Mot-clé :
EOSC Association publishes reflection paper on Letta report
« (…) Titled, Why EOSC is pivotal for European Competitiveness, the paper elaborates an easy-to-understand narrative for EOSC…26.08.2024
UK Reproducibility Network open and transparent research practices survey dataset
« Openness and transparency in the research process are a prerequisite to the production of high quality research outputs. Efforts to…13.08.2024
Challenges in building Scholarly Knowledge Graphs for research assessment in Open Science
« Open Science has revolutionized scholarly communication and research assessment by introducing research data and software as first-class citizens. Scholarly Knowledge…08.08.2024
Ouvrir ses jeux de données scientifiques (mise à jour)
« La décision d’ouvrir tout ou partie des données issues de travaux de recherche est stratégique. Elle doit être pensée dès…18.06.2024
WDS Joint Statement on Research Data Endorsement Announcement
« World Data System (WDS) is pleased to announce the signing of the Joint Statement on Research Data (joint statement) from…08.04.2024
UK Data Service Annual Report for 2022-23
« (…) The UK Data Service has become more than the principal social science digital repository in the UK as we…25.03.2024
The Research Data Services Landscape at US and Canadian Higher Education Institutions
« Research data services—support offerings which enable and improve data-intensive research—have garnered sustained attention from library research support service providers for…14.03.2024
FAIRness of Research Data in the European Humanities Landscape
« This paper explores the landscape of research data in the humanities in the European context, delving into their diversity and…29.11.2023
STM, DataCite, and Crossref | Joint Statement on Research Data
« In 2012, DataCite and STM drafted an initial joint statement on the linkability and citability of research…13.10.2023
Disappearing repositories — taking an infrastructure perspective on the long-term availability of research data
« Currently, there is limited research investigating the phenomenon of research data repositories being shut down, and the impact this has…23.02.2023
The RDA and Oracle for Research: Collaboration to accelerate data-driven discovery
« The Research Data Alliance (RDA) and Oracle for Research are delighted to announce a…01.02.2023
TRIPLE Delieverable 8.5: Guidelines on the Research Data in the Humanities
« This report focuses on the metadata as a specific type of research data in the humanities by analysing key metadata…27.01.2023
FAIREST: A Framework for Assessing Research Repositories
« The open science movement has gained significant momentum within the last few years. This comes along with the need to…10.01.2023
FAIR Principles for data and AI models in high energy physics research and education
« In recent years, digital object management practices to support findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) have begun to be adopted…10.01.2023
On the long-term archiving of research data
« Accessing research data at any time is what FAIR (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) data sharing aims to achieve at scale.03.01.2023
Opening Research Data: What Does It Mean for Social Sciences?
« Recent international trends demonstrate multilevel efforts to ‘open’ science across its whole ecosystem and lifecycle – from capturing research data…01.12.2022
European Research Data Landscape Final report
« The European Research Data Landscape study looks at researchers’ practices in producing, reusing and depositing data, and in making it…15.11.2022
Research Software vs. Research Data I: Towards a Research Data definition in the Open Science context
« Research Software is a concept that has been only recently clarified. In this paper we address the need for a…24.05.2022
Data integration and FAIR data management in Solid Earth Science
« Integrated use of multidisciplinary data is nowadays a recognized trend in scientific research, in particular in the domain of solid…07.03.2022
Ensuring data and code archive quality: why and how?
