Mot-clé : altmetrics
Comment comprendre et utiliser les altmetrics ?
« Nous vous expliquions précédemment ce que sont les altmetrics, notamment en comparaison avec les indicateurs bibliométriques traditionnels.08.08.2023
Beyond views, productivity, and citations: measuring geopolitical differences of scientific impact in communication research
« Scientometric analyses applying critical sociological frameworks have previously shown that high-prestige research output—with regards to both quantity and impact—is typically…16.01.2023
From Research Evaluation to Research Analytics. The digitization of academic performance measurement
« One could think that bibliometric measurement of academic performance has always been digital since the computer-assisted invention of the Science…21.02.2022
Article Processing Charges, Altmetrics and Citation Impact: Is there an economic rationale?
« The present study aims to analyze 1) the relationship between Citation Normalized Score of scientific publications and Article Processing Charges…15.10.2021
Identifying and characterizing social media communities: a socio-semantic network approach to altmetrics
« Altmetric indicators allow exploring and profiling individuals who discuss and share scientific literature in social media. But it is still…14.06.2021
All the Research That’s Fit to Print: Open Access and the News Media
« The goal of the open access (OA) movement is to help everyone access the scholarly research, not just those who…11.03.2021
PLOS: A Farewell to ALM, but not to article-level metrics!
« Understanding the impact of research is of vital importance to science. The altmetrics movement is defined…30.11.2020
Preprints as accelerator of scholarly communication: An empirical analysis in Mathematics
« In this study we analyse the key driving factors of preprints in enhancing scholarly communication. To this end we use…25.09.2020
Open Access Books in the Humanities and Social Sciences: an Open Access Altmetric Advantage
« The last decade has seen two significant phenomena emerge in research communication: the rise of open access (OA) publishing, and…arxiv.org, Michael Taylor, 22 septembre 2020, arXiv:2009.10442
Revues et Covid-19 : ‘hot papers’, peer-review simplifié, articles gratuits, altmetric en hausse et compétition sévère
« Suivre l’épidémie de Coronavirus à travers les revues scientifiques est possible, mais la surinformation tue l’information. Que se passe-t-il ?…31.01.2020
Altmetrics data providers: A meta-analysis review of the coverage of metrics and publication
« The aim of this paper is to review the current and most relevant literature on the use of altmetric providers…17.12.2019
Recherche : « publish or perish », vers la fin d’un dogme ?
« Aujourd’hui, la valeur d’un chercheur repose principalement sur le nombre de citations dont il fait l’objet au sein des articles…theconversation.com, Romain Zerbib, Olivier Mamavi, 16 décembre 2019
Echoes des publications scientifiques en SHS sur les réseaux sociaux. Le cas des contenus d’Open Édition sur Twitter
« Les réseaux sociaux en se diffusant sur l’intégralité de la société sont également entrés dans le monde de la recherche.11.09.2019
How much research shared on Facebook is hidden from public view? A comparison of public and private online activity around PLOS ONE papers
« Despite its undisputed position as the biggest social media platform, Facebook has never entered the main stage of altmetrics research.25.06.2019
The effect of bioRxiv preprints on citations and altmetrics
« A potential motivation for scientists to deposit their scientific work as preprints is to enhance its citation or social impact,…07.05.2019
Altmetrics Come to OJS: Announcing the Paperbuzz Plugin
« PKP is pleased to announce the release of the Paperbuzz Plugin for Open Journal System (OJS) versions 3.1.2 and above,…12.02.2019
Informing the Digital Archive with Altmetrics
« Altmetrics can be used to understand impact beyond citations, particularly for digitized collections. As cultural institutions look to pursue more…16.01.2019
Le top 100 des articles 2018 selon les scores Altmetric (1/4) : 44 articles ‘Medicine & Health Sciences’ ; USA et UK dominent…
« La liste des 100 articles 2018 ayant eu les scores Altmetric les plus élevés est intéressante (décembre 2017 à fin…11.01.2019
Do altmetrics work for assessing research quality?
