Mot-clé : bibliometrie
Édition 2025 du Baromètre lorrain de la Science Ouverte : vers toujours plus d’accès libre
« Suite à la parution de la nouvelle édition du Baromètre français de la Science Ouverte, les indicateurs pour l’Université de…03.12.2024
Comment ajouter de la science ouverte dans l’évaluation de la recherche ?
« Aujourd’hui, la qualité de la recherche subit des pressions de toutes parts : utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle…22.10.2024
Geographical and Disciplinary Coverage of Open Access Journals: OpenAlex, Scopus and WoS
« This study aims to compare the geographical and disciplinary coverage of OA journals in three databases: OpenAlex, Scopus and the…27.09.2024
Comment valoriser l’ouverture de la production scientifique d’un laboratoire ? Rapport sur l’implémentation d’indicateurs du Baromètre de la Science Ouverte sur deux pages de collection HAL
« (…) L’Université de Lorraine a été le premier établissement à proposer dès 2020 un Baromètre de la Science Ouverte à…25.06.2024
Analysis of the Publication and Document Types in OpenAlex, Web of Science, Scopus, Pubmed and Semantic Scholar
« (…) The focus of this study, in addition to the cross-database comparison, is primarily on the coverage and analysis of…22.04.2024
Benefits of open access to researchers from lower-income countries: A global analysis of reference patterns in 1980–2020
« The main objective of the open access (OA) movement is to make scientific literature freely available to everyone. This may…19.04.2024
Diversifier les sources de données pour les analyses bibliométriques – Résultats récents et futurs développements [Seminar, OST-Hcéres, 28/02/2024]
« La diversification des sources de données utilisées pour les analyses bibliométriques répond à deux préoccupations. La première consiste à utiliser…11.03.2024
On The Peer Review Reports: Does Size Matter?
« Amidst the ever-expanding realm of scientific production and the proliferation of predatory journals, the focus on peer review remains paramount…05.03.2024
Webinar: How EPFL uses OpenAlex for tailor-made scientometrics and benchmarking between Universities
« Summary: In this webinar, the Academic Data Unit from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland (EPFL) showcase how they…14.02.2024
Bases de données bibliométriques ouvertes vs bases commerciales : vers une nouvelle ère ?
« Une étude demandée par la cOAlition S concernant l’impact du plan S sur la…01.02.2024
Comment comprendre et utiliser les altmetrics ?
« Nous vous expliquions précédemment ce que sont les altmetrics, notamment en comparaison avec les indicateurs bibliométriques traditionnels.26.01.2024
Are open bibliometric data sources better than proprietary ones?
« With the advancement of open science, the reliability of open bibliometric data providers compared with proprietary providers is becoming a…25.01.2024
An open approach for classifying research publications
« Classifying research publications into research topics or research areas is crucial for many bibliometric analyses. While there are lots of…16.01.2024
How can revivals of scientific publications be explained using bibliometric methods? A case study discovering booster papers for the 1985 Physics Nobel Prize paper
« The unusual citation profile of the 1985 Physics Nobel Prize paper has been analyzed. The number of citing papers per…14.11.2023
Evolution of number of citations per article in Materials Science: possible causes and effect on the impact factor of journals
« (…) In this work we observe this positive correlation between the increase in the number of references per article and…02.10.2023
Interview : LODEX, un outil open-source au service de la recherche
« L’Inist CNRS a confié à Marmelab le développement de l’outil LODEX. Nous avons déjà…26.07.2023
Bibliometric Analysis of Publisher and Journal Instructions to Authors on Generative-AI in Academic and Scientific Publishing
« We aim to determine the extent and content of guidance for authors regarding the use of generative-AI (GAI), Generative Pretrained…03.04.2023
Metrics and peer review agreement at the institutional level
« In the past decades, many countries have started to fund academic institutions based on the evaluation of their scientific performance.02.02.2023
Bibliometric Code Names
« Ce jeu de plateau a été produit par le Service commun de la Documentation de l’Université de Guyane dans le…16.01.2023
From Research Evaluation to Research Analytics. The digitization of academic performance measurement
« One could think that bibliometric measurement of academic performance has always been digital since the computer-assisted invention of the Science…03.01.2023
Apports de l’approche bibliométrique et de l’outil Cortext Manager à la revue de littérature scientifique. Une application à la prise en compte de l’environnement en Sciences Régionales (1999-2019)
« Cet article présente une démarche bibliométrique originale ainsi que certaines des fonctionnalités d’un outil d’analyse bibliométrique, la plate-forme Cortext Manager,…24.11.2022
Mieux comprendre la bibliométrie : deux nouvelles ressources
« Dans quelle revue devrais-je publier? Ma recherche a-t-elle une influence dans la communauté? Quels seraient mes collaborateurs potentiels? Ce…28.10.2022
How Open Is the U15? A Preliminary Analysis of Open Access Publishing in Canadian Academic Libraries
« This study offers insight into open access (OA) culture at Canadian university libraries by detailing the degree to which librarians…05.10.2022
Promoting Open Science through bibliometrics
