Mot-clé : current-research-information-systems-cris
16th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (CRIS 2024) – Papers published in Procedia Computer Science
« CRIS 2024 is organised by euroCRIS in cooperation with the RIS Synergy Project and with friendly support of…24.05.2024
[#CRIS2024] 16th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems | 15-17 May 2024 Vienna, Austria (Présentations, Extended abstracts)
« The general theme of the conference was “Emerging trends for international collaboration in the CRIS domain”, highlighting the opportunities and…11.08.2023
Research Information Management Systems: covering the whole research lifecycle
« (…) This text provides a snapshot of the current CRIS landscape – with an emphasis on Europe – and summarises…17.11.2022
CRIS2022 Conference proceedings published
« On Nov 16th, 2022 the proceedings for the 15th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (CRIS2022)…16.11.2022
ORCID coverage in research institutions—Readiness for partially automated research reporting
« Reporting and presentation of research activities and outcome for research institutions in official, normative standards are more and more important…09.11.2022
Putting FAIR principles in the context of research information: FAIRness for CRIS and CRIS for FAIRness
« Digitization in the research domain refers to the increasing integration and analysis of research information in the process of research…14.09.2022
15th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (CRIS2022) · Dubrovnik, Croatia · May 12-14, 2022 [slides]
« The CRIS 2022 conference addressed recent trends in the significance, position and use of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and…08.08.2022
Research performance and scholarly communication profile of competitive research funding: the case of Academy of Finland
« The Academy of Finland (AKA), Finland’s major public research funding agency, uses a Web of Science (WoS) based bibliometric indicator…23.02.2022
15th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (CRIS2022) Dubrovnik, Croatia May 12-14, 2022
« CRIS 2022 is organised by euroCRIS in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Education of the…08.02.2022
ROH: Towards a highly usable and flexible knowledge model for the academic and research domains (.pdf)
« This paper presents the work developed by the Hercules-ASIO project, putting special emphasis on the design and development of the…30.11.2021
Session slides and recordings for the Autumn 2021 series of euroCRIS webinars
« Session recordings and slides for the five webinars held within the Autumn 2021 series during the week of Nov 22-26,…05.08.2021
L’Amérique latine pourrait devenir un leader mondial de la science ouverte non commerciale
« Pour répondre aux défis que nous réserve le siècle à venir, des pandémies au changement climatique en passant par l’automatisation…21.05.2021
« The DRIS+ project: Preparing CRIS Systems for Interoperability with OpenAIRE via the euroCRIS Directory of Research Information Systems (DRIS) » [vidéo]
« The euroCRIS DRIS+ project to enhance the Directory of Research Information Systems (DRIS) was…15.04.2021
Research Information Systems as Leverage for Open Science [diaporama]
« « This guest presentation at the EARMA Digital Conference 2021 addresses the role Current Research Information Systems…09.12.2020
Research Ethics, Open Science and CRIS
« The purpose of this paper is to analyze how current research information systems (CRIS) take into account ethical issues, especially…09.12.2020
Jisc launches next-generation, Plan S-compliant repository
« Jisc is launching a new multi-content repository for storing research data and articles that will make…01.12.2020
Slides and session recordings for the 2020 euroCRIS series of webinars
« The presentations and session recordings for the series of five euroCRIS webinars held during the week of Nov 23-27 are…12.11.2020
First euroCRIS series of webinars
« A first series of webinars will be held by euroCRIS during the week of Nov 23-27, 2020 to mark our…10.06.2020
Jisc’s Publications Router service is now integrated with Pure
« Jisc’s Publications Router service is now fully integrated with Pure, the research information management system…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Steve Byford, 9 juin 2020
Implementation of the OpenAIRE-CRIS-CERIF Guidelines in DSpace-CRIS
« Supported by OpenAIRE, 4Science has implemented the most recent version of the…04.12.2019
Text and Data Quality Mining in CRIS
« (…) This present paper deploys TDM in CRIS to analyze, quantify, and correct the unstructured data and its quality issues.mdpi.com, Otmane Azeroual, Information 2019, 10(12), 374; https://doi.org/10.3390/info10120374
Research Intelligence (CRIS) and the Cloud: A Review
« The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of the cloud technology on current research information systems (CRIS).23.09.2019
Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) as OpenAIRE Data Providers [diaporama]
« The presentation summarises the current status of the process for adding CRIS systems to the range of certified OpenAIRE data…dspacecris.eurocris.org, De Castro, Pablo, septembre 2019, http://hdl.handle.net/11366/1174
Research Object OR19 Workshop on Repository/CRIS Interoperability
« The slides delivered by the participants in the June 10th pre-Open Repositories 2019 conference workshop on CRIS/IR interoperability are…05.06.2019
Spring 2019 euroCRIS Membership Meeting (CSC, Espoo-Helsinki, Finland, May 27-29, 2019) [presentations]
« The slides for the presentations delivered at the May 27-29 euroCRIS Spring 2019 membership meeting at CSC in Espoo-Helsinki are…15.04.2019
Open Repositories 2019 Hamburg, June 10-13, 2019 [program & abstracts]
« This year’s conference theme is “All the User Needs”. The aim is to provide the attendees an opportunity to explore…04.03.2019
Quality Issues of CRIS Data: An Exploratory Investigation with Universities from Twelve Countries
« Collecting, integrating, storing and analyzing data in a database system is nothing new in itself. To introduce a current research…mdpi.com, Azeroual, O.; Schöpfel, J., Publications 2019, 7, 14., doi.org/10.3390/publications7010014
The Importance of CRIS in Promoting the Visibility of Data Publications
« In order to enhance researchers’ commitment to research data management it has to be ensured that their activities do not…zenodo.org, Hauck, Reingis, 19 février 2019, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.2572837
CRIS2018 proceedings published
« The special issue of Procedia Computer Science where the selected proceedings for the CRIS2018 conference in Umeå have been published…05.02.2019
OCLC webinar on the joint euroCRIS/OCLC RIM survey findings available online
« The Jan 30th OCLC webinar « Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey »…01.02.2019
OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers release 1.1.1
« For developers of CRIS platforms, the Guidelines provide guidance to add supportive functionalities for CRIS managers and users. Exchange of…05.02.2018
OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers updated
« This is to announce the draft publication of the updated OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers. As…16.01.2018
Presentations from the euroCRIS SMM (Strategic Membership Meeting) in Bratislava now available
« The presentations from the most recent euroCRIS Strategic Membership Meeting held last Nov 20-22 at the CVTI SR in Bratislava…01.12.2017
ORCID: Collect & Connect using CRIS systems
« (…) Our community team recently reviewed the following five ORCID member CRIS system integrations and confirmed that they meet the…10.08.2017
Presentations from the Spring 2017 Membership Meeting of euroCRIS in Dublin available
« The presentations delivered at the euroCRIS Spring membership meeting held at the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) are now openly…31.07.2017
Research data management and preservation using PURE and Archivematica
« The core of this brief session will present an overview of the curation and preservation workflow for research data currently…05.07.2017
6 Release Candidate Version of DSpace-CRIS
« DSpace-CRIS is an open-source extension of DSpace that includes functionality useful for CRIS (Current Researcher Information System) users. DSpace-CRIS enables…14.06.2017
LIBER and OCLC Research Launch Collaborative Information Management Study
« LIBER, the Association of European Research Libraries, and OCLC Research are launching a collaborative…18.05.2017
Allemagne : Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) is a member of DuraSpace
« By becoming a member, TIB supports further development of current research information system VIVO. (…) “Without a lively community with…04.04.2017
CRIS2016 Papers published in Procedia and euroCRIS Repository
« The proceedings of the CRIS2016 Conference in St Andrews are now available on line. The proceedings for the 13th…29.06.2016
Research Data in Current Research Information Systems
« The paper provides an overview of recent research and publications on the integration of research data in Current…archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr, Joachim Schöpfel, Hélène Prost, Violaine Rebouillat, 16 juin 2016
Conférence CRIS2016 / 8 -11 juin 2016, St Andrews, Ecosse
La conférence CRIS2016 porte sur le thème « communiquer et mesurer la recherche de manière responsable : analyse, métrique, impact…13.04.2016
euroCRIS Survey 2016 open!
« The organisation euroCRIS wants to give its members the opportunity to share their views with the Board. For…09.03.2016
Final Report EUNIS – EUROCRIS Joint Survey on CRIS and IR
« Current Research Information Systems (CRISs) and Institutional Repositories (IRs) are two main components of the Research Information Management…http://www.eurocris.org, Ligia Ribeiro, Pablo de Castro, Michele Mennielli, mars 2016