Mot-clé : european-commission
European Commission awards contract for setting up an open access publishing platform
« The European Commission has awarded a contract for the setting up of an open access publishing…24.02.2020
Shaping Europe’s digital future: Commission presents strategies for data and Artificial Intelligence
« The Commission has unveiled this week its ideas and actions for a digital transformation that works for all, reflecting the…18.09.2019
OPERAS’s Answers to the Expert Group for Open Science of the European Commission
« The OSPP (Open Science Policy Platform) asked their stakeholders some questions on the future of Scholarly Publishing and Scholarly Communication.26.07.2019
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) strategic implementation plan
« The EOSC Strategic Implementation Plan presents the activities that will contribute to the implementation of the EOSC for the period…18.07.2019
Open Research Europe — The European Commission Open Research Publishing Platform [Call for tender]
« The present call for tender concerns the setting up of a publishing platform for scientific articles as a service for…08.07.2019
Architectures of Knowledge: The European Open Science Cloud
« In November 2018, the European Commission launched the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in Vienna. The EOSC envisions establishing a…03.06.2019
cOAlition S Releases Revised Implementation Guidance on Plan S Following Public Feedback Exercise
« Today cOAlition S releases revised guidance on Plan S implementation which has been approved by all…29.04.2019
FREYA deliverable on Requirements for Selected New PID Services
« The previous FREYA deliverable D3.1 offered a comprehensive survey of the landscape of persistent…29.04.2019
Les journées Recherche et Innovation en Europe – septembre 2019
« La Commission européenne organise les journées européennes de la recherche et de l’innovation à Bruxelles. Cet événement de grande ampleur…24.04.2019
Open Research Data and Data Management Plans [Information for ERC grantees]
« (…) The table below summarizes the changes that this document has undergone. (…) »24.04.2019
The EC to launch a new a tender for an open access publishing platform
« The European Commission is committed to supporting beneficiaries in complying with open access requirements in Horizon 2020, as well as…16.04.2019
La réforme du droit d’auteur franchit le dernier obstacle: la Commission se félicite de l’approbation d’une réglementation modernisée adaptée à l’ère numérique
« Le Conseil de l’Union européenne a donné aujourd’hui son feu vert à la nouvelle directive sur le droit d’auteur, qui…01.03.2019
PSI (Public Sector Information) Directive compromise agrees to make publicly-funded research data open by default
« EBLIDA, SPARC Europe, together with DCC, LIBER, and…27.02.2019
Droit d’auteur numérique: les députés approuvent l’accord provisoire
« La commission des affaires juridiques a approuvé mardi la réforme des règles du droit d’auteur numérique ayant fait l’objet d’un…13.02.2019
Copyright Directive: EUA position ahead of a final agreement
« The European University Association (EUA) would like to draw attention to the impact the Directive on Copyright in the Digital…12.02.2019
Quel futur pour l’édition et la communication scientifiques
« Le rapport Future of Scholarly Publishing and Scholarly Communication: Report of the Expert Group to the European…04.02.2019
Future of scholarly publishing and scholarly communication [Report of the Expert Group to the European Commission]
« The report proposes a vision for the future of scholarly communication; it examines the current system -with its strengths and…31.01.2019
Copyright Reform: LIBER Signs Open Letter Calling For Deletion of Articles 11 and 13
» The letter is supported by more than 85 signatories, including business organisations, civil society organisations, creators,…29.01.2019
Marché unique numérique : les négociateurs de l’UE s’accordent sur de nouvelles règles pour le partage des données du secteur public
« Les négociateurs du Parlement européen, du Conseil de l’UE et de la Commission sont parvenus à un accord sur une…26.11.2018
Le nuage européen pour la science ouverte devient une réalité
« (…) Le nuage offrira aux chercheurs un environnement sûr où stocker, analyser et réutiliser des données à des fins de…22.11.2018
Turning FAIR into reality [Final Report and Action Plan]
« (…) In addressing the remit assigned, the FAIR Data Expert Group chose to take a holistic and systemic approach to…22.11.2018
