Mot-clé : author-processing-charge-apc
Article Processing Charge Hyperinflation and Price Insensitivity: An Open Access Sequel to the Serials Crisis
« Open access publishing has frequently been proposed as a solution to the serials crisis, which involved unsustainable budgetary pressures on…06.05.2019
SAGE Publishing and Aptara announce a technology partnership to collect open access article -processing charges
« Aptara has partnered with SAGE Publishing to provide an integrated SAGE-branded online platform to collect open access (OA) Creative Commons…03.04.2019
Les données APC 2017 pour le CNRS publiées sur la plateforme OpenAPC
« Le consortium Couperin a lancé, en 2017, une enquête sur la pratique des APC (Article Processing…23.01.2019
SUB Göttingen and Copernicus Publications will start the National Consortium for Central Payment Processing of Article Processing Charges on 1.1.2019
« 14 scientific institutions have joined the national opt-in consortium for the central payment processing of APCs for articles of all…23.01.2019
Les finances de PLOS vont moins bien : modèle APC pose-t-il problème ? Compétition avec Scientific Reports, etc…
« Le rapport financier de 2017 du groupe PLOS a été rendu public en décembre 2018 (rapport des…30.11.2018
La fin des abonnements
« Voilà quatre ans que nous pistons tant bien que mal la dépense annuelle de Clermont en frais de traitement d’article…16.11.2018
Lire et publier : une estimation des dépenses Inra
« La Délégation à l’IST présente dans ce focus une estimation des dépenses Inra pour l’accès aux revues, ouvrages, bases de…23.10.2018
Cambridge Open Access spend 2013-2018
« Since 2013, the Open Access Team has been helping Cambridge researchers, funded by Research Councils UK (RCUK) and the consortium…unlockingresearch-blog.lib.cam.ac.uk, Dr Arthur Smith, 22 octobre 2018
Quelques actualités concernant l’enquête sur les dépenses en APC 2017
« Lancée en février 2018 auprès des organismes de recherche puis en avril 2018 auprès des universités, l’enquête sur les dépenses…18.10.2018
Italian Association for the promotion of Open Science: Hybrid Open Access: why paying twice?
« The Italian Association for the promotion of Open Science wishes to draw the attention of researchers, students, librarians and administrators…12.10.2018
OpenAPC: a contribution to a transparent and reproducible monitoring of fee-based open access publishing across institutions and nations
« The OpenAPC initiative releases data sets on fees paid for open access (OA) journal articles by universities, funders and research…25.09.2018
APCs – Mirroring the impact factor or legacy of the subscription-based model? (.pdf)
« With the ongoing open-access transformation, article processing charges (APCs) are gaining importance as the dominant business model for scientific open-access…pub.uni-bielefeld.de, Dr. Nina Schonfelder, 18 septembre 2018
Plan T: Scrap APCs and Fund Open Access with Submission Fees
« The announcement of Plan S by 11 European funding agencies has rocked the scholarly publishing community.19.09.2018
De l’importance des workflows pour les accords OA
« Les bibliothécaires de l’Université de Vienne, en Autriche, ont publié une analyse fort intéressante des différents contrats…23.08.2018
EIFL-Taylor & Francis agreement on OA journals
« EIFL has renewed an agreement with Taylor & Francis that guarantees no – or highly reduced – Article Processing Charges…10.08.2018
Post-publication peer review in biomedical journals: overcoming obstacles and disincentives to knowledge sharing
« The importance of post-publication peer review (PPPR) as a type of knowledge exchange has been emphasized by several authorities in…osf.io, Valerie Matarese, Karen Shashok, 29 juillet 2018, DOI : 10.31229/osf.io/8kxyz
Conclusions du 3ème workshop ESAC
« ESAC (Efficiency and Standards for Article Charges) est une initiative qui a pour objectif de suivre les…02.08.2018
« On the Effectiveness of APCs » 3rd ESAC Workshop in Munich | 28-29 June 2018
« (…) Institutions and consortia who manage publication charges on behalf of their authors need to gain a clearer understanding of…25.07.2018
De nouvelles données APC pour la France fournies par Couperin.org
« Le consortium Couperin a lancé, en 2017, une enquête sur la pratique des APC (Article Processing Charges) dans plusieurs universités…26.06.2018
Parfois, le dépôt du pdf éditeur est autorisé sur une archive ouverte
« Bon à savoir : quand vous avez publié dans une revue en open access, et que votre laboratoire (ou celui…11.06.2018
Couperin.org provides first APC data for France
« The Couperin consortium collects data on APC expenditures from universities and other research institutions in France. A…11.06.2018
What do we do with your article processing charge data?
