to ongoing changes in the way research is conducted: for scientists themselves, through increasing the…03.04.2017
European Commission considering leap into open-access publishing
« One of Europe’s biggest science spenders could soon branch out into publishing. The European Commission, which spends more than €10…22.03.2017
Next-generation metrics: Responsible metrics and evaluation for open science
« The Expert Group on Altmetrics outlines in this report how to advance a next-generation metrics in the context of Open…11.01.2017
EU Copyright Reform: LIBER Joins Leading Research Groups In Call For More Change
« In a statement released today, LIBER, CESAER, EUA, LERU and…05.12.2016
Carrières dans la recherche en Europe
« « Carrières dans la recherche en Europe » est une étude à visée d’évaluation. Elle traite les trois…bookshop.europa.eu, ISBN: 978-92-79-44502-6, DOI: 10.2766/069011, 2016
FAQ: What you need to know, but were afraid to ask, about the EU Open Science Cloud
« What is the cloud and why do researchers need it? The cloud is a…17.11.2016
Four successful bidders for the Helix Nebula The Science Cloud PCP tender
« The project has now selected the successful bidders of the €5.3 million joint Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) tender. They…03.11.2016
Stratégie de coopération internationale en R&I de l’Union européenne (rapport 2016)
« La Commission européenne a publié le rapport 2016 dédié à la mise en oeuvre de sa stratégie de coopération…27.10.2016
Consultation publique des parties prenantes sur l’évaluation intermédiaire du programme Horizon 2020
« Le Commission européenne a lancé le 20.10.2016 une consultation publique des parties prenantes à Horizon 2020 en vue…20.09.2016
What kind of world is STM living in?
« (…) 14 September saw the International Association of STM publishers (STM) issue a response…16.09.2016
Nuit Européenne des Chercheur.e.s – 30 septembre 2016
« La Nuit Européenne des Chercheur.e.s s’invite dans plus de 200 villes en Europe dont 12 villes en France.15.09.2016
EU copyright reform and TDM : potentially good for research but certainly not (yet) for innovation !
« Today, the European Commission has presented its legislative proposal to update the EU framework on copyright. LERU is…15.09.2016
European Copyright Proposals: Libraries and Cultural Heritage Institutions Respond
« Today the European Commission published its Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament…15.09.2016
European Commission: Modernisation of the EU copyright rules
« (…)The Commission has proposed two directives and two regulations to adapt the EU copyright rules to the realities…09.09.2016
EU Commission to propose strong text and data mining rights for researchers
« The European Commission wants to give universities, research institutes and research-performing companies improved legal certainty to scour text…02.09.2016
The HNSciCloud Pre-Commercial Procurement tender is out: bid now!
« The Helix Nebula – the Science Cloud is a €5.3 million Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) tender for the establishment…01.09.2016
Commission updates Horizon 2020 work programmes
« (…) The European Commission has released an update to the Horizon 2020 work programme for…01.09.2016
Réforme du droit d’auteur : les nouveaux projets de la Commission européenne
« Le législateur européen travaille d’arrache-pied à la réforme du droit d’auteur. Une nouvelle fuite du texte de la directive…01.09.2016
DARIAH Report on researchers’ service needs
« The report on researchers’ needs analyses the results of a survey conducted by the Humanities at Scale project…25.08.2016
UE : une consultation publique sur la TVA réduite des éditions électroniques
« La Commission européenne organise jusqu’au 19 septembre prochain, une consultation sur la question du taux de taxe…25.08.2016
Submission to the European Commission Expert Group on Altmetrics
« As part of the broader Open Science agenda of the European Commission an expert group on “altmetrics” has…22.07.2016
Protection des données : le nouveau cadre en question
« Le « bouclier de confidentialité » va remplacer le « Safe harbour » pour la protection des données transatlantiques. Mais des doutes…20.07.2016
The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot one year into the initiative: 6th progress report
« The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot has recently completed its first year of operation since its launch on…20.07.2016
Une formation en ligne sur les données ouvertes
« Programme de formation du Portail européen de données qui vise à fournir une introduction simple et claire sur…27.06.2016
High Level Expert Group on the European Open Science Cloud: first report
« On 20 June 2016, the Commission High Level Expert Group on the European Open Science Cloud (HLEG EOSC)…15.06.2016
LIBER Responds to EC Consultation on Publishers’ Role in the Copyright Value Chain
« (…) On behalf of the LIBER Copyright Working Group, who compiled this response, we would like…07.06.2016
Open innovation, open science, open to the world
A vision for Europe « This book brings together some of the key conceptual insights behind Open…bookshop.europa.eu, ISBN: 978-92-79-57346-0, DOI: 10.2777/061652, 2016
European Open Science Policy Platform / Members of the OSPP
« The Members of the Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) have been nominated. Commissioner Moedas, during the 27 May…30.05.2016
Tous les articles scientifiques européens en libre accès à partir de 2020
« En 2020, tous les articles scientifiques seront librement accessibles en Europe. Les États membres entendent ainsi optimiser la…26.05.2016
European Open Science Cloud
« By bolstering and interconnecting existing research infrastructure, the Commission plans to create a new European Open Science Cloud…23.05.2016
European Commission: RIO COUNTRY REPORT 2015: France
« The report offers an analysis of the R&I system in France for 2015, including relevant policies and funding,…09.05.2016
OFE publishes High Level Policy Paper on text and data mining
« For the past months, OFE has been involved in an intensive research process regarding the various arguments and…22.04.2016
European Cloud Initiative to give Europe a global lead in the data-driven economy
« The Commission today presented its blueprint for cloud-based services and world-class data infrastructure to ensure science, business and…15.03.2016
EU needs to step up its research and innovation performance, report finds
« Science, research and innovation boost economic growth and create high-quality jobs. They are key to creating a Digital…http://ec.europa.eu, European commission science and innovation, 10 mars 2016