« This post was co-written by Dan Bolnick (The American Naturalist, Editor), Tim Vines (DataSeer.ai), Bob Montgomerie (AmNat Data Editor). This…https://comments.amnat.org/2022/03/ensuring-data-and-code-archive-quality.html
Science Europe: Practical Guide to Sustainable Research Data
« This Practical Guide provides guidance to ensure the long-term preservation and accessibility of research data, and supports organisations to provide…05.05.2021
Finland: Open Research Data And Methods. National Policy And Executive Plan By The Higher Education And Research Community For 2021–2025 (.pdf)
« POLICY COMPONENT 1: OPEN ACCESS TO RESEARCH DATA This policy consists of policy components. The first policy component concerns…22.04.2021
The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Association of American Universities (AAU) Issue Guide to Accelerate Public Access to Research Data
« Washington, DC – The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Association of American Universities (AAU) today released a…15.04.2021
Deep Learning meets Knowledge Graphs for Scholarly Data Classification (.pdf)
« The amount of scientific literature continuously grows, which poses an increasing challenge for researchers to manage, find and explore research…02.02.2021
Realising EOSC: Virtual Conference with a Difference
« Some 700 visitors from 45 countries flocked to Realising the European Open Science Cloud, the virtual conference…01.02.2021
A Review of Open Research Data Policies and Practices in China
« This paper initially conducts a literature review and content analysis of the open research data policies in China. Next, a…12.11.2020
Realising the European Open Science Cloud
Monday, November 16, 2020 – 09:00 to Thursday, November 19, 2020 – 13:30 « Help create a FAIR research data…10.11.2020
ESCAPE DIOS: Development and application of an automatic workflow for the replication of scientific data
« The Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) Telescopes (from the Cherenkov Telescope Array – CTA –…16.10.2020
Data Repository Selection: Criteria That Matter
« Representatives from journals, journal publishers and scholarly communication organisations have come together in the FAIRsharing Community…14.10.2020
EOSC-Nordic Certification support seminar on FAIR data
« The group within EOSC-Nordic focusing on FAIR data arranged a plenary webinar on certification support early September for a selected…eosc-nordic.eu, Josefine Nordling, Henrik Jakobsen, 30 septembre 2020
How to make open science work
« Viewpoint: The success of open science depends on protecting academic data from commercial exploitation As open science gains momentum,…21.07.2020
Guidance document on data management, open data and production of Data Management Plans
« This document has been developed in the context of the BiodivScen joint call on Biodiversity Scenarios, as a follow-up on…cordis.europa.eu, BiodivERsA and Belmont Forum, 19 juillet 2020
STM and RDA sign up formally to deeper collaboration
« As part of STM’s continued commitment to boost the effective sharing of research data, it was announced today that it…08.07.2020
How to FAIR: A deep dive into FAIR data
« This website will take you on a deep dive into the subject matter of FAIR research data. Over the course…06.07.2020
When are researchers willing to share their data? – Impacts of values and uncertainty on open data in academia
« (…) In this study, we emphasized the non-technical factors perceived value and uncertainty factors in the context of academia, which…18.06.2020
Save the date: September 24, Open day on Open Science 2020: Drop your data FAIR
« September 24th, DANS organizes an Open day on Open Science together with Promovendi Netwerk Nederland, Horizon2020 project OpenAIRE and Open…28.05.2020
DFG, German Research Foundation: National Research Data Infrastructure – 2020 Call for Consortia Proposals (Round Two)
« The German federal and state governments reached an agreement in November 2018 to establish a national research data infrastructure (NFDI).03.03.2020
LIBER Webinar: Research Data – What To Keep?