« Every year, Jisc asks UK HEIs to provide details of the individual article processing charges (APC) transactions they’ve made throughout…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Katie Shamash, 6 juin 2018
Springer Nature charts rapid growth in open access articles by UK authors
« A new report outlines how Springer Nature has been able to deliver rapid growth in gold open access (OA) articles…18.04.2018
The World’s Approach toward Publishing in Springer and Elsevier’s APC-Funded Open Access Journals
« Purpose: The present study explored tendencies of the world’s countries—at individual and scientific development levels—toward publishing in APC-funded open access…09.03.2018
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft to grow open access publishing with IOP
« Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) and IOP Publishing (IOP) have announced a new pilot agreement to help grow the society’s participation in open…01.03.2018
Copyright Clearance Center Launches New OA Agreement Manager to Automate and Streamline Funding of APCs
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a global leader in content management, copyright licensing, discovery and delivery solutions, recently launched the…21.02.2018
Authorial and institutional stratification in open access publishing: the case of global health research
« Using a database of recent articles published in the field of Global Health research, we examine institutional sources of stratification…27.11.2017
‘Gates Open Research’, plateforme ouverte de la fondation B & M Gates, est lancée sur le modèle « preprint » de F1000Research
« Elle avait été annoncée, et elle arrive vite : le revue « Gates Open Research » utilise le…23.10.2017
Apply now! Second call for proposals for alternative funding mechanism for non-author fee based open access publishing
« The OpenAIRE EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot is pleased to announce a new call for bids, this time to…25.09.2017
Measuring Cost per Use of Library-Funded Open Access Article Processing Charges: Examination and Implications of One Method
« Libraries frequently support their open access (OA) fund using money from their collections budget. Interest in assessment of OA funds…21.09.2017
Mesurer les dépenses d’APC : méthodologie et étude de cas – Approche comparée Aix Marseille Université – Université de Lorraine
« (…) Après avoir présenté l’état de la réflexion européenne dans le domaine du suivi des dépenses d’APC, l’étude s’attache à…rfsic.revues.org, n°11 Marlène Delhaye, Jean-François Lutz, 2017
Open Access: Five Principles for Negotiations with Publishers
« LIBER, Europe’s leading association of research libraries, presents Five Principles for libraries to use when conducting Open Access negotiations with…24.08.2017
JISC : Article processing charges in 2016
« Each year since 2013, Jisc Collections has asked UK institutions to submit data on their article processing charges (APCs). Last…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Katie Shamash, 23 août 2017
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Now Fully Operating from Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® for Open Access Platform
« AIAA achieves best-in-class author experience and efficient, compliant fee transaction process through new partnership with CCC Copyright…27.07.2017
Authors and APCs: 5 Things Academic Journal Publishers Should Know
« Many academic publishers are adopting article processing charges (APCs) to fund the publication of open access (OA) research in their…19.07.2017
Royal Society Open Science: Building a sustainable open science journal
« Since its launch in 2014, our newest journal, Royal Society Open Science, has operated a full waiver…03.07.2017
Knowledge Exchange: Paying for Open Access
« (…) To share a better understanding of author’s perspectives on APC payments, Knowledge Exchange has carried out a study among…10.05.2017
Knowledge Exchange consensus on monitoring Open Access publications and cost data
« In November 2016, Knowledge Exchange hosted a second workshop on monitoring of open access in Copenhagen, Denmark. The workshop was…27.04.2017
Shaping Open Access and creating transparency: Science Europe recommends disclosing Publication Fees
« Science Europe is committed to playing a role in accomplishing the transition to Open Access in an efficient and sustainable…16.03.2017
Three More STM Publishers Select Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® Platform to Handle Article Publishing Charges for Open Access Articles
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), which creates global licensing and content solutions that make copyright work, announces that…23.02.2017
Publications françaises Open Access 2010-2014 – Etude bibliométrique
« Afin de disposer d’éléments concrets pour éclairer la décision publique, le groupe de travail BSN4 a demandé à l’Inist la…24.01.2017
L’Open Access n’est pas la panacée… parmi les risques, il y a les revues prédatrices !