Prompting an EOSC in practice [Final report and recommendations]
« (…) With this report we aim to mark a transition towards the practical implementation of the EOSC, based on the…14.11.2018
LIBER has signed an open letter calling for a broad and mandatory Text and Data Mining exception, in order to guarantee that European research and innovation can thrive
« LIBER has signed an open letter calling for a broad and mandatory Text and Data Mining exception, in order to…09.11.2018
Scholarly publishing: EUA asks European Commission to investigate lack of competition
« The EUA Council adopted a statement on 26 October 2018 expressing its concern about the lack of transparency and competition…07.11.2018
Turning FAIR into Reality: Final outcomes from the European Commission FAIR Data Expert Group [diaporama]
« A multi-speaker presentation given by the European Commission FAIR Data Expert Group at ScieDataCon as part of International Data Week…30.10.2018
Competition complaint lodged against Elsevier
« Two academics have demanded the European Commission investigate the academic publisher Elsevier for what they say is a breach of…04.10.2018
Complaint to the European Ombudsman about Elsevier and the Open Science Monitor
« A formal complaint to the European Commission Ombudsman regarding the relationship between Elsevier and the Open Science Monitor. Submitted to…12.09.2018
European Parliament Vote on Copyright Fails to Provide Legal Clarity for Research (.pdf)
« Science Europe is disappointed that the European Parliament did not sufficiently improve the far too restrictive proposal by the European…04.09.2018
cOAlition S: Making Open Access a Reality by 2020 (.pdf)
« (Brussels. 4 September) Today, 11 national research funding organisation, with the support of the European Commission including the European Research…12.07.2018
‘Plan S’ Making Open Access a Reality by 2020 [.pdf]
« A plan to decisively advance towards the Open Access of scholarly publishing by 2020 was the topic of discussion at…26.06.2018
EU Open Science Monitor: Help us improving the indicators!
« The Open Science Monitor tracks the development of open science trends in Europe. Initially launched in 2017…26.06.2018
2nd EOSC summit 2018
« On 11 June 2018, the High Level Expert Group on the European Open Science Cloud and the…27.04.2018
MLE on Open Science – Altmetrics and Rewards – Final Report
« This report builds on the exchange of experiences and mutual learning of 13 countries: Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, France,…26.04.2018
European Commission: Building a European data economy
« (…) the Commission further develops Open Access policy by updating the 2012 Recommendation to…26.04.2018
Fifth Meeting of the Open Science Policy Platform on 2 March 2018
« The Open Science Policy Platform met for the fifth time on 2 March 2018. (…25.04.2018
LIBER Webinar: Turning FAIR Data Into Reality
« This is a recording of a LIBER webinar, made on 23 April 2018. It focuses on the work of the…18.04.2018
FP9 : « Rendre l’EIC aussi célèbre et efficace que l’ERC » (Jean-David Malo, Commission européenne)
« Article reproduit avec l’aimable autorisation de News Tank Higher Education & Research » « (…) EIC axé sur la deeptech,…11.04.2018
LIBER Webinar: Turning FAIR Data Into Reality
« Join us on 23 April at 1400 CET for a LIBER Webinar: Turning FAIR Data Into Reality —…10.04.2018
Research Infrastructures beyond 2020 – sustainable and effective ecosystem for science and society – 22 and 23 March 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria [videos]
« Research infrastructures (RIs) are one of the key elements for the development and improvement of knowledge and technology. Long term…09.04.2018
Call for tenders: Open Research Europe — The European Commission Open Research Publishing Platform
« The present call for tender concerns the setting up of a publishing platform for scientific articles as a service for…15.03.2018
Next Generation Internet – An Open Internet Initiative
« This initiative aims at developing a more human-centric Internet supporting values of openness, cooperation across borders, decentralisation, inclusiveness and protection…06.03.2018
Ajout du module sur les principes généraux du libre accès dans le cadre d’Horizon 2020
« Le module sur les principes généraux du libre accès aux publications et données de la recherche dans le cadre d’Horizon…05.03.2018
EU research chief’s next act: changing the future of academic publishing
« (…) Robert-Jan Smits, one of Europe’s most powerful figures in research, has been appointed as a special envoy on open…02.03.2018