« In order to assess the progress of Open Science in France, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation…08.08.2022
Impact factions: assessing the citation impact of different types of open access repositories
« (…) In this study, the authors present a bibliometric analysis examining correlations between search engine performance of items…04.08.2022
Insights from a recent RLP discussion on Bibliometrics and Research Impact (BRI) services
« The OCLC Research Library Partnership recently hosted a discussion on the topic of…05.07.2022
Bibliometrics at large – The role of metrics beyond academia
« The role of bibliometrics, such as impact factors and h-indices, in shaping research has been well documented. However, what function…02.05.2022
Optim’ist – Les indicateurs bibliométriques
« Tantôt vantés pour leur capacité à faire un état des lieux des publications issues de la recherche, tantôt décriés pour…25.03.2022
Support du stage « Bibliométrie et science ouverte » [.ppt]
« Support du stage« Bibliométrie et science ouverte » animé par Maxence Larrieu, les 17 et 18 mars 2022. Partie…27.01.2022
The Rhythms of Scholarly Publication: Suggestions to Enhance Bibliometric Comparisons Across Disciplines
« The need for research universities to understand expectations for scholarly publishing across a wide array of disciplines is vital to…22.12.2021
Open access at the national level: A comprehensive analysis of publications by Finnish researchers
« Open access (OA) has mostly been studied by relying on publication data from selective international databases, notably Web of Science…14.12.2021
Publisher Transparency among Communications and Library and Information Science Journals: Analysis and Recommendations
« The principal goal of the research study is to analyze the transparency of a selection of academic journals based on…20.08.2021
Modèles, outils et méthodes de la bibliométrie (.pdf)
« Bibliométrie, scientométrie, infométrie, webométrie… Tous ces termes ont un suffixe commun, qui renvoie à l’idée d’une mesure, d’une quantité, d’un…27.07.2021
TeamTree analysis: A new approach to evaluate scientific production
« Advances in science and technology depend on the work of research teams and the publication of results through peer-reviewed articles…20.07.2021
scite: a smart citation index that displays the context of citations and classifies their intent using deep learning
« Citation indices are tools used by the academic community for research and research evaluation which aggregate scientific literature output and…07.07.2021
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics (ISSI2021)
« The 18th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference is held on 12–15 July 2021 and organized by KU Leuven…06.07.2021
Bibliometric Reports for Institutions: Best Practices in a Responsible Metrics Scenario
« Carrying out bibliometric reports is one of the common tasks performed by librarians and practitioners within the framework of their…24.03.2021
Tracing the context in disciplinary classifications: A bibliometric pairwise comparison of five classifications of journals in the social sciences and humanities
« Despite the centrality of disciplinary classifications in bibliometric analyses, it is not well known how the choice of disciplinary classification…10.03.2021
Une ressource pédagogique pour bibliothécaires sur la bibliométrie, par P. Doehle
« Lien: https://pdoehle.github.io/bibliometrics-for-librarians/ Contenu: Professeur assistant à l’Oklahoma State University Library, P. Doehle a conçu un parcours de…19.01.2021
How ethics combine with big data: a bibliometric analysis
« The term Big Data is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world, and its use is no longer limited to the…14.01.2021
An Institutional Repository Publishing Model for Imperial College London Grey Literature
« In 2019 we became increasingly aware of authors at Imperial College London choosing to publish grey literature through local website…12.11.2020
Une nouvelle offre de services autour de la bibliométrie à l’Université de Lorraine
« L’Université de Lorraine se dote d’une toute nouvelle offre de services autour de la bibliométrie au service de la formation…12.10.2020
Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Scopus, Dimensions, Web of Science, and OpenCitations’ COCI: a multidisciplinary comparison of coverage via citations
« New sources of citation data have recently become available, such as Microsoft Academic, Dimensions, and the OpenCitations Index of CrossRef…30.09.2020
Use of author identifier services (ORCID, ResearcherID) and academic social networks (Academia.edu, ResearchGate) by the researchers of the University of Caen Normandy (France): A case study
« The purpose of this paper was to assess the presence of researchers on two author identifier services (ORCID and ResearcherID)…12.05.2020
Bande-dessinée pédagogique sur la bibliométrie et l’évaluation de la recherche
« Depuis 2015, le Service commun de la Documentation (SCD) de l’Université de Guyane a entamé un travail de refonte de…09.04.2020
10th Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval at ECIR 2020, Lisbon, 14 avril 2020 [book of proceedings]
« The Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval workshop series (BIR) waslaunched at ECIR in 2014 and was held at ECIR each year since…12.12.2019
Médiatiser la bibliométrie auprès des chercheurs [.pdf]
« Support du Stage « Médiatiser la bibliométrie auprès des chercheurs : au delà de l’évaluation » Support…17.09.2019
Peer review vs bibliometrics: which method better predicts the scholarly impact of publications?