« What to keep in terms of research data has been a recognised issue for some time but research data management…zenodo.org, Beagrie, Neil, 2 mars 2020, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3693691
Patterns for searching data on the web across different research communities
« Being a concept quite familiar in the domain of information retrieval, data search in a web based environment has recently…24.12.2019
EOSC. ESFRI Cluster Projects. RDA: Connecting commonalities and collaborative solutions for community research data services
« On 21 October, during the Research Data Alliance Plenary Meeting in Helsinki, SSHOC invited representatives from EOSC, the European Strategy…11.10.2019
Challenges and Opportunities for Scientific Research Data Management and Sharing Services in Chinese Library Community (.pdf)
« Based on the three models of research data publishing, this paper presents an investigation and analysis of Chinese research data…28.08.2019
DMP inspiration down under
« I’ve had a number of inspiring DMP discussions over the last few weeks, both Australian and European based. (…)…20.03.2019
The Time Efficiency Gain in Sharing and Reuse of Research Data
« Among the frequently stated benefits of sharing research data are time efficiency or increased productivity. The assumption is that reuse…20.02.2019
« For the past couple of months, a team of PARTHENOS project members has been working in close collaboration on the…06.02.2019
Delivering Research Data Management Solutions to suit your needs
« Following two grants from the European Commission that have enabled to lay out the foundations for the EUDAT Collaborative Data…06.02.2019
Methods to Evaluate Lifecycle Models for Research Data Management
« Lifecycle models for research data are often abstract and simple. This comes at the danger of oversimplifying the complex concepts…arxiv.org, Tobias Weber, Dieter Kranzlmüller, 1 février 2019, arXiv:1901.11267
Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things
« The Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Global Sprint was held online over the course of two-days (29-30 November 2018),…07.11.2018
Turning FAIR into Reality: Final outcomes from the European Commission FAIR Data Expert Group [diaporama]
« A multi-speaker presentation given by the European Commission FAIR Data Expert Group at ScieDataCon as part of International Data Week…29.06.2018
A Conceptual Enterprise Framework for Managing Scientific Data Stewardship
« Scientific data stewardship is an important part of long-term preservation and the use/reuse of digital research data. It is critical…03.10.2017
OCLC: The Realities of Research Data Management – Part Two: Scoping the University RDM Service Bundle
« The Realities of Research Data Management is a four-part series that explores how research universities are addressing the challenge of…oclc.org, Rebecca Bryant, Brian Lavoie, Constance Malpas, septembre 2017
Dutch Techcenter For Life Sciences (DTL): The FAIR Data Principles explained
« These webpages provide an actionable list of the 15 FAIR Data Principles as a simple guide when…12.06.2017
Inventory of Research Data Management Services in France
« Data has become more and more ubiquitous in the research context. As a result, a growing number of services are…ebooks.iospress.nl, Violaine Rebouillat, 2017, DOI 10.3233/978-1-61499-769-6-174
OCLC: The realities of Research Data Management
« The Realities of Research Data Management is a four-part series that explores how research universities are addressing the challenge of…oclc.org, Bryant, Rebecca, Brian Lavoie, Constance Malpas. 2017
LIBER: Webinar video: Are the FAIR data guidelines really fair?
« The FAIR Data Principles are a hot topic in research data management. Their adoption within the H2020 funding programme means…01.03.2017
Research Data Services in European Academic Research Libraries
(…) This article presents the results of a survey of directors of the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER) academic…liberquarterly.eu, Carol Tenopir, Sanna Talja, Wolfram Horstmann et al., 14 février 2017
A l’épreuve de l’hétérogénéité : données de recherche et interdisciplinarité : L’exemple du projet européen IPERION-CH
« Avec la mise en place de grandes infrastructures de recherche en sciences du patrimoine comme E-RIHS, on rassemble…06.09.2016
Allemagne : Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures’ publishes recommendations on RDM structures and processes
« In June, the German Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures (RfII) has published some recommendations on determinats of…29.06.2016
Research Data in Current Research Information Systems
« The paper provides an overview of recent research and publications on the integration of research data in Current…archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr, Joachim Schöpfel, Hélène Prost, Violaine Rebouillat, 16 juin 2016
Training for Research Data Management: Comparative European Approaches
« (…) At the end of 2015, KE initiated a project to compare approaches in RDM training within the…11.03.2016
Identifying and Improving Dataset References in Social Sciences Full Texts
« Scientific full text papers are usually stored in separate places than their underlying research datasets. Authors typically make…arxiv, Behnam Ghavimi, Philipp Mayr, Sahar Vahdati, Christoph Lange, 6 mars 2016