OpenUP Hub in a nutshell animated video « Opening up the research life cycle »
« OpenUP Hub is an open, dynamic and collaborative knowledge environment that systematically captures, organizes and categorizes research outcomes, best practices,…09.02.2018
Research and Innovation performance and Horizon 2020 country participation for France
« The European Semester, the Commission’s yearly cycle of economic policy coordination, supports Member States’ structural reforms in different policy areas…09.02.2018
Dispositif européen MLE sur la science ouverte – Altmetrics et incitations
« Le dispositif de soutien aux politiques MLE (Mutual Learning Exercices) sur la science ouverte s’est penché sur…06.02.2018
Depuis 2014 le programme Horizon 2020 finance avec succès la recherche en Europe
« La Commission européenne vient de publier une brochure qui donne un aperçu des principales réalisations du programme Horizon 2020 après…02.02.2018
La Commission européenne souhaite lancer une plate-forme ouverte de publications scientifiques
« La Commission européenne propose de financer une plate-forme ouverte de publications scientifiques. L’objectif principal de cette plate-forme est d’offrir aux…29.01.2018
Communiqué de presse : Les trois Académies des sciences du Royaume-Uni, de l’Allemagne et de la France recommandent dans une déclaration commune de consolider les collaborations scientifiques et de recherche entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Europe
« À un moment où la nature exacte et l’organisation des relations futures entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Union européenne sont encore…22.01.2018
MLE on Open Science: Altmetrics and Rewards – Implementing Open Science: Strategies, Experiences and Models – Thematic Report No 4
« This report proposes a National Roadmap for the Implementation of Open Science, listing the steps involved in the transition to…06.12.2017
STM Association recommendations on the next EU Framework programme (FP9) on Open Access and Open Science (.pdf)
« (…) Given publishers special position at the interface between researchers, their research and the global public, we are well placed…05.12.2017
Dedicated Information session for ESFRI RIs and ERICs on EOSC and long-term sustainability of Research Infrastructures
« The European Commission organized a dedicated information session to clarify specific topics of the Horizon 2020 RI…09.11.2017
LIBER: Proposed TDM Exception Remains Too Narrow
« The European Commission’s proposed exception for Text and Data Mining remains too narrow and should be changed so that anyone…30.10.2017
La Commission va investir 30 milliards d’euros dans de nouvelles solutions pour répondre aux défis sociétaux et encourager l’innovation de rupture
La Commission européenne a présenté aujourd’hui la manière dont elle compte dépenser 30 milliards d’euros provenant du programme de financement…27.10.2017
European Open Science Cloud Declaration
« Today, the Commission makes the EOSC Declaration available to all scientific stakeholders,…16.10.2017
MLE (Mutual Learning Exercise) on Open Science – Report on different types of Altmetrics
« Altmetrics data are mainly gathered from readily available online sources, making altmetrics highly relevant in the context of Open Science.12.10.2017
Summary report of the public consultation on the evaluation of Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases
« The public consultation took place between 24 May and 30 August 2017. It was conducted in the context of the…09.10.2017
Data mining – Knowledge and technology flows in priority domains within the private sector and between the public and private sectors
« With the amount of digital data created and stored increasing day upon day, the opportunities offered by big data —…09.10.2017
Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 – part. 4. European Research Infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures) – Pre-Publication
« A draft version of the Work Programme 2018-2020 for Research Infrastructures Part, not yet approved by the Commission,…29.09.2017
Implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty in the EU law
« A Directive and a Regulation have been adopted for the implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty in the EU law, to…28.09.2017
Sustainable European Research Infrastructures – A call for action
« The European Commission has launched a debate with EU Member States on establishing a European action plan that will make…19.09.2017