« In this work, we try to answer the question of which method, peer review vs bibliometrics, better predicts the future…04.09.2019
Digital Science and the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics join forces to provide ISSI members with free access to Dimensions and Altmetric data
« Digital Science, a leader in scholarly technology, is pleased to announce a collaboration with the International Society for Scientometrics and…03.09.2019
Comparison of bibliographic data sources: Implications for the robustness of university rankings
« Universities are increasingly evaluated, both internally and externally on the basis of their outputs. Often these are converted to simple,…23.07.2019
Refonte du système d’information relatif aux données de publications scientifiques du Hcéres
« La présente consultation a pour objet de définir, construire et mettre en place une organisation des données et des processus…22.07.2019
Trends for open access to publications
« Data and case studies covering access to scientific publications. Bibliometric data as well as well as data on the policies…26.06.2019
Matilda: Building a bibliographic/metric tool for open citations and open science
« Although bibliometrics and library science are older, bibliometric tools were really born about 50 years ago and were only made…15.04.2019
BIR 2019 / 8th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval* – Cologne, Germany, April 14th, 2019 [book of proceedings]
*co-located with the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019) « The Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval workshop series (BIR) at…25.03.2019
Initiation à la bibliométrie : un outil pour piloter la recherche et la documentation [diaporama]
« Objectifs du stage • Comprendre à quoi sert la bibliométrie et ses limites • Savoir interpréter les indicateurs courants •…15.03.2019
The impact of the open-access status on journal indices: a review of medical journals
« Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in the number of open access (OA) journals in almost…26.02.2019
Can Google Scholar and Mendeley help to assess the scholarly impacts of dissertations?
« Dissertations can be the single most important scholarly outputs of junior researchers. Whilst sets of journal articles are often evaluated…arxiv.org, Kousha, K. & Thelwall, M., 2019, arXiv:1902.08746 [cs.DL]
Influencing the changing world of research evaluation
« This article provides an overview of the current research evaluation landscape, the problems inherent within it and some of the…insights.uksg.org, Gadd, Elizabeth, Insights 32 (1): 6. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.456
LIS Bibliometrics 2019 – Measuring openness: Why measure openness and how do we do it?
« The presentation introduces to various approaches to both quantitatively and qualitatively measure the state of openness of research. It also…12.02.2019
Informing the Digital Archive with Altmetrics
« Altmetrics can be used to understand impact beyond citations, particularly for digitized collections. As cultural institutions look to pursue more…16.01.2019
Le top 100 des articles 2018 selon les scores Altmetric (1/4) : 44 articles ‘Medicine & Health Sciences’ ; USA et UK dominent…
« La liste des 100 articles 2018 ayant eu les scores Altmetric les plus élevés est intéressante (décembre 2017 à fin…17.09.2018
Is together better? Examining scientific collaborations across multiple authors, institutions, and departments
« Collaborations are an integral part of scientific research and publishing. In the past, access to large-scale corpora has limited the…arxiv.org, Lovenoor Aulck, Kishore Vasan, Jevin West, 11 septembre 2018, arXiv:1809.04093