« Alternative metrics (aka altmetrics) are gaining increasing interest in the scientometrics community as they can capture both the volume and…20.09.2018
Altmetrics of the Open Access Institutional Repositories: A Webometrics Approach
« Self-archiving in Institutional Repositories (IRs) is playing a central role in the success of the Open Access initiatives. Deposited documents…openaccess.leidenuniv.nl, Isidro F.Aguillo, STI 2018 Conference proceedings
Do altmetrics assess societal impact in the same way as case studies? An empirical analysis testing the convergent validity of altmetrics based on data from the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF)
« Altmetrics have been proposed as a way to assess the societal impact of research. Although altmetrics are already in use…arxiv.org, Lutz Bornmann, Robin Haunschild, Jonathan Adams, 11 juillet 2018, arXiv:1807.03977v1
Dispositif européen MLE sur la science ouverte – Altmetrics et incitations
« Le dispositif de soutien aux politiques MLE (Mutual Learning Exercices) sur la science ouverte s’est penché sur…16.10.2017
MLE (Mutual Learning Exercise) on Open Science – Report on different types of Altmetrics
« Altmetrics data are mainly gathered from readily available online sources, making altmetrics highly relevant in the context of Open Science.03.10.2017
Altmetrics and Archives
« Altmetrics are an alternative to traditional measurement of the impact of published resources. While altmetrics are primarily used by researchers…08.09.2017
What do computer scientists tweet? Analyzing the link-sharing practice on Twitter
« Twitter communication has permeated every sphere of society. To highlight and share small pieces of information with possibly vast audiences…29.08.2017
Faire twitter son AO avec IFTTT
« Depuis décembre 1995, HAL AMU twitte les dépôts en texte intégral faits par les chercheurs de mon…27.07.2017
Impactstory and the Public Knowledge Project Announce Strategic Relationship
« PKP is pleased to announce it has entered into a strategic relationship with the mission driven non-profit Impactstory. PKP and…29.06.2017
The measure of metrics
« Change is constant in scholarly publishing; nowhere more than in the world of metrics. Here, four industry leaders offer Tim…30.05.2017
Crossref Event Data pour observer et analyser les événements sur le web
« Tracez les activités autour de vos jeux de données et publications grâce à leur DOI ! Un nouveau service de Crossref…19.05.2017
Make Data Count: Building a system to support recognition of data as a first class research output
« The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has made a 2-year, $747K award to the…16.05.2017
De la bibliométrie aux « altmetrics »
« Support du stage « De la bibliométrie aux altmetrics« Métriques traditionnelles Contexte Acteurs et outils Les…22.03.2017
Next-generation metrics: Responsible metrics and evaluation for open science
« The Expert Group on Altmetrics outlines in this report how to advance a next-generation metrics in the context of Open…17.03.2017
Measuring scientific impact beyond academia: An assessment of existing impact metrics and proposed improvements
« How does scientific research affect the world around us? Being able to answer this question is of great importance in…journals.plos.org, James Ravenscroft, Maria Liakata, Amanda Clare, Daniel Duma, 9 mars 2017
Infographic: Navigating the World of Citation Metrics
« The world of citation metrics can be a confusing one- what do all these metrics mean, and how are they…17.01.2017
«La Lettre de CoopIST» n°6 vient de paraître
« Au sommaire de ce numéro 6 : Reconnaître tous les contributeurs d’une publication et Se familiariser avec…01.12.2016
Altmetrics: The Emerging Alternative Metrics for Web Research Analysis
« The use of web 2.0 is becoming the essential part of present day life. People are spending time…30.11.2016
Le marché des publications universitaires est en recul : des médias numériques rentables viennent compenser la situation
« Selon les estimations, les revenus générés par les journaux scientifiques du secteur de…07.09.2016
Who is using altmetrics tools?