« L’American Society of Hematology (ASH) publie une revue ASH Clinical News avec des analyses des congrès, des analyses d’articles…04.01.2017
Open Science: a revolution in sight?
« This article aims at describing the evolution of scientific communication, largely represented by the publication process. It notes…18.11.2016
Une étude britannique met en lumière les effets secondaires négatifs des « big deals » associant négociation des budgets d’abonnements et des budgets d’APC
« Parue le 24 octobre, une étude financée par le JISC britannique, dresse un premier bilan des accords de couplage…02.11.2016
Etats-Unis : Association of Research Libraries: SPEC Kit 353: Funding Article Processing Charges (November 2016)
« This SPEC Kit explores the strategies that ARL member institutions are using to address article processing charges (APCs)—including…28.10.2016
Should Indian researchers pay to get their work published?
« (…) We estimate that India is potentially spending about US$2.4 million annually on APCs and suggest that it…eprints.iisc.ernet.in, Muthu, Madhan, Kimidi et al, 27 octobre 2016
Est-ce que les revues prestigieuses pourront survivre aux APCs (Article Processing Charges) de plus de 3 000 $ ?
« Cette question mérite réflexion suite au changement de stratégie de eLife. eLife est un grand succès : revue…20.09.2016
Cambridge University spend on Open Access 2009-2016
« Today is the deadline for those universities in receipt of an RCUK grant to submit their reports on…12.09.2016
Jisc supports Wellcome’s OA requirements for publishers
« Wellcome this week has published a set of requirements for open access publications, which will come into force…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Hannah DeGroff, 9 septembre 2016
Un point sur les APC – Articles processing charges
« Aujourd’hui le modèle économique des APC (Articles processing charges = frais de publication) se développe de plus en…07.09.2016
Royaume-Uni : Wellcome Trust: Publisher requirements
« Publishers who wish to provide open access publishing services based on APCs for Wellcome grantholders must commit to providing a…05.09.2016
FTC Charges Academic Journal Publisher OMICS Group Deceived Researchers
« The Federal Trade Commission has charged the publisher of hundreds of purported online academic journals with deceiving academics…30.08.2016
Stockholm University: New open access agreement with Springer
« Researchers at Stockholm University can now publish articles open access without any fees in more than 1600 Springer…30.08.2016
Encore une naissance dans la famille Lancet : Gastroenterology & Hepatology, numéro 1 en septembre 2016
« La stratégie du Lancet continue en créant encore une nouvelle revue, cette fois-ci dans le domaine de la…20.07.2016
The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot one year into the initiative: 6th progress report
« The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot has recently completed its first year of operation since its launch on…29.06.2016
Jisc report: Article processing charges (APCs) and subscriptions
« (…)The first half of this report looks at article processing charges and subscription payments from UK higher education…27.06.2016
A ‘gold-centric’ implementation of open access: Hybrid journals, the ‘total cost of publication’ and policy development in the UK and beyond
« This paper reports analysis of data from higher education institutions in the UK on their experience of the…eprints.whiterose.ac.uk, Pinfield, S, Salter, J ,Bath, P, 24 May 2016
Allemagne : Shaping Open Access, creating transparency – Appeal for disclosure of publication fees
« The Alliance of Science Organizations in Germany recommends scientific institutions to disclose payments of Open Access publication fees…03.06.2016
“2,5 pages of nonsense” – The STM statement on the Open Science Council conclusions
« On 28 May 2016, the International Association for Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) issued a response…01.06.2016
Etats-Unis : ECS Selects Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® Platform to Handle Article Processing Charges for its Open Access Publications
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a firm dedicated to creating global licensing and content solutions…20.05.2016
Making the Transition to Gold Open Access
« The promise of Open Access is colored by concerns over financial models and their potential to disrupt established…13.05.2016
Elsevier: now the world’s largest open access publisher
« Elsevier is now the world’s largest open access publisher as measured by the number of fully open access…sustainingknowledgecommons.org, Heather Morrison, 13 mai 2016