« Over the past six years, since the publication of the Altmetrics manifesto, altmetrics have matured and…altmetricsconference.com, Bianca Kramer, Jeroen Bosman, 31 août 2016
Anne E. Rauh: Altmetrics in the Library
« Research libraries assist scholars in demonstrating the value of their scholarly output through citation metrics and other measures.25.08.2016
Submission to the European Commission Expert Group on Altmetrics
« As part of the broader Open Science agenda of the European Commission an expert group on “altmetrics” has…20.07.2016
The Altmetric Score is Now the Altmetric Attention Score
« You’re probably already familiar with the Altmetric score (that handy number seen inside an Altmetric “donut”). The score is…29.06.2016
Webinar: The future of altmetrics – 04 july 2016
« ScienceOpen and Altmetric are pleased to co-host a webinar entitled “The future of altmetrics”.04.05.2016
Altmetric Badges on figshare to Showcase Attention Surrounding Research Outputs
« (…) From today all research outputs deposited on figshare that have received attention online will display Altmetric Badges.28.04.2016
An introduction to altmetrics for librarians, researchers and academics
« (…)The book looks at how altmetrics came about and their connection back to the first rumblings of the…27.04.2016
Badges for Books provides title and chapter-level attention insights for authors, editors and readers to monitor and report on the wider dissemination and influence of their scholarly writing
« Altmetric today announce the launch of Altmetric Badges for Books, enabling publishers to provide an at-a-glance…27.04.2016
Altmetrics : une nouvelle version de ImpactStory
« Impactstory est une organisation sans but lucratif qui aide les scientifiques à connaître où leurs recherches sont citées,…08.04.2016
Open Science Stars: An interview with Daniel Shanahan
« Last week, we kicked off a series interviewing some of the top ‘open scientists’ by interviewing…29.03.2016
Altmetrics of « altmetrics » using Google Scholar, Twitter, Mendeley, Facebook, Google-plus, CiteULike, Blogs and Wiki
« We measure the impact of « altmetrics » field by deploying altmetrics indicators using the data from Google Scholar, Twitter,…arxiv.org, Saeed-Ul Hassan, Uzair Ahmed Gillani, 25 mars 2016
NISO Releases Draft of Recommended Practice on Altmetrics Data Quality
« The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) seeks comments on the draft Altmetrics Data Quality Code of…17.02.2016
Meaningful Metrics: A 21st Century Librarian’s Guide to Bibliometrics, Altmetrics, and Research Impact
« What does it mean to have meaningful metrics in today’s complex higher education landscape? With a foreword by…28.01.2016
What a Million Syllabuses Can Teach Us
« (…) Over the past two years, we and our partners at the Open Syllabus Project (based…nytimes.com, Joe Karaganis et David McClure , 22 janvier 2016
Altmetric in the News
« What academic research caught the public imagination in 2015? Altmetric today unveiled its annual Top 100 list of…21.01.2016
Les vidéos du MOOCSciNum « Numérique et recherche en santé et sciences du vivant : nouvelles pratiques et enjeux »
« Ce MOOC a pour objectif de donner aux chercheurs, professionnels de la recherche en santé et sciences du…14.12.2015
Annotating the scholarly literature online by Lilian Nassi-Calò
« The Internet changed totally and irreversibly the way the scholarly literature is published, assessed, disseminated, read, shared and…23.10.2015
New ProQuest Interface Enhancement: Article-level Metrics and Linking
» Last week, we announced the addition of article-level metrics to 360 Link. Today, we are happy…08.06.2015
PlumX Leverages DSpace Communities for Simple Integration
« The integration between PlumX and DSpace makes it simple for DSpace customers to get started quickly to have…28.05.2015
Who’s talking about research? Taylor & Francis Group adds Altmetric to their journals platform
« Taylor & Francis Group today announced the addition of Altmetric data to Taylor & Francis Online and Cogent…28.05.2015
« Ce dossier est la reproduction (avec l’aimable autorisation d’AEF) d’une interview de Thierry Fournier pilote de…11.05.2015
New Easy to Use Artifact-Level Metrics Page
« We are happy to announce a new artifact-level metrics page. An artifact is any piece of research output.23.04.2015
Retour en images sur « Bibliométrie, scientométrie et métriques alternatives : quels outils pour quelles stratégies? ». Journée ADBU
« … La journée a commencé par une mise en perspective sur l’économie des sciences et la scientométrie par Nicolas…20.04.2015
Springer and Altmetric to launch new platform for book impact at the London Book Fair: Bookmetrix
« Springer today announces that it is becoming the first publisher to offer title and chapter level metrics across…20.04.2015